Vina Zomo
Best Karking Healer. Ever.
[member="Zun of Concord Dawn"] | [member="Ybinantru Isis"] | [member="Vishune"] | [member="Malforen Leuron"] | [member="Jaster of clan Awaud "] | [member="Feena Mason"] | [member="Armand Temi"] | [member="Anan Crimson"] | [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
Alright, so! I know we're not that old yet, but in order to keep ourselves from becoming stagnant, I am going to put up a Q&A in the Factions area to attract more members. Because more members = more
So, yep! Go ahead and post any questions you think we should try to cover right off the bat, and I will not only put them in here but I will also answer them!
Current Questions:
What is the Healer's Guild? The Healer's Guild is a group of individuals whose purpose is to bring medical relief to the galaxy, whether it be during a battle or given to a family who can't afford better ((For OOC purposes, consider us a SW-version of the Red Cross and St. Jude's Children's Hospital.))Are there requirements for joining? Yes and no. Anyone can join, but you must either be able to a] provide medical expertise (and this can be anything from how to remove every single type of wart to recreating a new organic body with alchemy. Seriously. We don't really care.) OR b] lend your services as a pilot/transporter and/or as a bodyguard for particularly dangerous assignments. We also have a neutrality policy, which will be explained below.
Are you guys sided with anyone? Nope! That's the beauty of it. The Healer's Guild is 100% neutral, meaning we don't care who you are or what you've done, we will provide medical relief to you! However, providing medical relief is all we will do -- don't expect us to spill secrets about other patients who are in an enemy faction. Essentially, we've got kind of a "don't ask, don't tell" thing going on. We also are non-offensive, which means if someone attacks you and claims to be one of us, they've either a] gone renegade or b] are lying.
What do you do, exactly? Exactly what the name implies. We heal. Basically, any requests from other factions for medical assistance will be taken up with the Head Healer (yours truly), who then picks the best group to be sent on the mission. During the mission, the healers are (supposed to be) primarily focused on maintaining the health of everyone in their group, but normally do not take an offensive position. So if you're dying of a mortal wound or serious disease, and you reach out to the Healer's Guild, we'll do our best to cure ya!
Can I be a part of other factions, too? Of course! Whether you're part of the Horde, the Red Ravens, the Rebel Alliance, you're free to join! Just keep in mind that any biases you have against another faction should be forgotten while working on Guild time. Besides, such things can be easily remedied.