Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fall from the Light


Ebon sat in the darkness of the bunker his makeshift crew of space pirates had made their home. It's dank atmosphere was intoxicating, filling every sense he had with something deplorable and overbearing. The sith simply flared his nostrils in a stale attempt at showing unease. Quietly, he stood up and moved towards the wall, on it he flicked the main breaker of the room he was in.

As the lights clicked on in loud sequences only a few seconds from the last, the light's overbearing nature flooded the near empty domed room, it's circular walls looking more like an auditorium without stands. In the center of the room, chained to a post, was [member="Coryn Raxis"], the fallen Jedi Padawan captured on Bosph. Ebon took a special interest in him after witnessing what power he had, and he'd finely tune this creature into the being he so chose.

The black robes Ebon wore jostled as he moved towards Raxis, still chained to the post in the center of the room. He kneeled down the passed out padawan and offered a few gentle slaps to his jaw to test his consciousness.

"Wake up, Acolyte. It's time for you to fall."

The darkness was overbearing and all consuming, it surrounded him and assaulted every sense. It had succeeded in capturing, and crippling him as it had said it would so many times before. He didn't believe it at the time, why would he? He was among such powerful light side figures at the time, what use did he have in fearing the dark. It could not do much more than whisper dark promises to him in the midst of such light. But here, in the darkness of wherever he was, it could do so much more than whisper to him. It could mold itself, shape itself, into something that could harass him. And, as if to reaffirm this revelation, eyes the color of a newly stoked fire pierced the darkness and the sounds of claws being drug across stone filled the room - shattering the unearthly silence that had once been in its place.

The hairs on his neck and arms stood on end and his sickly yellow-sapphire eyes filled with fear. He searched his mind for something to help him, anything that would help him fight back this creature that had manifested itself as if from his very fears. A mantra came to his mind, filled it with a sense of surety, one that had aided him in times past when he struggled to combat the whispers that filled his mind constantly - the code of the Jedi.

Inhaling the staleness of the air, he began to speak, "Emotion, yet Peace." He felt the malicious response before he heard it, he could feel the smugness radiating in his mind from the creature that continued to approach him, "Your code cannot save you now, Coryn Raxis. You were told that we would have you, and now that we do - you are OURS." the creature darted forward at blinding speed and its rank breath could be felt on Coryn's neck. He had never felt such a fear as he did at the moment, it was as though this creature carried an aura of fear, a crippling aura that assaulted every facet of his being.

It was not so long after that the scene disappeared in a burst of light that blinded Coryn for a brief moment, before his vision returned and he could make out the hazy form of the creature that had captured him on Bosph, a Sith Zabrak. He closed his eyes, so as not to alert the creature that he was indeed aware of his surroundings or conscious and felt the sharp slaps as the creatures hand met his face. It was meant to wake him.

He opened his eyes once again, and his eyes were able to adjust much easier to light this time. It was as he turned his attentions that the caught the end of the Zabrak's sentence, "...It's time for you to fall."

"I will not fall to you, Sith." defiance rose in him as a tidal wave of strength. He may not be able to combat the manifestation of his fears in a room shrouded in darkness, but he could withstand the physical.

Ebon offered a slight grin in response, a smile that held secrets Coryn could not know. Unlike the Warborne before him, and the war crazed monster that Ebon was, he did not hit Coryn as would be his usual first reaction, no he simply stood and sat down across from the padawan. The black robes the sith wore seemed almost ceremonial, and his double edged hilt hung warily on his hip, danging against the ground as he sat. The golden, gilded eyes of the Sith came to meet Coryn's in a testing manner, before a soft grin broke the emotional silence.

"It's useless to resist.", Ebon offered, almost coyly.

"The darkness in you, that bites at your very sanity, it is the same darkness that bit at me as a Jedi.", his words seemed gradually more wise, almost friendly.

"Tell me, what is the goal in this universe? Peace? Progress?", he offered, his position changing from a traditional meditation stance to a more informal lean on one of his knees, still cross legged on the ground.

As Ebon fell silent, so too did the room. There were no noises from outside, and their was no sign of rescue. It was a hopeless feeling this room had, one that weighed heavy on anyone's morale.

[member="Coryn Raxis"]
Coryn would not look upon the creature, for fear of what he might see in its malicious eyes; even when it began to speak in kinder tones, the young jedi padawan had feared the dark all his life, and that would not change now.

"It may be useless to resist, but that does not mean that I will stop." his words rang out in strengthened defiance as if the coy nature of the sith's words only served to strengthen his will to resist the darkness. Even now, with every word that the creature spoke, the darkness sought to enter his mind and rip the defiant nature from his being, to tear away the last few shreds of hope that he clung to in the tight grip of desperation. It was his last chance to resist, this little hope that lingered in his heart, it would be his last chance to fully defy the power across from him.

"Perhaps a stronger Jedi would have withstood the darkness that clawed at your heart. Instead you chose to revel in it, and to invited it in; that alone made you unworthy to call yourself a Jedi.", while the Sith spoke in wiser, kinder tones - Coryn had spoken in open revulsion and disapproval. If it had not been clear beforehand, it would be clear now that Coryn held no love for the darkness nor any who welcomed its embrace. In his eyes, it was a stain in the galaxy - a stain that needed to be wiped away.

"Peace, Hope, and Freedom." his eyes finally glanced up and met the golden eyes of the Zabrak across from him, "Peace is to be won in the galaxy, Hope is to be brought back, and Freedom is to be given again. The oppression of the dark side will be wiped from the galaxy in a swift and righteous strike. It may not be today, or tomorrow, or even a thousand years from now - but one day, the darkness, and all who thrive within it, will fall. Peace will be known again. Hope will fill the hearts of the people. Freedom will be spread across all corners. I will see these goals brought to fruition, even if it takes every lasting fiber of my being to do so."

His words rang out in a near prophetic vibrancy, shattering any hold that the unearthly silence would have held on him. An idea formed in his mind, and within mere seconds he enacted the idea, connecting with the force and casting his consciousness towards the Zabrak - more specifically, the lightsaber at the creatures side. It did not take long to find the dark siders blade, for it too held a piece of [member=Ebon]'s own signature in the Force.

One he had found it, he called to it, using Force Pull to draw the blade to him. Assuming that he did manage to take the blade from the hopefully unsuspecting zabrak, he would then proceed to ignite the blade and free his left wrist from the chains and would continue to free his right wrist. He would then turn towards the Zabrak, blade drawn and directed towards the creature, and standing still - eyes betraying no hint of emotion or action.
Ebon quietly listened to the Padawan's dream for the galaxy, the fruitless attempt at undying control over the universe through the false prophecy of freedom. How was he to know who was to be free, who wished to be free rather, and who wished to be under the thumb of another? What was to stop the 'bad' he villanized from rising up once more, when a much more permanent solution would be to convert and kill until all those in the galaxy accepted a true order?

As he was about to speak up, he could feel a faint tingling at his waist, and he could feel the lightsaber being pulled from him long before it was torn from it's clipping. As the blade flew through the air towards Coryn, and ignited in a valiant display of freedom, the Zabraks martial prowess, his brute strength, and his tremendous speed all exploded in unison. As Coryn freed his other hand, Ebon's own startling grip went for his wrist that held the lightsaber, his other hand forming a tightly bound fist that flew through the air towards the pressure point located just below the inner bicep of the arm he held.

In doing so, he would likely shock the nervous system of Coryn Raxis into a momentary level of shock, likely forcing the much smaller human to fall, should it hit. The strike itself held extreme power, and the location of the strike was a vital point for any humanoid creature. The artery that ran through it, and the subsequent nerves, all found their way to the central brain, and a forceful hit here would internally maim anyone unfortunate enough to feel it's cold embrace.

Ebon would quickly follow up, hoping the lightsaber would be released from the grip, and grab for his throat, dropping his weight, and hoping to throw the Padawan over his hip and into the ground. All of this would take less a few seconds, Ebon's blinding speed only enhanced by his Teras Kasi and his years wrestling as a Zabrakian youth.

[member="Coryn Raxis"]

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