Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Felix Gynt

Felix Gynt


NAME: Felix Gynt
FACTION: Galactic Alliance
RANK: Jedi Padawan
SPECIES: Nautolan
AGE: 19
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 165 lbs
EYES: Dark Orbs
SKIN: Green

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Racial Traits:
Nautolans have an array of advantages naturally. Lowlight vision; increased swim speed; a strong endoskeleton; multiple hearts; and the ability to read people's pheromones. Though the latter was best used underwater.

Dueling: While still a padawan, Felix has shown an incredible aptitude for lightsaber combat. He will get much better as he hones his abilities.

Artistic: Felix is known to carry a sketchbook with him and can be caught drawing between studying and going on missions.


Youth: Being so young, Felix is a little naiive and immature. He has a lot to learn about the galaxy outside of the Jedi Temple.

Brash: Felix has had an issue with his anger in the past, something his former master helped him work on. However since his death, and in general, he has had a tough time controlling it.

No Mastery: While Felix has learned a lot of the basics of lightsaber combat and basic Force powers, he has yet to narrow down and select a specialty.

Felix appears as the typical young adult Nautolan. Having grown up amongst the Jedi, his physique is toned and strong. He is usually covered in his Jedi robes, but when he is dressed casual he like to express his artistic side through his clothes. He has even fashioned his version of his 'padawan braid' as a custom wrap he put over one of his head-tails.

Born on the planet Glee Anselm, Felix's parents lived a very typical life. His father was an educator and his mother stayed at home to help raise him. After he was a little older than a toddler, he was taken by the Jedi to become a youngling at the temple in Coruscant. His parents were reluctant to send him, but they didn't have much of a choice. This was where Felix got his first name. The Jedi who took him overheard his parents speaking in their native tongue and referring to their child, and his lack of understanding thought they were calling him Felix. They kept his last name though, Gynt, because it was the same surname as a very famous Jedi dynasty.

Felix arrived at the Jedi temple and grew up among the Jedi there. He idolized the Jedi Masters he saw everyday and vowed to himself that one day he would become one himself. It wouldn't be too many years before he was taken as a padawan. At the age of ten- very young by Jedi standards, he was taken in as a padawan by a Jedi Master who had taken an interest in the young Felix. He was a Anselmi hailing from the same planet Felix was from, Felix thought it was partially due to guilt for how his master's kind had treated the Nautolan people in the past.

This Jedi Master, Master Vish Hallen, trained Felix in the basics of the Jedi. He spent nearly the next decade of his life with his master. He had excelled in lightsaber combat and negotiation, due to his ability to read pheromones. Master Vish had started to train him to take on missions shortly before his untimely death.

Master Vish died during an ambush on a planet the two were visiting as apart of Felix's training. A Sith Lord had set a trap for the two of them, resulting in the death of Felix's Jedi Master. The council wasn't sure what to do with the Nautolan padawan after as he had displayed very strong emotions during his grieving process. He was resilient, though, and did not fall to the dark side. However, the council believed he needed time before taking a new master and put him on less official duties. He spent a few months in the mess halls of republic cruisers, or being a guest relations liaison.

The time was coming for the council to give him another shot however, and they promised soon they would put him with a new Jedi Master. One who would be able to finish Felix's training and help him develop the strength to withstand the temptations of his emotions.

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