Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Expedition to the Worlds Within

I'm unsure of what it was exactly, but of all of the magnificent subs entered into the recently-ended Codex contest, Kal Kal 's Worlds Within hit me deep in the think organ. The galaxy's a big place, but there are enough places worth spending an entire lifetime in -- or better yet, a good, long story.

An expedition comprised of scientists, contractors, adventurers and other expedition personnel descend into the Worlds Within to chronicle each level and search for the fabled Core.

Yeah, that's basically it in terms of the IC pitch. The setting is dope as hell, I wanna check out all of it. Who the expedition is started by and other background details can be fleshed out in a bit.

I want to do a regular series of threads with a dedicated group focused solely on the expedition; each thread would cover the exploration of a single layer. If people get comfortable with the format, we can do things like rotate who has control of the 'main plot' on a given level, or decide that a specific level will take place primarily from the perspective of one character, or in a particular perspective (first person, third omniscient, etc), or telling things via journals. The pace should be pretty chill, but I want to stress that a longer-running story is the goal here, so continuous engagement with whatever thread is going would be best -- a.k.a. actually having conclusions to threads. (Conclusions doesn't necessarily mean the group 'finishes' exploring whatever layer, just that there's some satisfying end to the character interactions or main plot of the thread. Fully exploring multiple planets would probably take a while.)

It'd be super cool if we got a few new characters to fill more niche roles in the group -- scientists and support crew especially -- but this is absolutely open to any character. Obviously the nature of the expedition means ICly the characters might be away for a long time if that's something you care about, but also timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly.

I'll be writing Chanoel; she'll be part of the security for the expedition.

Let me know if you're interested so I can reach out, and I'll start building the specifics and necessary OOC infrastructure for us to get started.
Sounds fun. I'm in, either with Kal the overly curious spirit here or one of my other chars. Marcis or Sar could work as security, Kal's more science.

I kind of wish I had an engineer or Mechu-Deru user right now, to be honest.

To be clear, this isn't me trying to keep some sort of creative control over the submission. Go wild - anything that isn't described in the sub, including but not limited to most Layers and the Core itself, is meant to be up to the interpretation of anyone who uses it as a setting.
Awesome. I'll work out a story for the first thread this weekend -- probably going to begin with a short scene of a "last meal" on the Farport station for introductions, then a move down towards Layer Zero for a bit of exploration before some plot kicks in.

Drop me a message if you have ideas, questions, or just want to say hi. MIGHT make a Discord DM if everyone has that, lmk.

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Scilla Xarielle Pavanos Atlas Drake Atlas Drake Trinity Harris Trinity Harris
Patience, and the Force
I'd like to take the training wheels off of Etta here, if you'll have me, I would be down to tag her along in this.

My other option would be my Eternal Empire character Vidarr Enen. Though he'll just talk about how great the Empire is the whole time, and that'll get boring fast
some quick house rules and reminders -
  • Turn order goofy. Go post. Only thing to not do is outpace EVERYONE else in the thread -- aside from that, post when you wanna.
  • If you try to respond to every question or thing said by every other character around, I will turn this thread into a funeral for your character, and have Chanoel giving a eulogy describing the absolutely legendary ass-beating she gave your character that sent them to the grave.
  • Don't be afraid to pair or group off. Just talk to each other. dw bout it. Everybody's interesting.
  • Pick an interesting drink. Jeez.
  • Feel free to steal my divider.
  • no seriously keep posting seeing my thread at the top of trending gasses me up so fcking much
  • Cuss like the sailor you are.

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