Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Expansion: Plans for the Future

Sitting before his desk, Valashu Elahad, or Valashu Bonkai as he was known in this universe, made plans. He had goals to expand the company under his control, until it was so massive that no other company came close! He had plenty to build his case on, as this company came with its own foundation and everything.

As it was, he wanted to allocate more plots for future sites; a simple journey many could believe, as it was though, he wanted to see these locations himself. So, with a determined nod, he clicked a few buttons on his computer, then activated his comlink. A swift message sent in a few moments, the face on the screen being a man he had met a while back during his arrival to the universe.

Jules Crux. A man with a high yearning for adventure, if ever Valashu had been right about someone. The other would get a message requesting they meet up on Tera Lush to discuss business.

[member="Jules Crux"]

Ronan Nakasla

"This may just be the most impressive racing experience we've seen in years!" the announcer exclaimed over the grand stands.

The swoops hurdled through the course. The small lightning-quick vehicles pulled hard against each other. Ahead of the pack, two swoops were locked in battle for the lead. They took corners hard, wove around obstacles with hair widths between certain doom, and took shortcuts wherever possible. The two vehicles danced, and when home stretch opened up their engines howled from the sudden acceleration. Their engines glowed red, afterburner flames poured out behind them. The chequered line drew nearer. They passed over it at almost the same time, and the two vehicles hit the brakes and came to a stop. Both pilots stepped out of their vessels, and the smaller of the two charged at the man.

"Cheated! Cheated! You cheated!" the woman screamed, her voice thick with some accent, "I know you cheated!" she grabbed onto his sleeve and started shaking.

"Hey!" he took his arm from her and stepped back, pointing an accusatory finger "I did no such thing!"

Of course, tuning the swoop wasn't technically illegal, but it let him even the odds. How so? This girl only 'knew' because she used the same modifications, the ones they can't penalise you for because you're not really modifying anything. The two bickered for awhile, then a fanfare drew attention to the big screens. A frame-by-frame replay showed that she won. As expected, by everyone.

"See, I didn't even win the race. Go on, enjoy your victory lap." Jules said, subtle sarcasm playing in his words. He tossed his helmet into the cockpit of his swoop and vacated the track. While the pit team carted the vehicle back to the Tekka, he jogged up to hit the betting booths. He tapped the window and an attendant popped up.

"Hi," she was perky, "How can I help you?"

"I'm picking up the winnings for Ray Rillians, here," he handed her a permission slip, bet statement, and projected earnings. She looked through it all, scanned it, and handed him back a credit chip.

"Here you are, sir. I hope Mister Rillians enjoys it!" she closed the shutters and Jules turned the chip in his fingers.

"Oh, he will," he muttered gleefully, then took his leave of the area. He knew he would lose the race, so he ran a bet against himself on an alias. He still turned enough money to cover the entry fee he lost and a little spare.

On his way back to the spaceport, his datapad bleeped. He pulled the little device out and tapped his notification. It was a message from a man named Valashu, who he'd met for a drink maybe twice. Decent man, seemed lively, also seemed rich. He seemed to want to meet up on a world named Tera Lush for an adventure. That sounded much more fun than rigged racing and illegal stunts to win back thrown away money. He popped back a 'see you there' and jogged the rest of the way to his ship. It was just in time for the pit droids to finish loading up his swoop. He kicked the little robots out of his way and slammed the loading ramp behind him. He ignored their indignant screeches, hit the cockpit, fired up the engines, and brought the YT-1300 to leave this little planet.

He finally had something better to do.

Exhale. Inhale. Draw, release.

Valashu found himself doing something he always did in times of relaxation: training. In his home 'verse, the Jensaarai-Ka had long drilled it into his mind that to go lax, meant death. They never had a day of downtime there though, so this was actually a new thing.

Exhale. Inhale. Draw, release.

Things were different for him here. For starters, he had to go to black market locations to find clients, even when he did the profit was minimal - he was just lucky that his home and this used the same style of monetary chips. Also that he had been transporting a large amount of said money from his safe house to his home when he was caught in the wormhole. Thus he had quite a large sum to start from when he arrived. Though recently what had been dozens of millions, had dwindled to a couple, thanks to purchasing his new storefront.

Exhale. Inhale. Draw, release.

Finally letting fly the last of his arrows, he removed the blindfold in place over his eyes. Examining his work in satisfaction, he walked to the half dozen target board, removing of the dual arrows from each. Only 3 of the 12 were not perfect bulls eyes, and even these were nines out of the ten possible points available to each. Replacing these into his quiver, he then removed the carrier from his hip, tossing it lightly to the chair behind his desk. Next he flicked his arm forward, the momentum of which disconnected the joints which held the compound bow tightly in its current form. Once the joints were free, each tip folded inward, which then halved as well, ending a third the size prior.

Setting this behind his desk against the wood, he sat at his desk, putting the quiver next to the other gear. Straightening his suits tie, he reclined with a sigh. Until he noticed a flashing symbol on screen. Reading the return message from his old acquaintance, he nodded and rose from his seat so recently taken.

Passing through the doors to his office, he made a mistake, walking directly in the path of a flying knife. Instinctively, his defences kicked in, and a telekinetic hand caught the handle of the blade. Jerking it to a halt, he then waved his corporeal appendage, which caused the mystic one to toss the blade to his secretary's feet. Sighing as he moved closer, he almost chuckled at her utterly devastated look.

"Val, I am so sorry..." She finally murmured, "I didn't know you were-"

"Sara, its fine. Just train in a direction that doesn't intersect with my exit path? Ok." He interrupted then smiled as she nodded, "Ok, I will be back going to the hub to meet up with someone. Hold down the fort ok?"

Kissing her cheek, he then stepped for the exit, grabbing a long coat on the way. Sliding his arms in, he drew the hood, and walked away. With his body, and face, obscured as it was there was no real reason for invisibility of any of the kinds he knew of.

So it was that he arrived at the Hub, the landing site for the incoming ships that were in the area. Sitting at a table outside a cantina, he ordered a beer from a passing waitress. When she set it down he smiled, "I will likely be having more. So, be ready." Raising a finger, the lid popped off the bottle in tandem. Reclining, he waited, and enjoyed the hops filled brew.

[member="Jules Crux"]

Ronan Nakasla

After an hour or so of travel time, the Tekka lurched out of hyperspace over the blue-and-green globe below. The saucer-like vessel swept across the surface of Tera Lush's atmosphere, leaving a trail of sparks behind it before it dipped down toward a spaceport called the Hub. The freighter attained a visitor pass and touched down in a landing pit. Jules stepped out of his ship wearing his usual travel coat and hat. The young man took a deep breath of fresh air, then made his path to the local cantina. As he neared the establishment, he saw Valashu already indulging himself in a drink.

Jules tossed his hat onto the back of a chair, which he promptly crashed into. He threw one leg over the other, so his ankle was resting on the opposing knee, and gave the other man present a friendly wave.

"Afternoon, Valashu," he said merrily, "What's this about adventures?" he punctuated his sentence by plucking the first drink off the passing waitress' tray and tossing her a complimentary wink.

Valashu chuckled, the mouth of his beer inches from his mouth. After his drink he spoke, "Already guessing adventure huh? Is that all business is for you?" When the drink was taken in reciriprication of a wink, Val stopped her, "On second thought, bring me a bottle of rum." Pausing he looked to his guest, "Anything you want in particular? Its on me."

While she waited to hear his requests, she flagged another with signs, who correctly brought two glasses and a bottle. Pouring a healthy shot, he slammed it, then gulped down a chase of his beer.

"Anyway, yes, you assume correctly. I want someone I know more than dirt to accompany me on a trip. It will be to a planet that isn't even on the map. I know of it from my 'verse." He stated, to answer how then he knew of it, "Its a planet quite a ways from here, and is similar to Mustafar. Could be dangerous, but we would be the first in centuries to come, and can document everything for future generations." At this he arched a brow as if to ask if his ally was game to go.

[member="Jules Crux"]

Ronan Nakasla

"On the go is the only business I know," Jules replied, "I'm not usually involved in suits and meetings." he took a long drink from whatever bottled brew he'd swiped.

He politely declined the offer of a specific drink, choosing to be less inconvenient of a guest. The arrival of the glass and rum piqued Crux's interest, but for now he'd finish what he started. He took another swig and watched Valashu as he spoke.

"Uncharted territory?" he asked rhetorically, and reclined in his seat after realising he had started leaning forward, "Volcanic planets aren't usually too safe," he mused and took a sip of his drink, "And there'll probably be plenty of excitement along the way." he gave a wolfish grin and downed the last of what was in the bottle.

"If you're paying, I'm down for the trip. Might even find something nice along the way!" he suggested optimistically.

Valashu smiled as he nodded, "Of course I'm paying. Would I invite a friend if I didn't plan to cover it?" Raising his glass he continued, "To our journey." With that, he downed the rest of his beer before pouring a few more shots. Rising from his position, he capped the bottle and lightly tossed it to Jules, "Consider it a gift."

Turning on the spot, Valashu walked towards a nearby ship vendor, "Need a ship."

"Where to?" The Nautolan asked, not interested enough to even look up from his holoflix movie.

"That's not the point. Need one. Do you have one?" Valashu asked, his voice steady, unwavering.

At this the other finally glanced up, "That will cost you extra, including the higher grades of insurance."

"That also, is not the point. Do. You. Have. One?" He asked once more.

"Sure, of course I do. It'll be 4.5, insurance included." The alien said, interest finally spread slightly across his face.

Valashu paid the man, then as he began to turn, thought better of it, "Also, send a worker to pack gear for a journey on Mustafar. Plenty of water, and food to." He said, placing another chip on the table, "We will be near when the time comes."

One Hour Later
When a young man came to get them bearing several bags, Valashu rose, walked forward and climbed aboard a ship shown to them. Sitting down, he smiled at Jules, "Lemme know when we need to wake up." Drawing his hood over his eyes, he reclined, and was snoozing in a few moments.

[member="Jules Crux"]

Ronan Nakasla

"To our Journey," Jules poured a shot and partook of the toast. The rum knocked back against his throat and he swallowed the potent fliud down. He indulged with Valashu for the couple of other shots, and fumbled lightly with the bottle. He tucked it under his arm at the other man's words and offered a crooked smile.

"You're too kind," he laughed, "Thank you!"

He watched then, the little back-and-forth action between Valashu and a Nautolan ship dealer. Jules wondered at first why they would need a ship. He had one, surely Valashu did too, then it hit him that going to an uncharted volcanic planet with your own ship was generally a bad idea. He nodded to himself once he understood the wisdom of what was going on, and reclined in his chair. He pulled his hat over his face and waited for the anticipated messenger by taking a quick nap to sleep off the alcohol.

Jules jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder wake him from his nap, then a quick remembrance told him what was going on before he really had time to be confused. He followed Valashu aboard the Ghrtoc freighter.

"Will do," he replied to his friend, "I'll be in the cockpit." he said.

When he got there, there was no pilot seat. Instead, there was an astromech droid built into the floor and a copilot's chair. Jules felt his face flush at the thought of putting a droid in charge of a ship. He huffed in frustration and sat hard in the only chair here. The droid gave a greeting beep that Crux ignored. He'd keep an eye on things, since he couldn't fly.

Visions of the future...
While he dreamt, any that watched his physical form would wonder what of. At times he jerked heavily, during other no movement could be seen, including breathing. But it was obvious to some, that what he saw could effect him more than others would think.

In the land of dreams, Valashu watched as he himself nearly slipped into a pool of magma, but was caught by the arm by Jules. Another time, some creature swooped in from the highest altitudes only to miss the top of his companions head, as Valashu shot an arrow through its skull. When it came time, he watched as they slowly walked towards the edge of a massive chasm. Jokes were made, and Val pondered how close a friend he had in the other - then the ground began to crumble! They were slipping!

Wakey wakey...
Jerking upward, he sighed as he realized where he was once again. Raising to his feet, he walked to the front. The pilot droid beeped a few sounds, and Valashu nodded, "It says we are almost to the location, but is confused why we need to be in an empty location." He said with a grin, then moved to ready himself. It took a few moments, and when it was finished, he returned to the cockpit to smile again, this time at the looming red and black planet.

The droids haywire chirping he ignored.

"Land it." Heading towards the rear, he stood near the exit ramp.

[member="Jules Crux"]

Ronan Nakasla

Jules felt, for lack of a better word, stressed out. Even though they were only cruising through hyperspace, the droid mounted next to him caused him no end of mental grief. It tried 'talking' to him, but the human forgot how to interpret droids a long time ago, so he just shot the space trash can a venomous side-glance and it stayed quiet for the journey. That was, until Valashu entered from behind and the thing started rapid-firing squeaks and whistles faster than a mouse droid.

"That's because droids are dumb," Jules mumbled in response to Valashu's translation. When the spiral of hyperspace abated to streaks of stars, and then the view of the mean-looking planet filled the freighter's viewport, Crux restrained himself from mocking the droid and instead followed his business companion through toward the back.

"Any ideas what we might encounter, aside from molten rock?" he asked to get his mind off the idea of being set down on that world of molten rock by a droid. He'd never trust them, simple as that.

Once the ship touched down, Val stepped down the ramp slowly, one of the bags purchased by the kid from before slung on a shoulder. Instantly the heat batted against his form as if he stood before a furnace on high, it was stifling! But, he was accustomed to such, as a planet frequented by him was Mustafar, which this one was much alike! Moving towards a distant building, he gestured to the plateaus along the way, each ladling lava as if to create an effect one would paint. But in reality, it crafted the massive lava rivers that spread about around them!

"We have to cross to over there! It must be an outpost! Long ago I hear it was in use, maybe it still is!" He yelled, his voice dulled by the hissing, steam, and popping of the nearby ooze.

With that, he walked forward, then gripped himself in a telekinetic grip. Amplifying his leap, he soared at least a dozen yards, crossing the slender section of magma they were near, as well as landing atop a rock formation. Next, he turned and made a few hand signs, as if to say, Can you cross? I can get you if you need me to!

[member="Jules Crux"]

Ronan Nakasla

The heat punched Jules in the face harder than any scorned pub denizen. The hot air currents rushed past him and ruffled his hair. He felt like he was in a convection oven, and he did not like it. He tried taking a deep breath to get past the stifling heat but that only made it somewhat worse. He frowned and decided to try and ignore the blatant discomfort. Instead he took in the terrible beauty of this planet. It was dark, but light, and flowing with heat. Something that normally gave life but instead was so intense that it stole it. He saw the building in the distance just in time for Valashu to comment on it.

"All the way over there!?" he called out, worriedly, and understandably at that.

Crux was Sensitive, but he didn't know that. He always worked a cut above everyone else but attributed it to talent. When Val leaped the gap as though it were a simple jump, the young man's jaw all but dropped and he started looking around for an alternate route. In response to the other's inquiring hand gestures, Jules shrugged and flapped his arms in a hapless manner. As if to say, 'Not sure how you did that but I'm rather stuck'.

As if the big brother in the sky, he reached out telekineticly to grip Jules round the waist. Lifting him, he moved him all but the speed of sound, until he set him down next to him on the lip. It was obvious though that two successive moves like that, which would have worn down an average human, had done little to impede Val. Having the source of energy that he did, backed by an intense amount of Soup digestion, made him quite strong.

Turning, he pointed upward and shouted, "That way! But I can't keep lifting us both! Here, these will hold us, and help us climb! Don't lose 'em though! Have a finite amount!" As he yelled, his quiver launched two arrows into the air. Catching both, he held them.out, then caught to more, which he used to slam into the rockface, beginning his climb.

With a physique made upon such treks, he moved nimbly. It took a few minutes to scale the hundred yards up. Once there though, he turned to Jules, having not to shout quite so loud, with height came less noise, "I wanted to get the climbing out of the way! Now we have a straight walk! Let me know if you see anything interesting!"

[member="Jules Crux"]

Ronan Nakasla

Jules let out a startled sound at the sensation of being moved by no will of his own. It was vaguely unnerving, but at least it was a nicer sensation than the sinking mistrust he felt at being at the mercy of droids. When he was set down on the ledge, his balance was shaky but he managed to not fall to his doom. He nodded his thanks to Valashu, and then looked up the next obstacle. Well, at least this one was doable.

Crux took the offered arrows. He turned them in his hands to get a feel for them, then watched Val take the first few 'steps' of the climb. He rolled his shoulders to get the last few tingles of flying through the air out, then set to following his companion up the rock face. The climb was difficult. Jules was not used to this kind of activity, but the upper body strength gained from swoop racing did him some favours right now. When they finally reached the top, he took a deep breath to calm his body's desire to breathe heavily. He was drenched in sweat, either from the heat or exertion; or both. He passed the arrows back to Valashu, then looked onward to the outpost they were trying to reach.

"Well, the blue glow around the building is interesting," Jules called out, "Shields are still active!" he took a few steps toward the building. He was eager to make progress, and maybe even discover air conditioning.

From below he heard a rumble, a crack, and a splash. He chanced to peer over the side to see that a distant plateau had broken off and fallen into the lava. Chunks of rock now flowed downstream, melting all the way until they too were molten rock. The idea of an ever-shifting landscape was unnerving to say the least.
Val nodded his ascent, "Good call. Didn't even recognize that fact!" He called, then watched as the ground fell away nearby. Drawing from the pack on his back, he held out an end of a large coil of rope, "Tie this to your waist! If one of us falls, the other has a chance to pull him up!" As he said so, he to tied the rope to himself then began his walk.

After a dozen yards, he came to a halt, dropping to his haunches to stare at a beautiful pink flower. Gesturing to it he called, "Imagine that! Foliage on this godforsaken rock!" Lifting it from the ground, he put it into a plastic container then put that inside the pack, "Samples are needed! Need to know what exactly is capable of life on this planet and what isn't!"

With that he returned to the previous pace, suddenly aware that the Force was speaking to him. What about though, he couldn't be sure...

[member="Jules Crux"]

Ronan Nakasla

This guy had everything. It was actually impressive how well Valashu had prepared for the trip to this world; and very convenient. Jules looped the rope around his waist a couple of times and tied it off. He gave a couple of testing tugs, and was satisfied that it should not come loose in an emergency. He kept close to Val, so the rope would not be a hindrance, and was surprised to see such a fantastic plant in this place.

"That's amazing... I wonder if it has any special properties?" he said aloud.

He was interested to know what sort of tests would be run on the flower, but before he could vocalise the fact, he felt an odd tingle up his spine. His eyes flicked across the landscape and he checked behind him to see nothing. He felt drawn, though. To where or what, he was not entirely sure, but he felt the need to proceed toward the outpost, so he gained a pace or two of lead and kept the pace advancing toward that squat, blue-shimmering tower.

Valashu was surprised, first by his darting glances, then by Jules' need to lead him. There was no ill feeling about this, but mere curiosity, as the Force led people to places they needed to be! Plain and simple! It must be that Jules has a connection and doesn't realize it, Valashu thought, and that isn't so unheard of!

Deciding to keep this fact quiet, he kept his mouth closed until the miles faded past, and they stood before the shields of the tower. He stopped now, unsure what form of shield they were - certain shields allowed organics through, while others stopped anything and everything. Some even were super heated, causing disintegration when touched.

"What do you make of it? I think once we get the shields down, this might be a perfect place to work on another factory!" Val said, a smile tugging at his lips.

[member="Jules Crux"]

Ronan Nakasla

The building was impressive up close, and the blue shimmer around it was like a ghostly echo of the structure itself. Jules' mouth twitched as he thought, and Valashu's inquiry just spurred his thoughts on further. His eyes rose up to look toward the top of the structure. He thought he saw where the shielding might be projecting from, but he let out a discomforted grunt when a clump of ash landed in his eye. While he rubbed it to try and ease the stinging, he spoke his mind.

"I'm thinking the shields are from multiple generators," he moved his hand and blinked away tears, "and the only way to deactivate the shields would be from inside. Wait..." he took a step closer and peered through the shields. There was ash accumulation on the structure, and the further toward the sky the shields went, the thinner they looked until they vanished completely.'

"They're apparently designed to protect against the lava below, so the shields have no... ceiling." he then took out his knife and stepped up to the shield, then touched the tip to the surface of the energy barrier. The shield let out a violent hum, and when Crux pulled his knife back and looked at the tip, it had been removed up to that point.

"Well," Jules huffed, "Even if it lets organic matter through, we wouldn't be making it with our equipment intact," he tucked the knife back into a boot sheath, "Or our clothes, for that matter." he turned to Val.

"Any ideas?"

Val, like Jules, began to contemplate. If there was no ceiling... No, they couldn't climb without a solid surface to place their feet against... Hmmm... Stepping a foot away, he slowly exhaled then inhaled, before spinning and launching an arrow swiftly at the shield. There was a deep low hum as before, and in the blink of an eye the shaft was gone... but the feathes had passed through.

"That proves that. Organic material can pass. But her lies the next issue. I can strip, go through, completely unseen thanks to my use of the Force... but I have little to no knowledge of generators of any kind." He said, but he didn't look crestfallen, "So a counter proposal is maybe, I create an illusion around you so that none of your..." He cleared his throat, "Assets are visible. Then you can get in, deactivate them, and come back out."

[member="Jules Crux"]

Ronan Nakasla

Jules shied away from the arrow flying. Instinctive jitters from living with the wrong crowd for a long time. When he realised there was no danger, he relaxed again and heard Valashu's idea and proposal. He chewed on the inside of his cheek in thought. It was truthfully the only viable option short of jumping out of a ship above the shield and hoping the ash wouldn't create a slippery surface and cause one to go crashing into the shield, thereby rendering the point of not just walking through right now rather moot. So as far as what made sense... there was only one real option.

"Alright, fine," Crux said, not sounding exactly happy, but what choice was there? "Do... what you need to, you'll know when I'm done when the shields are down." he finished his statement and began to disrobe.

Utility belt, blaster, hidden hold-out blaster, a knife on his belt, his jacket, vest, shirt, protective vest, and just in general his clothing after that. He was no stranger to being nude around strangers, but it was still a strange sensation nonetheless. Especially with the volcanic heat on this world and the falling ash.


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