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Rave Inc. - T3RR0R 3RR0R


Name: Faye
Age: 3 Months
Faction: Outer Rim Coalition, The Rebel Alliance
Rank: Warrior
Homeworld: Terminus

Species: Droid
Gender: Female
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 250 lbs
Force-Sensitive: No


Faye comes across as a feisty young woman with boundless energy. Since she has no need for sleep, this may as well be true. She is sociable and likes to make new friends. Having been created only months ago, she is still processing the complexity of the wider galaxy. She is naive and unambiguous in terms of her morality, seeing users of the Dark Side as irredeemably evil and everyone else as good.

An android with female programming, Faye was designed to protect those who cannot defend themselves, namely her creator, Sebastian. While Faye’s programming makes her incapable of harming Thel under any circumstances, she experiences conflict in her bond towards him. Her programming is so refined, she is able to experience independent thought and as a result, often desires goals which are against Sebastian’s intentions.

Faye loves electronic music, at least on an aesthetic level, and wishes to be a famous singer. When she is not fighting, she can be found hanging out at raves and singing in clubs. While she likes dancing, her heavy frame prevents her from performing any dexterous activities. Designed as a combatant, she cannot process calculations or any advanced mathematics.

When fighting, Faye avoids killing at all costs unless the life of an innocent depends on it. While she does not necessarily enjoy fighting and views it only as a profession, she will engage an enemy in combat if they threaten the life of somebody else. In combat, she is a terrifying sight to behold and can easily crush an organic under her heavy chassis. Harming an innocent is enough to enrage her and set her systems to attack mode.


Appearance and Tech

Although Faye has a human design, she is technically not a human replica droid, as she does not have synthetic flesh or skin to cover her circuitry. Instead, she was designed with durasteel plating which makes up her chassis and covers the areas where a human's skin would be. Her chassis is pale silver and reflects beneath light.

Faye's mechanical joints are visible between the plates which make up her bone structure and can be seen as she moves. The wiring in her waist is also visible and can be seen moving as she walks. Her hands and lower arms expand into miniature vibroblades, with the joints in her hands and wrists left visible. She is tall and slender, with no need for dense muscles due to her strong, durasteel exoskeleton.

Faye has synthetic black hair with silver streaks. She usually wears her hair in high ponytails, or often in dreadlocks. She can modify her hair as she wishes and sometimes implants plastic tubes in her scalp. Her irises are black and encircled with glowing, blue rings. On the back of her neck, Faye has a port, into which leads can be plugged to transfer data into her memory bank.

Faye wears normally wears a black, lycra vest with fishnet sleeves, which shows her midsection and tight black pants. She wears blue, fluffy boots and a flared mini-skirt made of PVC leather under casual circumstances. The wiring between her cheeks and chin can be seen between the durasteel plates of her face and move when she talks.


Strengths and Weaknesses

Engineered as a melee combatant, Faye is a formidable user of the vibrosword, as well the retractable blades concealed within her arms. Her chassis is made from durasteel, making her heavy and strong. Punching her is going to hurt. In turn, she can shrug off any blow from an organic.

Faye is immune to temperatures and can wear little clothing in the most freezing climates. She can withstand fire and does not require nutrients. However, she requires routine maintenance to keep her memory functioning properly. While Faye can survive fire, her hair will simply melt away and need replacing.

Since the wiring in Faye's joints is not covered, it can be cut with blades or damaged by blasters if an opponent aims well enough. While she can survive being cut in half or beheaded, she will be removed from combat and need to be repaired. She is not designed for complex calculations and cannot process mathematical problems. Her primary function is combat.

As a droid, Faye is highly vulnerable to ion weapons and electricity. If she is hit with Force lightning, she will likely be seriously damaged and require extensive repairs. Her heavy frame causes her to move slowly and makes dexterous actions difficult. Faye is gullible and habitually trusting of anybody, with the exception of Dark Side users.

The product of genius and many years of isolation, Faye is Sebastian Thel's masterpiece. After being beaten up by pirates and thugs at every turn of the galaxy, the young scientist set about to design a droid who could serve as both a bodyguard and friendly companion.

To be completed.

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