Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I've had some ideas with what Ultimatum's story holds, and one of the things that I have been spending a lot of time thinking about is the size of the computers he would eventually need to run the various droids that his program controls. While I could certainly go the route of making ships designed for the sole purpose of being server farms in essence, I had ideas for a more fantasy (and really star wars like) route. The concept of ancient or otherwise unknown or incomprehensible technology from some superior race, whether from times long past or beyond the edges of the galaxy, is prevalent in a large portion of the used-to-be/still-is canon.

Taking the name from SWTOR's Tharan Cedrax who claimed to study in the field of exo-technology, which is misrepresented in my mind for what the word would mean, the idea I have in mind is something from outside the known galaxy. I have begun a basic template and wanted to ask about the plausibility of what is described in the template being accepted if only in concept or if I shall have to find another route for Ultimatum to take.

Intent: To submit the material used in the Collective
Development Thread: As Needed
Manufacturer: Unknown
Model: N/A
Affiliation: The Collective
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Unknown

Massive computational capabilities
Seemingly limitless information capacity

Unknown material

The Soul is an exo-material, meaning it comes from somewhere outside the galaxy. It was discovered on the Heart, an asteroid from some location outside the known galaxy. The material was found by Ultimatum during a scanning run through an asteroid field on the edge of the galaxy. The Soul responded to the scans with a perfectly negative response, leading to the droid following the disturbance back to its source in the asteroid.

Attempts to scan or otherwise discern the composition or origin of the Soul have all ended in failure. Thus far, the droid has only been able to theorize as to where it came from or for what purpose it may exist. The Soul is more complex than any inorganic material but does not appear to fulfill the requisites for being alive. It does not appear to grow or reproduce, but it responds to outside stimuli and appears to adjust itself to that which it responds to. Further, the material seems to either have some decision on what it responds to, otherwise there is no apparent reason for the inconsistent responses to stimuli. It will occasionally not respond to what has been proven to cause a reaction.

Thus far, it has been shown that it reacts to data stimulation, more often than not it seems to respond to quantum mathematics ten percent faster than most other stimuli. The reactions thus far have been documented as information that is sent in response to that which is sent in, many times the information is unintelligible, however there is a pattern many times that seems to point to there being some form of intelligent response. However most of the time, such as when mathematical problems are sent in via datawaves the response is a clear answer in like kind that appears to solve the problem. The material responds to other information with differing levels of apparent interest. Effectively it is akin to a calculator, a very advanced calculator that can answer not only mathematical problems but also issues from other areas of study, such as geography, grammar, and sciences. While it can answer both objective and subjective issues it is more inclined to the former.

Other forms of energy appear to be responded to in different ways. High intensity lasers and generally harmful energy forms appear to be absorbed or reflected, the higher strength makes it more likely to reflect the energy. The amount reflected appears to scale upwards starting at about a quarter of the power being reflected until it reaches a certain point, with the approximation of a destroyer barrage almost all of the power is absorbed.

Primary Source: N/A

I would be most appreciative for any feedback on the concept itself, in so far as fleshing it out. As well as suggestions as to make it more likely to be accepted. And if a Foundry judge reads this then if there is any sort of ideal amount of development for this then I would be glad to hear of it.

Thank you all for your time.

Go back to the shadow.


Looks like you've got a cool story in mind already. I'd say just let that story play out as it will. Along the way, you'll find insights that'll let you get a better handle on balancing your submission. You'll find new, quirky strengths and weaknesses to match the character of what you're describing.

We in the factory don't often mind 'this works through unknown means' as long as there's a clear canon equivalent or two. The other day I stamped a funky technological sword... that was basically just a Force-imbued blade without the Force, with some other weaknesses tacked on. That's a strategy that many people have used when submitting strange things to the Factory.
Just keep in mind that super computers are the types that do a lot of heavy calculation, while mainframes are the ones that keeps track on a whole bunch of data.



Disney's Princess

To review.

A piece of *something* from *somewhere* that *sometimes*, (and somehow,) *responds* to *injections* of math, geography, grammar, and *science*; objectively and subjectively. And can reflect or absorb an unknown amount of hostile *energies*, including a Star Destroyer's turbolaser barrage.

My thoughts:
  • How high are you?
  • What are you smoking?
  • Can I have some?


A piece of [insert name here] from [insert place here] that [insert something consistent here] responds via [radio waves] to [radio waves] and produces correct mathematical calculations at [the speed of light].

It does NOT understand local geography, language, grammar, or the sentient sciences until exposed to them via radio waves for [insert any length of time] because it can store and correlate this data internally. Growing in size and mass as it does so. Through the absorption of [insert element(s) here].

It can reflect a tremendous amount of radiation and most common anti-personnel energy-class firearms.
Thank you for the info, I shall keep it in mind

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
Thank you very much, I will hopefully be getting the story started for this.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
  1. Pretty high, seeing dragons in the kitchen
  2. Air, best free one out there
  3. Don't know, I was told to keep my source secret :p
Thank you for the suggestions, I will definitely be taking parts of that and replacing what I have for it.

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