Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eye of the Beyonder

[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

"Let me guess. Drugs, illegal arms?" She smirked and head shook as she shimmied on her pants, then grabbed her shirt, tugging it over her head. His corporation was named SIN. Feth. She froze. Wondering if he dealt in slavery. Made her want to throw-up all the food she just ate.

She gulped and quickly pulled on her vest.

Scooping up her boots and belt, she headed back to the living-room and popped down on the floor, sitting across from Felix. Funny that she didn't go for one of the many open chairs or comfortable looking sofas. She began tugging on her boots, one-by-one.

"So these gangs...think you could put a good word in for me to get them off my tail?"
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]

He smiled, and shook his head. "Not at all."

If she had been talking about the Coratanni Cartel she couldn't have been more right of course. His parents dabbled in everything from Slaving to selling mass quantities of drugs. SIN though? Well everything they did was perfectly legal. Sure there were some drugs, but all of them regulated by the Alliance.

"Fashion items mostly." He told her. "Some Alcohol and other things of that nature."

He leaned back in his chair. "I'm not a criminal."

Felix assured Kinsey, telling the truth. His brothers and sisters were criminals, his parents were criminals, but Felix himself? He was squeaky clean. That was the whole point of his role in the organization. He touched none of the criminal enterprises of the Cartel.

Only the legel operations.

He considered for a moment, looking at her and wondering. "Maybe. Though I am unsure if I have all that much influence with the ones chasing you. What are they called?"
[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

"Seems like you had plenty influence a few days back," she mused, tugging on her second boot. At least she was finally feeling more like herself. Even with that lavender and vanilla smell. "But they're not just local street gangs. Seem to have a pretty large birth off-world too. The ones they've been chasing me since...," legs pulled up beneath her as she crossed them.

Wasn't sure how much she could trust this guy even after everything he did. Still. She could share a bit.

"Since before coming here. They're Keenjay. The other one? The Guavian Death Gang. Not sure if they were just mad about the turf thing though."

Shoulders shrugged.

"The longer I stay here the less safe it becomes for either of us." She knew Felix had his own connections. Didn't mean nothing could touch him though.
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]

Felix let out an amused chuckle, trying to hide the sound of it beneath a glass of wine. His smile was evident however as he placed the small cup onto the table in front of him, amusement practically glowing within his gaze.

”You’re perfectly safe here.” He was more than confident about that.

If someone was stupid enough to attack him, to attack the Coratanni Cartel, then they would be met with a swift justice. They had grown to a point where even galactic government feared them, a smaller street gang? They were about as much of a threat to him as a fly buzzing about the room. Though then again, stupid came from all sides, and perhaps he should not have been as dismissive as he was.

Arrogance was a weakness, but it was also Felix’s core.

”I doubt they want whatever you have that badly.” He mused. ”And even if they did, striking at you here would be…”

Felix trailed off as he glanced around the penthouse. ”Foolish.”

They were in SIN 99, the new luxury tower that his parents had built. The building was located in the Senate district, and several of the floors were filled to the brim with Coratanni Executioners. Most were luxury apartments like this, but the Cartel liked to have a strong presence within it’s properties.
[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

"It's not funny!" She insisted though her lips twitched slightly. She could laugh at herself. Sometimes. Again, she was taken aback by how different they were. He was sipping his glass of wine in this apartment that most people dreamed about living in. His arm was sprawled casually across the top of the ornate chair. His clothes probably cost more than her refurbished ship.

"I never said these guys were smart."

Of course, she had no idea about his executioners and how hard it would actually be to infiltrate the building. "You seem very relaxed about all this." Arms crossed beneath her chest as she shot him a look. Eyes darted to that glass of wine on the table. "Maybe you could smuggle me on a ship? Getting inside the shop without being seen seems to be the main problem. Then again. They know I'm with you now."
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]

Felix smiled. "If the came here, it would be the last thing they ever do."

He said with a shrug, and once again the words were utterly true. The very nature of his business meant that Felix mostly had to over power or simply ignore other criminal syndicates. He couldn't focus on them, not when he was supposed to be the face of SIN, the actual legal entity that the Coratanni Cartel controlled.

Of course on Coruscant and in many other places around the galaxy one couldn't actually do business without interacting with criminals, but that side of things was all handled by his siblings. They knew well enough to keep Felix out of things, and that was why he was able to run things to smoothly. It helped quite a bit when you had your brothers and sisters constantly backing your plays. He was sure if he wanted he could have this...gang, or whatever was chasing Kinsey eliminated, but there was no reason for that yet.

When asked her next question he considered for a moment.

"Possibly." SIN didn't handle it's own shipping, but they contracted with enough corporations that he could manage such a thing for her. "But that might cost you."

Nothing was free after all.
[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

"Oh?" She uncrossed her legs and popped to her feet. Whew. A little too fast. Fingers came up to cradle her head, pools of swirling blues and whites closing tightly for a second. Once again, she was annoyed at how long it took for her body to recover and heal from things. Fingers ran alone her brow to pinch the bridge of her nose before slowly lifting her head and opening her eyes.

"Now you're deciding to charge me?"

Hand left her head entirely and fell to her side.

"What kinda price we talkin' about?"
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]

He considered for a moment. "I'm not sure."

That was certainly true. Felix did business, yes, but he wasn't exactly a smuggler. He had the contacts in that world, but it would depend. He frowned for a moment, and then slowly nodded his head in thought. A name came to him, but he would have to call his brother.

"Smugglers aren't generally known for their appeals of conscience." Felix said as he leaned back. "I'm not sure how much he'll charge."

He mused for a moment more. "Though perhaps I can ensure the price won't be too exorbitant."

Felix wasn't looking to make a profit off Kinsey, he just didn't want to pay for her ride off world. A bit of hospital equipment and some dry cleaned clothes were nothing to him, but being smuggled off of Coruscant without anyone knowing? That could cost a bit more.
[member="Coratanni Cartel"]

She shrugged.

"You've don't a lot already, Felix." Scooping up her toolbelt, she began working it around her waist. With a click, she secured the belt. Head was normalized again. At least the dizziness was gone. "Really. I appreciate everything." Walking over to him, she looked down at his face and held out a hand that was already encased in the newly made fingerless gloves of hers. "But if you've got a name, I'll at least talk to him. Her?"

She meant to shake his hand in goodbye, perhaps much to his dismay.
[member="Kinsey Starchaser"]

"Him." Felix corrected with a smile, taking her hand hesitantly.

A part of him figured that she was probably going to die. He had no idea how she planned to live with that gang after her, but in the end it wasn't really his concern. He had a business to run here on Coruscant, and he couldn't really trouble himself over every lost woman that he ran across.

He'd never get anything done. "His name is [member="Alistair Fenn"]."

"He's an associate of my brothers." More clearly, he owed Jerick quite a bit of money. That wasn't any of his business of course, but he could at the very least use the man to help get Kinsey off world before she got tied up and murdered. Not to mention he could use the mans services at the same time. Win win. "He'll get you off world."

He smiled. "Though, I would at least be careful."

Trust no one, that was what his parents had always taught him.

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