Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Update - 8/2/17


Well-Known Member
Greetings my fellow Imperials! It's been a couple months since our last update, and while typically I'd prefer to do these updates quarterly on schedule, I think we have a unique opportunity at the present to implement a few changes and update the Faction as to what we as a staff have had in the works. So without further ado, I'll go ahead and jump right in!

Current Faction Staff:
[member="Rolf Amsel"] | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Torian Pierce"]
[member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Asharad Graush"]
Faction Story Arc
With an official Cease Fire in place between the First Order and the Galactic Alliance, the First Order's focus turns once more to the fringes of space. Before the bloody conflict with the Alliance an enemy once lurked deep within the Unknown Regions - the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium. The citizens of Dosuun will not soon forget the Occupation of Avalonia by the Ssi-Ruuk and their indentured servants the P'w'eck. A savage affair, the creatures had landed and assaulted the First Order's capital world while their fleets pushed towards Endor, part of an elaborate deception to draw many of the Order's forces away. It was brutally successful. It took only a matter of hours to establish a foothold, a week to gain near total control. Some of those fortunate enough to escape the initial waves however formed a resistance, at first merely trying to stay alive, then fighting back.

The resistance was strong, a shining example of what it meant to be a citizen of the First Order. Through bravery, sacrifice, and tenacity the people of Avalonia were able to hold out until the fleets returned home. As the full might of the combined forces of the First Order Navy and Stormtrooper Corps came raining down on the alien invaders, those Ssi-Ruuk who survived drew back into the farthest reaches of the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions. It was at this time the Alliance made its move.

Interfering with a humanitarian mission to the desolate and shattered world of Kaeshana, the First Order responded - retribution for the deaths of not only military personnel but civilian aid workers. The conflict there launched into a full blown war, for months upon months the battle fleets and soldiers of the First Order and the Galactic Alliance were at each other's throats. The threat of the Ssi-Ruuvi Imperium had been forgotten by many, the Alliance springing up to draw their attention.

Now, after all has been said and done, the two Galactic superpowers rest dormant, or so it seems. A new treaty has formed, the details still in progress however all hostile actions have ceased - at least publicly. Attention has returned to the once lethal threat of the beasts clawing at the back door. New intelligence has surfaced indicating that the Ssi-Ruuvi while beaten back have begun to prepare for a strike. Their staging point? Furia.

It is past time that the vile creatures were not only pushed back to whence they came, but eradicated. It is with this renewed strength that the might of the First Order military and the Order of Ren begin to carve a path towards the world which the Ssi-Ruuk hold dear, their home - Lwhekk.

Breaking news has made its way soaring across the Empire and beyond - a ceasefire between the First Order and the Galactic Alliance has been established. Even now a diplomatic summit is underway on the shattered remains of Kaeshana, the place where it all began. Iconically placed upon the crash site of the FIV Wraith, the summit has been called in hopes of garnering a non-aggression pact or at very least a more permanent ceasefire. Tensions have been high both along the border worlds and the interior, vigilance has been a necessity and alert levels while certainly not as high as they once were remain strained, all it would take was a spark for the flame to catch hold once more.

Now is the time of the cloak and dagger, the shadow war. Official hostilities have ceased but that doesn't mean that there is peace. The First Order Security Bureau has finally found its purpose. While in the past it has primarily been utilized as an intelligence organization there has been a distinct change in both methodology and philosophy. At the behest of a new Security Minister, Moff Calgar has led the initiative to move the FOSB from a passive organization to an active one - one quickly becoming known for its aggressive operational culture and tempo.

​While information gathering and reconnaissance are key components of the FOSB, the addition of an aggressive strategy has begun to develop a very fast paced and capable force of agents and operatives. Trained extensively in both hand to hand combat as well as a wide range of weapons and explosives, Special Agents are some of the most well trained individuals in the First Order. Assigned on an extremely diverse rotation of operations, these agents frequently get out of First Order space and into the 'real world', learning the secrets of the shadow and utilizing complex networks of contacts and informants around the galaxy to affect their goals.

Not only through intermediaries, but the agents themselves are capable of forming crack squads of commando-like units, operating together like an amoeba as they work together to perform something as innocent as observation to something as devious as sabotage or abduction and assassination - all off the book of course. As the First Order slips into a cold war with the Alliance, Special Agents and Operatives are becoming more and more important.

The Ren
For too long the Ren have been left to their own devices, the latest development having been a recent defection from the Supreme Leader's service. A rude awakening for the Supreme Leader, a ruder awakening still to those who might harbor doubt and choose to act upon it. A new structure has been laid out by the Supreme Leader, Sieger himself. A council of 12 Masters shall be formed to govern the Knights of Ren, Knights given responsibility over training those under them. Though this would be just the beginning.

Further still the Supreme Leader has begun to feel a shift, a slight deviation from what once was and now must be. Death comes for us all, unless... there were another way. Sieger's body advances in years, his mind constantly coming back to his own mortality, a truth he wishes not to face - perhaps he fears it. Over the last several months the Supreme Leader has been notably absent from public appearances, gatherings, even leaving the punishment of insubordinates to the Grand Moff and Security Minister. His silence had necessitated strong figures to step up and pick up whatever perceived slack there may have been. No more.

Moving once more to the front, Sieger has returned - this time with a new sect of Force Users - and non force users. His personal guard. Some of the recruits were taken from the Ren Academy on Skye, personal picks of Sieger. Others were chosen from places around the galaxy - how or why they were chosen was only known to the Supreme Leader himself. It marked a new era for the Knights of Ren, a change not only in how one became a member of the Order, but who could become a member. Historically the Order of Ren had been limited to those gifted with the ability to manipulate the Force but with Sieger's choices he had changed everything.

Details have been deceptively small, only rumors, though things wouldn't stay that way for long. Sieger had called an audience with those members of his order - his children. Like any father he had taken care of his children, guarded them, protected them - but that is not what they required, and so it had come to pass that they had strayed away from his intended purpose. Soon there would be a re-alignment, and not everyone would survive.

(OOC: Upcoming changes inbound, we will be detailing these in a separate post/Descriptor as it is a fairly large change of operation for the Knights of Ren and our Order!)

This is your faction as much as it is mine or the staff's. Do you have any questions for us? Any suggestions? Any ideas? Feel free to post them here or PM us, we would love to answer your questions or address concerns!

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