Onikka Abba
The Wild Maneater

O'Nikka woke up in a sweat, the temperature around her had drastically changed from a gentle cool to a thick and hot air. While in her Humanoid form she gently tip toed to one of the shattered windows in the ship. Her acute eyes searched the area for any tell-all signs of the common predators roaming within the area at this time. Despite her early awakening, O'Nikka's well-developed senses were already in play. She was almost satisfied that this day would start with a hunt but there was something else in the air.
It smelt familiar, much like her own. Her eyebrows creased and she lifted her nose up once more time, her nostrils flared before she had to discover what and where it was coming from in the first place. O'Nikka knew it would be dangerous to find herself tracking an unknown smell. Though, there was a possibility that it was an creature of prey or another sentient that could be taken down.
On an empty stomach and on the brink of starvation, it was worth looking into. Tapping twice on the window, she then exited the ship. O'Nikka shifted and began clawing her way down the tree that held the shelter. Anyone could admit that getting up the tree was much more easier than coming down from it. Her large claws hooked themselves into the thick bark, eventually having to drop the rest of the way down. The gentle sound of exotic birds chirped above her head.
O'Nikka's ears flickered as she listened, one wrong move and the next thing she knows is there is a large Drexl on her instead. For now she would have her muscled body to appear as slim and as small as possible. It was much safer to keep a low profile then to stomp around the jungle trees, allowing ever presence to become aware of you. Her nose flared once more, taking in a strong scent. Slowly she lowered her head to the moist ground and looked for distinct markings or a trail left behind.
Though, it was not that hard to track when the previous day it had rained, making the soils and dirt easy to mold, and the hot sun preserving the prints. Unless they were covered up of course. It was more likely to be a sentient being if it was smart enough to do that. The more she moved, silent and deadly, the stronger the sent became. Before long she would know exactly what it was.