Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Festering Familial Wounds

Sitting at the desk within the room I was given aboard the Tribunal Station, my fingers just sat on the key's as I was almost dumbfounded. Unable to procure a message that I wanted to write. The blank screen in front of my eyes had a cursor that continued to blink, and let me know that not a single word was written past "Asha," as an introduction. The forming of a letter had been started, but that was it. Hovering there with nowhere else to go. Its name of the woman who had hosted a gathering for Je'daii. My teachings of the religious aspects were all previously done by old texts that had once belonged to my cousin.

The man who had once been the Steward of Vur Tepe under a gather some time ago, was now ostracized from my family. His... actions were... wrong, but I still pitied the man. I was unsure of where he had gone. All knowledge of him, his transformation, the leading of a Death Cult, and becoming one of the Inquisitors of the New Imperial Order. In fact, he had gone by the term "Second Brother." A man who I had looked up to, for forging so many relics of my family, for the correction of his own uncle and father. He attempted to bring Nickolas to justice, and in doing so, brought the Imura Family into the light.

It was his fall.. and subsequent cleansing of our family that caused me, the last Imura of Blood, to become to be the last. Knowing that he was once a Je'daii, and knowing that Asha had once been a Jedi before, as writings Ignis had talked of such a person who he had grown fond of for a time, that was before he had aided a young woman of Sahna Te. Whom he fell madly in love with. Pieces started to fall into place with the writings he had sent back home, and that of what transpired here since my joining of the others upon Tribunal Station.

Standing up, I just walked over to the center of the room, and removed a holocommunicator from my pocket. Turning it on and called Asha. It was stagnant for a bit, but when a bust of her showed up in the hologram blue tone, I spoke with haste.

"Do you mind meeting me in the Garden? I just... I have questions that I would like answered."

Mentally, I kicked myself in the rear. I spoke just openly without stating a hello, or saying anything of an introduction. Hell, I didn't even bow like customs of my people. While it had been engrained in my head since childhood to do so, I have grown lax in such actions due to how others seemed to operate on a much more informal tone. Shaking my head, I knew she could tell I was nervous, but I continued anyways.

"Sorry, I should have made an introduction or bowed. The questions I have are eating and festering. I... I want to solve them."

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Blink. Blink. Blink.
From the corner of her eye, Asha could see the holo-projector flashing to get her attention. It lay upon the ground, in the grass by her knee, as she sat within the great gardens and read from a book. Something she had procured following a visit to Coronet City on Corellia, about the great Mist-Weavers. She had discovered, in her hunt for such, that there wasn't too much documentation left following the Plague and Darkness.
But then, there hadn't been much of anything left.
Blink. Blink. Blink. Bli-
She picked up the device, and answered the call. A projection rose up of A+OM A+OM and before she could say anything he broke the miniscule amount of silence between them with a hasty request. Then, apparently realizing that wasn't how you started a call, he backpeddled and apologized.
Throughout it all, Asha merely smiled.
"Calm, friend. Time is not running short. Of course, I'll meet you in the Gardens."
Nevermind the fact that she was already there.
As the call ended, Asha settled her book down where the device had been and stretched out her limbs. Then she rose, and rummaged through her pack for a few things. If they were to sit and talk, they might as well have tea after all.
Asha was calm, and she seemed... tired? Her expression was one that shows understanding, but at the same time, was a little slow. Either way, I bowed my head to her blue frame within my hand. Noticing that she mentioned an aspect of time never running short. She sounded just like my mother. Her own phrase being along the lines of, "Time is never short. It is always where it is meant to be." While I could understand some aspects, it always perplexed me on some form. Either way, my head lifted with a response to her.

"Thank you for on such short notice. I shall meet you there."

I waited for a moment, not really paying attention for any response, but found that the Holocommunication was now broken. The normal light of the room kept to myself. No alteration of blue lights. It occurred to me, that Asha was... seemingly younger than myself, yet had a wealth of knowledge that far surpassed mine. I had grown in a family that taught me many things. Honor, Diligence, The force, Shaping, Martial Arts, Swordsmanship, languages. Yet, all of that seemed to almost not compare to that singular line she spoke to me. She knew more than she was letting on, and stayed silent.

Knowledge is a blessing, just as much as it is a curse.

A phrase my mother would say as well. She knew well before I did, that the... other side of the family was not doing so well. With this, I had hoped that things could change. Maybe learning more of this other side, Ignis and his quest to cleanse that would be dishonor of Nickolas, would give me more insight into what I must do.

Gathering myself, I shook my head. Clearing my thoughts. Focusing upon the current within my mind. The flow of water as it could sooth any soul, yet be chaotic enough to destroy masses. A calm center, of a Storm. Once I had done so, I left behind my blade, and opted to stay only dressed in my cultures robes. Putting my hair up into a bun native to my people, and walked out.

My hands folded within the sleeves of the robes, A nice saunter brought me through the halls, finally leading to the Garden. It was not difficult to find the Je'daii. The flow of the current moved through and around her with elegance. Undisturbed, yet increasing the flow around her. As though everything seemed to drift about her.


Bowing my head before her again, I seemed to be going a little overboard now, but I couldn't care anymore. My earlier haste would be corrected with formalities now.

"You were with the previous collection of Je'daii correct?"

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Asha did not look up at his arrival, as the scent of tea wafted through the air alongside thin strands of steam.
Their grassy table had already been set. Two cups sat upon the ground, just as she did, and as he approached she gently poured the one furthest from her. Her beloved teapot had done the infusing, the leaves her own blend. It was a rarity that she got to use both in tandem these days, but she had decided that this was the time for it.
With a gesture of her hand she bade him to sit, and only then did she flick her gaze up. She offered him a smile.
"Ra'syn," she greeted, with a bow of her head, as she waited for him to accept her hospitality and take a sip from the cup. Until he had, she would not pour her own cup.
"You are correct."
She knew where this was going, of course, how could she not? She had been anticipating this moment from the offset, since they'd first converged here. Truth be told she had expected him to come to her sooner, certainly his strength of will was mighty.
But she would not take the ball from his court, she would not remove the power he held over the words he wished to speak. So she did not allude to her knowing what he sought of her. Instead she patiently waited for him to speak.
She indicated for me to sit with her. From that alone, I knew it may be a little bit of a story. She knew where I was headed. To be honest, it wasn't difficult to see the similarities in us. We were cousins, and... Nevermind. Moving to sit down with her, she had poured tea from her kettle. Which, was quite interesting to say in the least. It was a unique artifact of the force. I could feel the current flowing around and through it in such a strange way. It was a calming wave of ripples that came from it. There was something... alluring about it though. Instead of fretting about it, I took the tea cup with both hands. Holding it like many of my culture would. Feeling the warmth through the vessel as it came close to my lips. Blowing gingerly upon it before tasting it.

She answered me with a vague but knowing tone. She knew well where this was going to be heading. And so, I took a breath after having a couple sips of her tea. Allowing her to pour a cup for herself and enjoy her own tea. Holding the tea cup in both hands still, letting the warmth radiate into my hands, I started with a calm and easy tone.

"I have a feeling we both know what I am asking for. So I won't beat around the bush."

A slow breath was taken in and released in a deep and almost depressed sigh.

"Ignis, a former member of your enclave is my cousin. He... He and Sahna Te, moved to Kro Var to deal with an uprising within our family. One that was.... stressful for both of them. I do not know if you have this information previously, but Sahna was due to have the legacy of the Ignis. It was complications of Togruta and Variese genetics that made it extremely difficult for them. These complications prematurely ended the lives of Ignis's beloved wife and child."

Letting this sit in for a moment, I elected to take a couple sips of my drink. While she knew both of these members, I knew not if she knew of their deaths and... other unfortunate circumstances.

"I hate to say this, but the death of his love caused Ignis to fall off the deep end. He... blamed everyone. Unchecked, his anger was a fuel for his past to rise and he... he killed many innocents of our family. In our culture, we have Dynasties. I am... the last possible choice of a lord of our dynasty. Direct blood that can become a lord of our Imura Dynasty. He has gone... years now without consequence for his actions. And its a large reason why I am here."

It was finally, now, that I set down the cup. Leaving the warm, nearly empty cup there as I placed my hands on my knees. Leaning forward slightly. All of this weighed heavily upon me. I was admitting something that I had not told anyone.

"I looked up to my cousin. He was a hero for many of us. Righting the wrongs of his Uncle and Father, unifying our family under one banner once more. Even making it accepted of outsiders into our family. He was my inspiration for many years. I... heh. I stole tomes and holocrons that he had of information pertaining to the Je'daii. I have seen the weapons he created through his tenure here as a Steward of Vur Tepe. Beautiful as they are deadly. But to see him... fall... I... I guess I have to follow his steps. Learned what caused him to reach his breaking point. I came here to thank you for accepting me into your enclave, but also to ask a favor I may never be able to repay you for."

Looking up at her, my frame adjusted to right itself. Sitting straight. As though everything suddenly became extremely formal with my request.

"May I have your help in finding Ignis, and return him to the light?"

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Asha made no attempts at containing the waves of grief which washed over her as Ra'syn informed her of Sahna Te's fate.
When the Je'daii had scattered at the disassembling of the council, she had done her best to keep track of those she could. But it was no easy feat in a Galaxy so large, when it came to Force users who knew how to hide. The cup which she had lifted into her hands shook lightly, before she settled it to the grass lest she drop it entirely.
For a moment, in a lull in their conversation, she seemed to zone out entirely. In fact her eyes glazed over and seemed to turn a far lighter shade of green, almost white. Her lips moved soundlessly as she flowed through the Force, and sought the truth of the matter upon its strands. Seeking, seeking, and then a breathless gasp.
With a blink she was back, eyes returning to their usual shade. A series of stray tears fell, and for once she didn't try to brush them away. Allowing them to linger upon her cheeks. For one who was usually far more stoic it was a strange sight to behold, but she owed mother and child that much.
"I am... So sorry. I did not know. How did I not realize?"
She tried to think back to that time, but it was all a blur. Before the fall of the Order she'd been caught in an explosion upon Nar Shaddaa, had spent many moons away on Atrisia with Vik trying to regain her sight and her hearing. Had it been then? Had she been so caught up in her own futility that she'd missed it?
Though the ache she felt was not comparable to that which had washed over her in the aftermath of Jyn's demise, it was no less impactful. She heard the rest of the words the man spoke, but she felt disconnected from them. It wasn't until she forced herself to take a sip of the tea that the fog in her brain began to lift, as its soothing effects came into play and eased away some of the shock.
She had never imagined she'd need to use the teapots powers for herself.
Asha let out a small exhale, and then finally met his gaze once more. A question was put between them, and for a moment all she could do was slowly nod her head. More of the fog lifted, she swallowed back some of the guilt she felt, and then she nodded once. Firmer this time.
"Of course. Yes, I will help you. Whatever I can do to right this..."
It was unmistakable. She knew Sahna and Ignis well. Speaking so quickly of my own ambitions, yet she was still dealing with the grief of losing not just friends, but family. She didn't look like the type to be staying in one place for very long. As someone who was tied to the station we resided on, the previous Je'daii Council disbanded. Hence one of the reasons why Ignis had returned to Kro Var with his wife in arm. Asha... loved them. the news of their... fate almost backhanded her.

She accepted. She wanted to right the wrongs that were within the galaxy.

From what Cotan spoke of her, while very little, I knew that she was not someone who was a bystander. She fell under no spell that would prevent her from taking action for something like this. I elected to do something for her that might mean a lot to her. Slowly, with a gentle hand, I reached into my robes. Searching for a moment before removing what I needed. In a closed fist, I presented it to her.

"Of all the people that would understand this... pain. I took this from our home. It needs to be with someone where it will mean something. Rather than just being something pretty to look at."

Opening my hand, it was a string of jewels and beads. A fairly long strand that used to be connected to something. Indicating for her to take it, I elaborated on what it was.

"Sahna wore a crown of her culture. Upon it were strands of beads and jewels that were significant to the Togruta. They do not belong hiding away on a backwater planet. They belong with people who know its significance."

Asha was going to be, dealing with grief of the loss. Two beautiful beings of the universe were lost to us. While I have had years to deal with such, she had only just learned moments ago. This festering wound that the Imura have upon them. The one outsider we had accepted, their image, was smothered in the violent act of a man who fell to the darkness of the force. While I was without tears, or any flux of emotions due to this, I knew Asha would be dealing with such. Without even asking, I reached forward, picking up gently the tea pot, using two hands to gently pour the woman another cup.

I could feel the soothing flows of the relic. Tied to the force in a unique fashion. As such, I hoped that this action would aid her just as much as it may myself. Leaving my own cup nearly empty, I gently sat the pot back down. Making sure to let the handle stay upright in case she wanted to move it later.

"I- I don't have a straightforward path which I can follow. Thank you for any support you can give. Just.."

No other words came to my lips. While I had dealt with my family's deaths on my own, being the literal last of my name, I knew not what to say in order to comfort Asha. Instead, I opted to just be here. Some company so that should she need something, someone, would be here.

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It was as though she had been struck with a second blow, which wrought the air from her lungs, as he pulled forth the string of beads. She didn't need him to explain what they were or their significance, she knew by appearance alone what they were. His words simply solidified it for her. Her expression dropped, though she did reach out to take them all the same. She cradled them in her hands.
"Thank you," she breathed. She had not expected to find so much grief when she agreed to meet with him. It was strange to be so open in front of a stranger, to be so vulnerable, but it was impossible to be any other way. Truth be told she wanted nothing more than to run and find Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor and the comfort he brought by merely being in her presence, but she didn't. She held firm for now.
Asha nodded her head when he explained how little they had to go on, and finally lifted a hand to wipe her face. The beads were settled into her lap first, and afterwards she took the offered tea and sipped it. Felt its warmth through her body, and continual soothing effects.
"Do you have anything of his?" she asked, trying to force her mind back on track to the task at hand. "I might be able to catch wind of his trail if so."
There were methods she could use to find him, but she needed information first.
Another smack to the face. It seemed all I could bring to the table for Asha was pain and agony. To know that her dear friend had fallen, his wife's passing, and not knowing what state he may be in. It pained me to see Asha, a woman who I had come to understand as a person who held well, to be in this state. It was a surprise for me to find Cotan and Asha together, but in the short time I have been around her, she was... a wealth of knowledge that came from personal pain. Seeing her go through this, meant she was learning just as much as I.

However, what surprised me, is the sudden turn to a serious aspect. She could maybe discover where he was through an object? Being able to catch wind of his trail by her own words. Sighing, I wanted to reveal what I had of his. A weapon and tool that was painful for me to even hold. However, I decided it was for the best. Holding my hand out, it was closed, as though I were holding a scroll within. However, it took some concentration to return it to my hand, I found its essence within the force. Finding the ripples it created and broke. As if a ripple of the illusion was broken, A saber was within my hand.

A Forcesaber. Weapons constructed long ago that brought the end of the Je'daii Order as a catalyst for its fall. Its extremely dark nature could easily be felt. The lives it had killed echoed in my head as I held it out between us. Gently, I sat it down.

"I had found this in a custom A-wing he had within New Imperial Order Space. I know he was tied to them for a time, but how much I have no clue. I- I dare not use it. I feel its pain."

While I held onto hope for being able to find him, I didn't want to put Asha through more pain. However, she was a grown woman, and could make that decision for herself.

"I do not need to find him now. There is much I need to prepare before facing him. I fear he- whatever he is now, will resort to violence. I need to be ready for that chance. Nor do I want to alert him that we are trying to find him. He may have a connection to this."

I wanted to let her know that this weapon was in my control, but I knew not what it could do, or act like. Nor do I want Ignis to know that we are searching for him. It would allow him to prepare a defense that we may not be able to break if we do so. We needed every advantage we could get.

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He wasn't ready for the answers she knew she could provided him, if enough time was given. He wanted her support in this, but not yet. And that was fine, there was no shame until waiting until one was ready, prepared for the worst. So she nodded her head solemnly, and refrained from taking hold of the weapon he held out. The Force Saber.
"When you are ready, when the time comes to seek him out, bring this to me. I will do what needs to be done to find him. Until then, know that I will aid you when you need me."
She refilled his cup, and then took up the string of beads once more as she regarded them silently for a time. Tried to conceive a way that she could carry them upon her person without risking their integrity. To hold the one she had come to know as a friend near and dear. It would take time for her to adjust to the knowledge she had been presented with this day, she would require meditation within the Force to come to terms with the loss. But time was something she certainly had in abundance.
"Is there anything else that I can assist you with, Ra'syn? That the Je'daii can help you with? Do you plan on carrying out your Journey with us?"
She did not wish for them to leave on such somber terms, and truth be told she hadn't had much of a chance to ask him about his purpose here. That was something she wished to remedy; the more she knew, the more she could help to nurture those of the Order in their chosen paths.
The teachings of the Je'daii. Balance, Moderation, and the scales of grey in which they operated in were ones that tied to my own thoughts of not just the force, but also of life in general. I won't deny that maybe my life has already been influenced by how I had stolen some writings from Ignis, and the idea of the force has always been a thought provoking aspect for me. However, having the chance now to be part of the Je'daii and learning from actual members, going through this Journey was... an honor that rare few get. Knowing that Ignis went through this, I knew I had to follow in his footsteps. Not to go down the same path, but to learn from his mistakes. There was little choice for me.

"I do wish to take part as a Journeyer. With information of the Je'daii being brought to our... dynasty, many of us follow those ideals. Learning from those who are here would be an opportunity that I will not pass up."

I decided to let her last words of accepting that I was not ready to face Ignis at this time, I took a hold of the forcesaber while I spoke. Once more, it faded into a shade and into the very air itself. Being hidden through my very weak-attempts of the current. A skill I was hoping to learn more of at a later date. For now, it was just a social call between myself and the Master of the Je'daii Order. Asha.

Indicating the sword at my side that I always carried with me, I began to speak once more.

"I do have a force blade of Je'daii make. However, it is not my own. I do wish to replace it with one that would be better suited to me. Until then, I will learn all I can from whatever teachings you, Cotan, or others can offer me. For I intend to be a sponge to absorb all the knowledge I can."

It was a notation of what was before me. I knew that Vur Tepe was the school that Ignis had been a part of, and while I knew not what I wanted to be tied to yet, I knew that I would have to follow those steps one day. For now, it was other lessons of the force that I needed to catch up on. Or maybe, teach a class of my own. As some used that for reaching the requirements set forth by Rangers, and Masters of the Order.

Lief Lief

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