Viktor Romanov
Viktor's lab had been found by more than a handful of people and even rumours began circulating of the undercity butcher, Viktor was worried that he may have to move his operations. He hadn't run into any major problems, so the base could stay but the rumours may draw unwanted attention so Viktor had extra security at the entrance.
He began experimenting again, on a couple of humans and a trandoshan. They would scream, maybe enough for people to hear it, but Viktor didn't care. His only ambition for his life was the advancement of science and how he loved to hear the sound of flesh turning to metal.
[member=Scarlet Faith]
He began experimenting again, on a couple of humans and a trandoshan. They would scream, maybe enough for people to hear it, but Viktor didn't care. His only ambition for his life was the advancement of science and how he loved to hear the sound of flesh turning to metal.
[member=Scarlet Faith]