Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Felix DuChat


NAME: Felix DuChat
FACTION: none yet.
RANK: very. ….err I mean none.
SPECIES: Togorian
AGE: young adult (early to mid twenties)
SEX: male
HEIGHT: just under two meters
WEIGHT: A bit over 90 kilograms
EYES: bright blue
HAIR: dirty white
SKIN: completely covered in tan and white fur
DISTINGUISHING FEATURE: only has a stub of a tail
FORCE SENSITIVE: yes but isn’t aware of it
*Pilot – a natural pilot, Felix can fly just about anything. Of course, his familiarity with the Celestial Pearl means he fly her better than any other craft in existence
*Agility – although he doesn’t know it, the Force is strong in Felix allowing him to jump, recover from falls, and generally move, much better than those not using the Force
*Luck – things seem to just go right for Felix, especially when his emotions are running high. This is, of course, a manifestation of his Force sensitivity
*Talks the talk – thanks to his extensive travels, Felix has learned to speak, read, and write in several languages
*Mechanical skill… or lack thereof – having spent the majority of his life aboard the Celestial Pearl, Felix has learned to repair it fairly well, however, his mechanical skill is limited strictly to the Celestial Pearl. He cannot fix anything else; he can’t apply what he knows about the Pearl to anything else, he doesn’t even know the proper names for any of the parts or tools used to repair the Pearl.
*Deep, dark, secrets – Felix doesn’t talk about his past and often slips into a morose mood that incapacitates him for days. As he comes out of such moods, he tends to be irritable making careless mistakes and bad choices until fully recovered.
*Two for the price of one - Felix has accepted responsibility for Kit'Ara, his ward and companion. He would literally die for her.

*Short for a Togorian, Felix carries himself with a confidence that makes him seem taller.
*His tan and white fur is accented by bright blue eyes and his choice of nature tones in his clothing.
*Years ago, Felix lost his tail. The remaining stub is so small that it is virtually nonexistent.
*Usually carries a blaster at his side and a vibroblade in his boot.

Felix seldom speaks of his past, and even less of his parents. We know that the DuChats were (are?) wanders who never stayed in one place very long. During their wanders, the picked up a youngling, Kit'Ara, who still travels with Felix. We also know that Felix lost his tail not long after Kit'Ara was adopted into his family. Unfortunately, on the rare occasion that someone asks how he lost his tail, he either doesn't answer or gives a different answer from the last time. Even less is known about his parents as neither he nor Kit'Ara are willing to talk about them at all.

Felix flies the Celestial Pearl, a modified YT-1930 that has served as home to the DuChat family for generations.
KILLS: none… yet
ROLE-PLAYS: none… yet

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