Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Storyline (in chronological order)

Main Threads in Chronological Order
Arc I: The Republic Reforms
A Few Broken Bottles: Imperial death squads board a large Republic transport, killing anyone they come across in search of Jedi and Republic officials. [Status: Completed}
Baptized in Death: Following the coordinated assaults on the Republic's population by the Imperial Bloc, the survivors of the New Republic, rechristened as the Republic Exiles, hold a funeral for their dead. [Status: Ongoing]
Project: Starbird Rising: A Special Operations group by the name of Vermin Actual has been created to do the Republic's wetwork. New members of Vermin Actual are given augmentations to prepare for their new assignments. [Status: Ongoing]
A New Dawn: Members of a secret supersoldier program run by a rogue senator are discovered by the Exiles. An envoy is sent to bring them into the ranks. [Status: Ongoing]
Pens To The Sword: Members of the Republic's delegation meet with the Mand'alor and her constituents to discuss political ties between the two factions. [Status: Ongoing]

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