Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Interest- The Brotherhood of Order

The Order is a group of force users and non-force users who have banded together in a Galaxy surrounded by Chaos. Spurned by the Code of Order, an baseline form of law and chivalry they seek to bring peace, prosperity and the order of law to the Galaxy.

Faction Over View: The Order exists as a neutral faction that opens its arms to all of those who wish to join them. They do not view themselves as light or dark side and see the force as a tool. Amongst the Order Jedi, Sith and Witches are equals who are forbidden from infighting. Each Member of the Order receives an IC Rank which represents their standing in the Order. A non-Force user can be in charge of Force Users.
The Government is a mixture of socialism and to some degree democracy. Health Care, Living Wages and basic needs are provided to those who can not provide for themselves.

The Orders primary focus is as Peace Keepers for the Galaxy and will concentrate on the Diplomatic aspect more then the military aspect when feasable. For Invasions The Order will first dispatch Diplomats, Spies and Humanitarian forces to render aid and speak with the government or that Planets ruling faction. It will also attempt to send Humanitarian aid to warring factions and help with assisting the wounded of both sides and protecting the people ( Of course with your guys permission) while only using its military assets to protect civilians and medical camps. If at all possible Order Diplomats will act as intermediaries to conduct peace and cease fire negotiations, to assist factions in conducting negotiations and treaties and so forth.

The Order will be Neutrally aligned and will begin establishing diplomatic relations with the other major factions, establishing Status of Force, Trade Agreements, Humanitarian and Medical Treaties and so forth. Only rarely will The Order initiate a Invasion or a war with another faction unless that faction causes major Chaos and undue suffering to its people. At Which Point The Diplomatic Councilor will Contact that Faction ( IC and OOC) to establish the Rules of Warfare with them. If Those Rules Can Not be reached the Order will still conduct themselves in the manner of the 9 Tenets.

Dominions will conducted as if that Planets leadership or in some cases people have requested aid. The Humanitarian and Diplomatic Orders will be dispatched with Phalanx escorts in small numbers. Only if the Dominion can not be won by their and the Shadow Orders actions will full scale military occupation or peace keeping forces be dispatched in large to establish order and Law or to topple a malicious government entity.

OOC: The Order is meant to be a Major faction, hopefully will get the interest. I know this sounds awesome to some and boring to others. All Diplomats and Humanitarian assets will have PC Phalanx guards with them, you wont just be twitching your thumbs waiting for the word to move in.

The Intent of the Order is to establish a new government and faction that can serve as a open ground to all, welcoming and friendly despite affiliation to dark and light and to begin crafting a rich and wonderful lore for the Galaxy as a neutral faction.

The Order is segregated into four different Orders, Military, Humanitarian, Law/Diplomecy and Subterfuge.

IC ranks:
Initiate Brother/Sister
Eldest Brother/Sister
Honored Brother/Sister ( This Rank is bestowed as a point of honor to those who perform above and beyond the expectations of the Order, For upholding the dearest Standing of the Order. Although it is an honorary title and carries no true rank, it is accorded the greatest respect as it is only bestowed by the full weight of the Council)

Brother/Sister Councilor( The Gentlemen, The Philanthropist, The Warrior, The Diplomat)

It is appropriate when adressing a fellow member to use their Rank as well. An Neophyte adressing an Brother would say Brother Vikture and that Brother would adress as either Neophyte Alpha or Brother-Neophyte Alpha.

The Code of Order, The Nine Tenets
Tenet 1: Think about your actions, the long and short term consequences. Weight them equally and act only when the out come will bring Peace and Law.

Tenet 2: Actions have consequences, be they Chaos or Order, promote Order and defeat Chaos..

Tenet 3: Protect those who can not protect themselves from Chaos. The strong live to both Rule and Serve.

Tenet 4: Your Brothers and Sisters in arms have value, balance the loss of life with the end goal. The Price must not be more then what is Bought. * Although value is highly subjective based on person to person, taking a Hill in the middle of no where is not worth 100 lives for the sake. If that hill will furter the mission it may be if it gives a clear tactical advantage that will save far more lives.

Tenet 5: Chaos is our enemy, Chaos must be stopped at all corners. Those who sew Chaos are enemy.

Tenet 6: All life is a part of the cycle of Order and Chaos. Know that cycle and where each creature falls, The tiniest rodent has the potential to cause plague and famine, at the same time that rodent is a important link in the Cycle as it serves as prey to larger animals.

Tenet 7: Render Aid to The Wounded, enemy and Friend alike. War is not eternal, it must end and the more that live the less likely hatred will extend.

Tenet 8: Religious Dogma must not interfere with Order and the Peace. Sith, Jedi, Witch, and all in between we are all part of something larger.

Tenet 9: Give Freely of yourself for the greater Good, remember that the smallest pebble can make the greatest of Waves.

Order of the Good Man

The Order of The Good Man is one of the Four Primary Orders belonging to the Order. The Order of the Good Man is a humanitarian branch of Government. Their mission is to bring aid to those in need, either medicine, food or other supplies. The Order of The Good Man is not heavily militarized, while they are capable of defending themselves and those they are aiding they can not stand alone. The Order of the Good Man is only allowed to engage an enemy that is targeting civilians, attacking them or trying to destroy aid.
Their leader is known as The Philanthropist ( Open)

Order of The Shadowed Hand

Sometimes straight forward action is unable to resolve an issue or settle a score. The Order of The Shadowed Hand exists as a shadow Order. It is the arm of darkness, it is the arm of secrecy. The Order of the Shadowed Hand are scouts, spies, agents and on the rarest of occasion Assassin. The Order of The Shadowed Hand operates everywhere and anywhere that they are called to by the Council.
Their Leader is known as The Gentlemen (Open)

Order Of The Open Palm

War is not the only answer, these good beings try to prove that at all times. They are diplomats and the chief representatives of The Order to those outside of the faction. They must carry themselves with the utmost respect and grace. The Order of the Open Palm has one other important job, all of them are diplomats and all of them are diplomats, they craft laws to bring to the Council. They serve as Representatives of those accused of crimes.
Their Leader is known as The Diplomat (Open)

Order of the Phalanx

The Military and Peace Keeping arm of the Order, their primary role is as police and Law Enforcement. They act as Law Keeper and Judge in all criminal proceedings, and as executioner as it is needed. Their secondary role is that of Military, they are the offensive and defensive force The Order has to deploy in the Galaxy at Large.
Their Leader is known as The Warrior ( Arumi Zy)
Well welcome aboard.

It is an idea i have been toying with for a long while, just had to tweak it enough to be the coolest it can be lol

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