Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fenrir Connolly

Fenrir- 'The Hunter'

"I always get my target, and I get them on my terms."

NAME: Give your character a name, even if it might not be their real one. Remember, be original and don't use canon names unless they are Mandalorian names such as Ordo, etc.


SPECIES: Star Wars is filled with many different species, so choose wisely.

AGE: 25

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 160 pounds

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Short, black

SKIN: Pale white



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Hunting/Sniping ++++


Cooking/Survival/CQC/Weapon and armor upkeep ++


-Very Mildly prejudiced
--Alchoholic, Horrible at Sneaking in close quarters, often cuts all ties when he views himself as having failed
---Diplomatically inept, Stubborn
----Prone to fits of rage that few can control him from.

Short black hair, full cheeks, broad chin, bulbous nose. Usually sporting a trimmed beard. Blue eyes, medium body build for his short height. Any armor he has for a long period of time is painted black


Fenrir Connolly grew up in the cold north of an outer rim world, mainly inhabited by the Connolly Clan due to it’s fierce wild life and harsh conditions. A rival clan, known was the Vak Clan grew jealous at Fenrir’s father, the current Connolly Clan leader, winning the recent great hunt. With their superior numbers and firepower, the Vak descended upon the village. Those who were able to put up a fight after the intial barrage of artillery were cut down by the following massive wave of landing troops. The wounded and hiding survivors, including the women and children, were rounded up and slaughtered so no one would breathe a word of what had transpired. Fenrir escaped this fate when his father sent him away in his personal hidden ship. His father stayed behind to buy his son time. After days adrift, he was found by a group of bounty hunters, and bargained for safety and training in exchange for his ship. Fenrir spent many years learning from the bounty hunters, aquiring numerous skills. In a fatal final mission, he lost control when they were attempting to capture a Vak clan member, and his actions resulted in the death of a fellow hunter. He was exiled from his group, and found his way to a jedi and sith couple, who found he had some minor force ability. He spent even more years learning to harness this ability. The couple were found out by imperial intelligence, and a Sith kill team was dispatched to end their forbidden union. The couple fought bravely, and Fenrir stood with them, finally feeling like he'd found a home, but as more Sith arrived, Fenrir lost his home a second time. The couple forced him into an emergency escape craft, and yet again, he was forced to watch as people died so that he could live. Broken and unsure of where to go, and now seeks to avenge his clan by slaughtering the Vak and the Sith. He hopes to someday rebuild his clan, but that is merely a pipe dream.






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