Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Even the most determined need a little help

Alright, fine I will accept it. I was a stubborn asshat who needed help. Going alone on this self proclaimed quest to save my sister, Jasmine, I needed to make deals, and pay debts for help. And the best way to do that was to reach for the top. No matter how many people I had to shove over. Even the lowly people could hear a few things, But those high on the rope of life, could hear just about everything. people at the top didn't get poodoo from those above them. Well, because no body was above them. Their word was law. and it was here that I searched for someone like this.

He was a Nobel on Courscant, but there was one thing that I had found out through a payment. He had a personal house on Zeltros where I could possibly reach him. And seeing as how the man was not affiliated with anybody. I knew that this man would have contacts. And thats what I needed as well. So much so, I would give just about anything to get anywhere right now.

landing my ship down on the spaceport of Zeltros. Walking down the ramp of the Telgorn Dropship as the voice in my head of Jasmine played over and over again.

"Don't leave me alone."

I took a hold of the necklace of a Rainbow Gem connected to a silver chain. Given to me by Jake before he died. Lifting it from my chest, I replaced it with a fake one. Going to a place I had never been before. I didn't know the type of people around here. and seeing as how I was meeting with a Nobel. He might have asked me for the gem. And I wanted to leave the place alive. A flash of my past came back to me, of pulling the little girl out of the rain over my shoulder. speaking to her and saying

"Your life is my life, I will not leave you."

I then took a few steps off the ship and started to make my way to his settlement. it was here that Intended to make the biggest move yet. And I doubt that it would be the last.

[member="Avicus DuSang"],

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
The DuSang Estate - Zeltros

A stately gentleman awaited [member="Erin Darkstar"] as the young man approached. "Right this way, Monsieur Darkstar." the man said, opening the doors for him. Inside, the entrance hall was filled with various portraits of historical Sith Lords on each wall. The floors a well polished tile. Intricate woodwork was everywhere to be found. The butler then proceeded up the black staircase, leading Erin along.

Top of the stairs, they walked down a long hallway until they reached a door. The butler knocked thrice before opening the door. "Lord Sennou, your afternoon appointment has arrived." The door was then closed as the butler waited patiently. A minute passed before the door once again opened, three scantily clad Zeltrosian women walking out, giggling as they blew kisses at the boy. From inside, the Sith Lord spoke. "Very well, Gerard. You may send him in now."

"Very good, my Lord." the butler said, fully opening the door and motioned for Erin to enter. Within his entering, the butler bowed and closed the door, allowing them to conduct business. Avicus DuSang sat in his study, one hand rested on his cheek as his attention was drawn to an open tome. It was an ancient text, flowing with dark side energy. The room was filled with books that held presence of the Dark Side. All flowing towards the Dark God as he soaked in their knowledge.

Brushing blue hair out of yellow eyes, his finger returned to his cheek as he looked over at the boy. "Welcome to the DuSang Estate. I trust I didn't keep you waiting for too long." His eyes rested on the young man's necklace. "Pity that's a forgery. You shouldn't waste your money on such rubbish trinkets. Can I get you a drink?" he asked, closing the book as he stood up.

Walking over to the bar, he poured two glasses of brandy, picking one up as he opened a box of cigars. The nobleman bit the end off one before lighting it. Taking a long drag, he sipped his brandy before exhaling the smoke from his nose. "Now, I was told that you were in need of my assistance. I assume that you were informed that any assistance I give won't come cheap, and I don't mean in terms of monetary means. So, you tell me what you desire, and I'll give you a price. I'm a gentleman of business, afterall. And one seeking the help from a Dark God should always be prepared for Faustian bargains."
It had not taken me but a few minutes to walk to the estate. From every angle the estate was grand. Having many credits spent on just the detail of the house was made very apparent. Credits in a number that I could probably never understand. As a servant of his took the lead to take me across the corridors of the man's place, each room looking more finely detailed than the last. For a thief and a young man my age to see all of this, it was almost like putting a hunter into a fridge full of all the game he could ever want to claim under his belt. I moved my eyes back to the butler as he led me to a rather large door and knocked three times and to speak of our meeting.

it was about a minute later that three women walked out giggling and walking past me in a very flirtatious attitude about themselves. In some very immodest clothing. Yes, I knew what the Female anatomy looked like, but it was not something that I thought about all the time. I was only focused on what I wanted, and that was to see my sister again. My attention was pulled to the doors once more as I could hear a man telling the butler to let me in. I adjusted my long tailed jacket and walked in on the command.

With the man facing towards the door, I could see his yellow predatory eyes. Sign of the Dark side of the Magic within the Galaxy at his control, I could also feel the plague of what the darkside was flowing in the man's veins. He was not a man simply to be trifled with for enjoyment. No, if you wanted to die, you would come to him. With his words of welcome I nodded my head and took notice of the book that he held. Being flowing with the darkness as well, it was apparent this man truly was a Sith and may have a cold heart as they say. Though I would never ask him that unless I could defend myself.

He poured two glasses of "liquid courage" and opened a box of finely made cigars. Probably put together by hand and taken from leaves and herbs of very rare plantlife. While I did not care for his flaunting of credits and power, I only wanted this man's contacts in the universe. of course there would be a price for it all. He also pointed out my necklace. While yes it was a forgery, I could not care less. It still symbolized my now dead friend, and my promise made to Jasmine. Even if it were worth dirt to this man, it was worth more to me than all the credits he could control. "Price of an item over the personal value is different to me Mr, DuSang." I spoke with a almost forced smile.

As he puffed out the almost dark grey fog from his mouth and nose, Speaking as though he were a dragon with wisps of smoke leaving him with each word that was uttered. Letting me know that he did not want money, but a different price for what he had. and I was willing to work under him. As he was standing at his personal bar, I stood only a few meters from him and the door. Firmly planted between the two. The man's asking of what I wanted welled up in my throat. I didn't want to ask too much and risk myself to become an unofficial slave to him, but I wanted everything I could get out of this man to help me. I then voiced what I wanted.

"I am looking for someone of great importance to me. To do that, I need contacts that can aid in the search for h- this person." I did not want to give too much away about myself. I almost had slipped up in saying "her" instead of "this person" saying that it was a girl, and how this man had shown his actions around women, I didn't want him to get any funny ideas about what he could do. "I need eyes and ears to see and listen so that I can find them. I also need credits and the ability to go to many destinations and investigate the whereabouts." I had a small pause in my wording. Knowing that by saying this last part, I would essentially be making a deal with the devil. Hearing stories of how corrupt a man of the dark side could be. I didn't want to turn out the same way.

"I need training."

[member="Avicus DuSang"]

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
"Lord DuSang." he corrected, taking a drink of his brandy.

He smirked a bit as [member="Erin Darkstar"] began talking of emotional value. "But, it also doesn't have as much personal value as the original. Thus, making it a double forgery." Taking another drag off of his cigar, he listened to the man. Breathed in the fear that seemed to radiate off of the young man. He was right to be hesitant. He was correct in being afraid. He was in the presence of a murderer. Even when he sat on the throne, Avicus wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty.

Walking behind his desk, he pulled open a drawer. Setting his glass down, he puffed on his cigar as he reached in. Pulling out a blood stained dagger, he set it down on the desk. Taking a seat at his desk, he exhaled the smoke from his lips. "Well, I'm going to need a name if you want my contacts to go looking for them." It wasn't an unreasonable task. But, the sentimental energies being brought on by his memories were like a sweet wine.

"And you need training." He chuckled to himself. Slowly rising in volume before it became a full fledge laugh. His laughter calmed down, taking another sip off of his brandy. Putting the cigar in the ashtray, he stood up, walking to the front of his desk. "You think you can handle the darkness? You're taking every ounce of your willpower not to tremble before me. There is fear in you. Fear, sadness, and regret. You could turn that into a weapon. You could become more powerful than you could ever imagine.

"But would it consume you before you leanred how to control it? That's the drawback of the dark side. If you lose sight of your humanity, you lose control of the dark side. Instead, you become a puppet to the darkness. Those souls that have relinquished all to the darkness are not living. They are empty shells. If training is what you seek, if this Jasmine is so important to you that you sought me out, then I will assist you." Taking the dagger, he sliced it across his hand.

Squeezing his fist over the second glass of brandy, his blood dripped into the glass, as the amber liquid turned a dark red. Black tendrils of the force lifted the glass to Erin as the cut slowly healed, the blood turning black and flaking away off of his skin. "What I ask in return is two favors from you that I will ask of you in a future time. One for my contacts. And one for my training. A small price to pay for what it is I have to offer."
He wanted to be called Lord. I wished I wouldn't have to, but it was already working out to me being in a very large debt to this man. Even more so, it seemed that he knew of the real one being hidden. And as much as he may have figured that out, I already knew that it would be hard to hide this all from him. Saying that it was a double forgery. Sure, it was considered as one. However, I do not care about how others look at me. if he saw me as a rat and how I would have to work my way up, then so be it. The man wanted my name. And really all I could give him Jasmine. She had no real last name, other than my last sights of her, I could only tell him of what she may have looked like.

I stayed silent throughout all of the man's words. Even as he laughed at me and asked if I could really hold onto myself through the darkside of the force. Saying that it was taking every ounce of my control to not "break down" in front of him. In truth, Yes I was scared of him. Not scared for my life. I was not scared of him physically. I was scared of what he would do if I did not keep up my bargain.

As the Sith took the blood stained dagger and cut it across his hand, and squeezed it to drop the blood tainted by the Dark side of the force into the alcohol. Continuing to speak and saying that I would owe him two favors. One for the contacts, and one for him personally. Walking towards him, I nodded my head speaking. Slowly walking towards him, "I know the corruption of the darkside, but I am willing to do anything to get back Jasmine. My sister." From my inside coat pocket, I pulled out a small datapad with information on Jasmine. I had collected the info from when we were hunted on Exocron for theft, and vandalism. Detailing her appearance, as well as a picture of her, and her name. I set it on the table. looking to the red liquid in the glass.

"Do not lie to me when we both know that those favors will not be small, Lord DuSang." I grabbed the drink of Brandy and swished it around in the glass with a few shakes of my hand, looking up to him, "I want all I can get, if that means dealing with you, then so be it." Taking the drink, I opened my mouth and sucked it all in and let it slide down my throat. letting the blood of the man burn as it went down my throat. I cringed my face at the burning, but I made through it.

"Now shall we continue?"

[member="Avicus DuSang"]

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
As the young man took the drink, Avicus could only smirk. So, he had a new apprentice. He would teach [member="Erin Darkstar"] in the ways of the force and help him find his sister. "In reality, the power I'll give you access to, and the chance to be reunited with your sister are far greater than any favor I could ask of you. But, you're right. They will not be easy. In your training, you'll learn how to play chess on a Galactic scale. Much like any true Sith Lord. However, you will be the ace in my sleeve. Because there are always knights who disobey orders and pawns who betray.

"But if you don't follow through with your end of the bargain, I will slowly destroy your precious Jasmine after I've left you helpless to watch. I am not an unfair man, but I do not take betrayal lightly. Because in the realms of the Sith, I am one of the honest ones." Finishing his brandy, he grabbed the datapad, flipping through the information. "I won't lie when I say the chances aren't great in finding her with this limited amount of information. We're talking about looking for a small diamond among a stretch of beach. Gerard!" the Sith Lord bellowed to his butler.

A minute passed before the door opened. "Yes, my Lord?" Avicus tossed him the datapad. "Young Master Darkstar is looking for his sister. This is the information he provided. Grease up the contacts to see if you can find her, or atleast get us places to start looking." The butler bowed. "Very good, sir. Is there anything else?" Avicus snuffed out his cigar. "Get my ship ready. We're leaving the manor shortly." The butler nodded, leaving the room. "Your training begins today. I hope you don't mind."

With that, he stood up and walked towards the landing pad on the roof of the manor.

Nar Shaadaa

"Hutt Space. I've always found this to be a delightful place to be. Nowhere else in the Galaxy can you learn politics, backhanded deals, survival, and self-sufficiency in such an extreme detail." He tossed his new apprentice a datapad. "On there, you'll find information on your target. A green skinned twi'lek named Krilt. Her and I were old acquaintances when I was affiliated with the Hutt Cartel. Lately, she's been attempting to blackmail me. I fed her some credits for her silence, but now she keeps requesting more.

"Seeing as she didn't keep up our agreemnet, it's time for her to be extinguished. Your first task is to eliminate her. You have to know what it's like to take a life. Even if it's one that you're not too familiar with. On that datapad, you'll find her usual haunts as well as the credit trail of all the money she's been spending in the past two weeks." With that, he handed him a credit stick. "Five thousand credits. That'll help you establish a temporary residence, food, and information."

The ramp dropped down on the space dock as Avicus motioned for his apprentice to depart. "Set yourself up a base of operations. I'll be keeping an eye on you. The Galaxy is a dangerous place. Full of enemies around every corner. A true Sith knows how to make his enemies into allies, even if it's temporary. Find what motivates people and exploit it."
Now some of that may have been a lie. Being a fair Sith was like saying a cat can be purple in color naturally. However, I had to place some of my unwanted trust in this man to understand what he will be teaching me. He finished off his drink as he called me his "Ace" or a secret apprentice that he came to when he needed something done without his name being in it. That much I could understand. as taking another apprentice would only infuriate his others. He also gave me his one and only warning that if I went against him, he would do everything to make my life a living hell. And I knew that as much as my own determination, his would be inescapable. I simply nodded when he spoke, giving him some form of confirmation that I understood his words.

Calling his butler, he gave him the datapad of the information that would take a while for the information to travel back to myself. I had a doubt that the man was as he said, a business man, who would withhold information from me just so then he could continue to have me as his personal Ace. I had my thoughts, and doubts of this man about his morals and ideals, but his power and will power itself, was very apparent. He was a man who earned his way here. And he was damn sure to do it again if need be.

Once the butler left, he turned to me and spoke of starting our training now. I nodded. Knowing that I would be leaving all other things in my ship there for now. Later on, I could get better items for these missions that he would send me on for him. Even if it meant the death of others, I would work for this man until my debt could be paid, and from there, try to live a normal life with my sister.

Nar Shaadaa

Hut space was not where I wanted to be again. Just the place where we had to deal with people who were not so savory. Scum, pirates, smugglers, and the like were all around here on the planet. Catching the Datapad in midair. I then placed it within my jacket to read it all at a later time. He then began to tell me information about the Twi'lik that was blackmailing the Sith Lord. Even I knew that was a stupid idea. I then took the credit stick with details that there was 5 thousand credits on it. Needed to make a base and supply myself with food and whatever else. Nodding my head, I slid the chip into my inside pocket to reduce the chance of it being stolen.

With him saying that he would be watching me, I already knew that would be there. probably so he would make sure that I didn't make any moves against him. Giving me some advice as well. To take what the people had to make them move forward, and use it against them. I would have on the job training. I would have to move. looking to him. I unclipped my blaster pistol on the small of my back, so if I had to grab it in a dash I could. Grabbing my mask to hold it in my hand, I then looked to the man, my master. "Anything else I should know?" Take everything you can get as they say.

[member="Avicus DuSang"]

Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
The Dark God smirked. It seemed [member="Erin Darkstar"] would make a formidable apprentice afterall. "As a matter of fact, yes. I received intel that one [member="Harland Gates"] has been offered a contract for your head. Not sure what you did in order to gain attraction, but perhaps your previous search for your sister has ruffled a few feathers. I can't tell you really anything about the man, other than he's been known to make Nar Shaadaa his home. This will truly test your mettle because not only do you have to track down Krilt without her knowing, but you must do the same without alerting your hunter as well.

"Speaking of Krilt, what you won't find in her credit history is the fact that she has four bodyguards. Gammorian, really nothing too threatening, but there won't be many oppurtunities where she'll be alone. Unless, of course, you provide them. Furthermore, there are a few rules you must keep in mind of. You're only here to take one life; that of the twi'lek. Take any others and your training ends and you will be sent on your way with what limited information we found on the trip from Zeltros to here. Keep a low profile. People flashing around a few thousand credits at any given moment on Nar Shaadaa, especially a tourist, will attract attention.

"You want to be a shadow. Remember that darkness is your ally. Both literal and figuratively. As easy as it is to gain attention, it's just as easy to lose it. Don't be afraid to use false aliases and slip a few credits here and there to keep you off of records. Especially when you're greasing contacts and gaining a residence. Everything else is entirely your call. I want to see how well you adapt to new situations." With that, he motioned for the boy to leave his ship.

As the Infiltrator left the spaceport, the Sith Master lit up a cigar. Taking a few puffs, the ship made it's way to his private residence. Off the books. Off the grid. It was his personal hideaway when he was a smuggler, and during his days with the Hutt Cartel. It was his persoanl base of operations. From here, he would observe the boy. See how he performed under the stresses of, not only being on Nar Shaadaa, but being hunted as well. There will always be those that hunted you.

It was a hard lesson to learn.
I nodded my head as the man pointed out that I was being hunted as well. A bounty on my head was out. I didn't know how much, but it was enough to get attention. Another thing that I had to deal with. The game of cat and mouse, only now there was a dog involved, and I was not the dog. As much as all I knew about this man was that he was hunting for me, I may have to pay a little to get some information on him as well. Knowledge was power. So if I could learn if this man was able to control magic, or if he was a man clad in as many guns as a Mandalorian could carry, I needed to know ASAP.

I was to take the life of only one person. The Twi'lik, or I would lose my training. But he did not say anything about causing people harm to get what I needed. And even then, only when necessary. I needed people to respect and fear me at the same time. Literally and figuratively using shadows to my advantage. Just as my new master stated. With his motion to leave, I looked out of the doors of the ship, to see that we have not even yet landed. I huffed as I would have to find a way down myself. Turning to the Sith Lord, I nodded my head. And took a backwards step out of the ship, and plunged headfirst towards the planet's surface below.

I looked for any close form of stopping myself. and all that there was flying around ships, and air speeders. I adjusted my path of flight by a push of the powers I controlled, sending me into the path of a ship. Pulling out my pistol, a S-5 heavy blaster pistol with the grappling hook attachment, I plugged in the cord, and fired it onto the top of a passing by ship. I heard a clink and quickly attached it to my belt, and was yanked off to the side as the ship turned.

Almost slamming into the face of a building, the best I could do was force my feet to take the blow and roll off of the face of the building, and fall letting the swing of the cord begin to pull me up. Turn after turn, it finally came to a stop. Mid air, I pulled up as fast as the motor on the belt could. Yanking me to the top of the ship, I looked to see that it was an old Starfighter. Converted to be that of the Local "Police" that were really troops owned by the Hutts.

I looked into the view port, and looked to see a Rodian. He started to yell at me, and with some relief I yanked the cord off of the ship, and allowed myself to fall once more.

Using the grappling hook once more, I grabbed onto a nearby building, yes, it drew attention to myself. But it was easier to switch out my clothes later on to get rid of the image of my face. And seeing as how I was being followed. Might as well make some appearance of myself here, for the man to follow a false trail. Giving me more time. Slamming into the Transparasteel I gave a good umph, before sliding the window open with a grip of the Magic, and got in. Leaving the cord there, I placed the blaster pistol on my belt. Pulled off my jacket and flipped it around. Revealing instead of a Black base with white lined jacket, with a White base with red lining.

Walking off to where I could get my next place of living conditions. I moved to leave the building. Rubbing the bruise on my shoulder as I walked out.

[member="Avicus DuSang"], [member="Harland Gates"],
The Vertical City - a literal cesspool of activity from the tips of the sky-scraping spires to the grit and grime of the city streets hundreds upon hundreds of meters below. An orbiting paradise for smugglers, drug lords, and every sort of villainous activity imaginable could be found in some form or fashion on Nar Shaadaa. It was a fething playground for the less reputable, the highly suspicious, and a Galaxies worth of creed. People don't come here for a resort, for a getaway from the troubles of life. This is where they -made- the troubles of life. It was an planet-wide industry of mistrust and lies, and no matter how far you climbed up the towers of seedy success, there was always another waiting to push you right off that criminal ladder. However, despite all of its downfalls, the Smuggler's Moon was a thriving ecosystem in which balanced out some of the pretty and polished parts of the deep Core. There had to be darkness for the light to exist, and vice-a-versa. A man could find work if he wasn't exactly on the picky side about what it was - a man that made his own rules, his own destiny, and was looking for some coin.

Mercenary work - it was the absolute least fun of the skills he'd picked up in his time abroad. There were few things in the Galaxy that made Gates' stomach turn than being a hit-man for hire. Isn't this why Mandalorians existed? To be the underbelly scum of the Galaxy and take out targets for the credit or coin involved. Apparently his employer couldn't attract the attention of those armored thugs. Or perhaps he didn't want their kind on his scent - and Hal couldn't blame them. This however did pay the most out of his skill-set, so the double edged sword of irony was endured through grit teeth and a stalwart resolve. This wasn't however some stealth assassin that was meant to deal death - Harland was far from an ordinary choice for the job, and he preferred to distance himself from that reputation as much as possible. Morals aside, it was messy, always more complicated than it seemed, and quite possibly the most dangerous profession out there. That is unless you worked for a Hutt as his personal chef.

First step, grease the wheels of a seething society, and employ the eyes and years of Nar Shaadaa's finest scouts to get a radius and location. He'd not search the entire moon for signs of a single mark, not by a long-shot. A completely incognito network of regulars and lookouts that'd report activity in the most discreet of ways, while remaining a semi-functioning citizen of the moon. There were hundreds if not thousands of them willing to do such work for coin. It was a slight inconvenience to watch and report, but for the right price, this unstructured but reliable web of contacts was the best security system and early warning detection system that you could put credits down for. Gates had spent enough time understanding how the cogs of the wheel of shady worked, and fashioned together, and he wasn't above it. He rather admired it's simplicity.

"Give me thirteen on Morus. High bet to third round." Gates stated as he threw down some chips while surrounded by a horde of betting sentients in just one of the many casino type locations in the entertainment district of the city. It looked like betting, it smelled like betting, and it literally was betting. The money however was also being placed on a specific Bantha race that was linked to this secret society meant to weed out the looky lous and backwater laserbrains, and focus on them who would pay. Harland knew how this worked, but he also couldn't resist putting a few credits down on a race that was so clearly rigged from the start. When you owned and ran a Bantha race, and were fronting the underdog, there was always rigging involved. The data contact was given, and Harland slipped it into his jacket pocket turning to grab a sunspot at the bar just a few feet from the betting tables. He wasn't even outright looking right now, and now he didn't have to.

[member="Erin Darkstar"] [member="Avicus DuSang"]
Taking the elevator down from the some odd numbered floor. In some kind of a hotel room. from where I had entered. I listened to the music that was playing in the elevator. however, it was soon drowned out by the sounds of clinking machines, and people yelling. A Casino.

The door opened to reveal many people walking by with pazzak cards, credit chips, and even a few prizes of a kind. Each different. The decorative ceiling was being washed in a portion to rid the dust of the place in here. As the janitors worked, it gave the assumption that this place was open, and never closed. Looking around from the small opening of the doorway that I had of the place, I knew there were cameras here. Grabbing my mask I slinked out of the elevator as I placed the mask on my face.

The White face-plate, with black eye holes, a red devilish smile and a purple lighting bolt on the right side was all that people would see of my face. I grabbed my hood and pulled it up. Covering my black hair. When I pulled my hood up, it also hid the hilts of my blades making me look as though I was some kind of vigilante. However I was not. I was not here to save people. Not to beat the badguys into submission for the good and moral cops to take away. I was a man that came here for a price, and was here to kill only one person. Easier said than done.

I moved past others. Some looked at me as I was garbed up in all covering myself. Sure it drew attention, but it was the attention of a man who is not wanting to be messed with at the moment. From here, I was headed towards the doors. Reaching for them to leave. Stopped. Something twinged in my mind. Sure I was sure to meet one here. The place was huge. But feeling a force sensitive in a casino, it was a little bit unexpected. I shook my head and pushed the door open. If it was a force sensitive, I didn't want to find out who it was.

[member="Harland Gates"], [member="Avicus DuSang"],
Research. It had to be done one way or another. For the best mercenaries, they only need a small fraction of information -- perhaps just a name, or a picture. Gates was far from the best of the bounty hunters in the Galaxy, feth it, he was just an average guy who occasionally would track down a mark if the price was right. The job had come with a name, a planet, and what the intended target was looking to be doing on a crime-ridden moon like this one. It was more than a seasoned pro would need, but for Harland is still left a lot of gaping questions open and unanswered. He had no idea what this Darkstar even looked like, which was really going to slow things down. Names had to be dropped before they could be spotted without a face match. There were however other ways to spot someone that you could only tie a name to. If there was one thing Gates excelled at over anything else it was sheer ingenuity. He knew how to work a system, and how to think outside the box. An old phrase popped into mind as he put together a request from the network of low-life contacts.

If Yoda will not go to the Temple, bring the Temple to Yoda.

Normally Harland hated to think that any of the mantras he learned during his Jedi training days would be useful, but he made an exception of those that were more proverbial. With Yoda being such a paragon of virtue and power in the Hall of Records in the Jedi Order, he was often referred to as a character in many of their sayings. The idea was simple, if it was going to be more of a challenge to bring the mark out in the open, bring the spotlight to the mark. After greasing a few wheels in the Casino, he'd managed to get an affirmative in the way of a winning bet on the Bantha Race. Harland collected his winnings but didn't leave his seat. He didn't need to, and there was still a game to play. Downing the sunspot, he turned his attention to the holo-screen for the current betting seminar, while he lightly dribbled his credit stack before him, debating on doubling down.

Meanwhile, outside the Casino, his plan started to come into action. The highways and byways of Nar Shaadaa were flooded with people, skylane traffic, and brightly glowing marquees of every different shape and size. All of them with scrolling neon text in various languages promoting the goods and services of this smuggler's haven. Slowly messages started to move through the host of signs asking about one Erin Darkstar. They were certainly not subtle either. His name started to pop up here and there, and soon every marquee in every street nearby was flashing his name back and forth. Hundreds and thousands of sentients were now memorizing that name as it went viral around the city sector. While this alone would not do much, except put his name out there - the combination of Gate's strategy would do the rest. Various spotters along along the city district had already been privy to the message, and their job was to simply watch and observe. Once the mark would see his name in lights all over the district, he was bound to react. Something subtle or major, whatever it was, Gate's had a host of eyes peeled for behavior that would be uncharacteristic for those not owning that particular name.

Back in the Casino, Gates was indeed putting his earnings on the next of three races while he kept a commlink and datapad nearby, waiting for updates from the various and unsavory sources all around the smuggler's moon. It was simply a waiting game at this point, and he had time to kill.

[member="Erin Darkstar"] [member="Avicus DuSang"]
Walking out of the Casino, I needed to get somewhere. A place to stay. Not something two big like a beacon on where I was, while also being not to out of the way to be easy to find me. Looking up to see a very close speeder go overhead, It let my attention be caught by the holoprojectors. My name, Erin Darkstar. Wanted. Yep I was already known around here. Great. I took a deep breath and walked on. I could either let this get to me and I could mess up, or I could act as though it's not there. I had to be careful.

I kept my attention straight ahead. looking around as though I was watching my back would get suspicion on me. Looking around, for a second I walked into a near by store. A simple fix it up shop for ships I walked into the back towards the restroom. Already taking my hood off and my mask, I flipped my jacket around once more. letting the black jacket side be apparent. I put the mask up, and folded up the hood. Looking to the man at the counter he looked at me as though I was stupid. Pulling out my credits, yet having them hidden by the size of my hand, I walked up to him, "Give me some clothes, put them in a small bag, and once I leave, I was never here." Setting it down, it revealed 50 credits. he looked at it and nodded his head. And seeing as how he had stocked shelves, and no one was in here, he didn't get very many people. he started to walk away when I grabbed his arm. "And erase me from your cameras." he nodded his head once more and went to work.

About two minutes later, he had a bookbag with two sets of clothes, sunglasses. Shadez I think they were? I nodded my head and left the store. it was dark outside right now, so the glasses would be no good. I put them in my pocket and walkedout. Turning out, I walked as though I was passing and doing window shoping. I stopped for a second and looked through my bag. opening it up, I found a recite on the top. Saying that I paid for a new ship. Fake, but the man knew I was running from something. Sifting through my bag, I faked to pull out credits. and set off once more.

There was more to be done.

[member="Harland Gates"], [member="Avicus DuSang"],
While the greased wheels of the Smuggler's moon could get you a decent network of civilian spies, this rock was also a double-edged sword. As much as it was prime territory for crime, it was also an industrial complex which thrived on secrets, lies, and suspicion. People generally didn't care if they knew you were up to something shady or ill-mannered. Wanted ads did not help, holo-net recordings of muggings and murders happened daily. Sources could be trusted so long as the funds they were getting weren't beat by a competitor. Buying off salesmen, and bribing officials were common practice in the Vertical City, and that wasn't likely to change. There was however more than one way to skin a Nexu, and Gates wasn't going to simply rely on his contacts to spot his target - no there were other methods.

It would be a good standard hour's time with Gates getting no hits on his current location attempt, and by then the media had regained control of the marquee display, and things had returned to normal out in the district. A couple glasses of sun-spot brandy had been finished at this point, and he'd lost a few more credits than he had expected. That was the problem with gambling, you gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold'em, know when to walk away, and know when to run. At he thought that was how it went. Gates had traded his Casino location for some place with a bit more leg-room, and more legs. Shadaa was a haven for crime yes, but it was also a wonderful hallmark to all the sins of the sentient condition - and he had currently setup shop in a den of lust and desire. A barely legal dancing establishment where he could kick his black boots up and take in the view.

"Kid knows how to keep his head down, I'll give him that." Gates remarked glibly as he eyed his silent datapad once again. It was a shot in the dark, albeit a good and aimed one, but it had born no fruit. Gears had to be switched, and if he couldn't locate him the way of least resistance, he'd force his mark's hand, and bait him into coming to him instead. Thankfully the bait was attractive, limber and colleagues with a host of other females that were currently gracing the stage of the 'gentlemen's club' he found himself in. Harland sure didn't look like a mercenary, aside from weapons that could be seen on his person, he looked more like an aloof scoundrel than anything else. A money hungry Toydarian currently sat adjacent to Gates, counting the exchange on his datapad as he looked up, to converse with the spacer. Seeing as he just bought some face time with him, quite literally.

"So you say my girl's being targeted eh? You say you wanna take care of it, I think I like this deal. Insurance is hard to come by in this sector, and it's bad enough trying to deal with sleemos attempting to take what they want from 'em."

"Just need her schedule, and maybe a few credits from my troubles when I take care of the threat. Your girls are good, no doubt there. Hate for you to lose coin over a bad debt." Gates played the money angle with the manager of the club, getting him to give him the details on a green skinned Twi-lek named Krilt. He was currently watching the woman dance on the far left pole, and admiring the view. Twi-leks weren't exactly his favorite flavor of the month, but they weren't bad to watch either -- as long as you could get around the lekku that whipped back and forth during the dance. The Toydaraian happy with his struck deal fluttered off to no doubt count some more money. Greedy like kark.

[member="Erin Darkstar"] [member="Avicus DuSang"]
The thing about being unnoticeable is that you had to move, and change a lot. Within the city, I found a few places, but they were either too little or too large. And seeing as how I only had a little less than 5000 credits from the Sith Lord, as well as the few hundred that I always carried anyways. I needed to make it last. After about an hour of searching, I found the right place. Called "The Sleeping Rancor" Looking around the main lobby, I could see a few people drinking, and even what looked to be a couple making out. Moving up to the main desk. Ordering a room. No room service, Single bed. Paying about 150 credits. I took the key card and went up to my room.

Once opening the door, I looked around to see that it was fairly nice. Nothing bad so far. Once closing the door. I smiled. Grabbing half of the recite, I ripped it in half and pulled out a lighter. Carried one when you were on the road. You never knew what you may need. Lighting the recite, I then blew out the little flame. The smoke started to drift up I moved around the corners of the room and found that the smoke was only leaving out of the air vent. One room, no hidden places. I then opened the air vent and looked in for any recording devices. Finding nothing. I looked around on the lights and whatever else. Smiling as nothing was found. I grabbed the headstand, and slid it over to the door.

I wouldn't need it right now, and I didn't have a chair. Opening my bag, I had it on the bed and pulled out everything that I had. Two sets of clothes. Lighter, pocket knife, top half of a recite, Datapad, little over 5000 credits considering I already had some, my weapons, and the bag itself. I shook my head. Deciding that this was my time to read up on the twi'lik that I was hunting. Opening up the datapad and activating it, I laid back in the bed, and decided to read. Right when I opened it, it showed two holos of her. One in a smuggler like uniform. Tight around her body, but not revealing. The second, showed her almost in her birthday suit with her back facing to me, and with her head turned seductively with her finger in her open mouth. I shook my head. Some women tried to hard to look good.

Looks like this will be a long read.

[member="Harland Gates"], [member="Avicus DuSang"],
Of the mercenary work he'd done in the past (very little of it), he couldn't fault this one for at least having a good view. Gates could sit back and relax for right now, as he didn't suspect his target was going to saunter into the club, packing enough heat to take out one of the dancers, and dream about living much longer afterwards. The club wasn't boasting a great deal of security, but even still, you mess with a man's business on Nar Shaddaa, you might as well become invisible, as it was the only way you were going to stay ahead of a death squad. He wasn't being hired to protect the Twi-lek though, but any chance to make a few extra credits while doing another job never hurt - and it only served to further the spacer's goals. The next few hours in the club were spent with his feet kicked up, a glass of some brandy like liquid hovering around the halfway mark, and a plethora of different acts to grace the stage. Harland didn't usually attend these kind of venues, but he had no issue with window shopping as it were. As the night wound on, he was provided with the flimsi of Krilt's schedule and current address. What was good for business didn't factor into personal privacy for the Toydaraian. He simply wanted to keep his investments intact.

While this kind of work always bothered him to some extent, this job more than most was a cause of a deeper resentment. Not for who the target was, or the deal he had struck -- no his problems ran deeper. He'd walked back into a sector of the Galaxy he'd given up on. Nar Shaddaa was a close exception to the rule, but he'd been spending his time in the last few years on the outskirts, trying to steer clear of the great Republic cloud of influence, and the wars and rumors of wars that were always circulating around their expanse. Now he had shown back up, he'd reconnected in the loosest of ways with a beacon from his past that had always shone a little brighter whenever he recalled his younger days. Nearly thirty years of age, and he'd become hardened, callous and jaded. His was gated off as his name implied, but cracks were starting to show through the armor. Someone who'd always been able to see right through any facade weighed on his mind. For a job like this, he felt a touch more guilty than he normally would.

Twilight fell on the Vertical City, and Gates setup shop to run surveillance on his bait, keeping a healthy dose of informants close by to ensure that any action taken against this residence was going to be seen, understood and reported in record time. He really didn't like relying on people, especially when they knew you were counting on them. That was precisely why he didn't tell the Twi-lek anything about her predicament. Knowledge was power, and it was also a scary thing in the hands of the untrained. She was his bait, and he wasn't going to risk spooking her into doing something foolish - like running away. Unless he was flying in the Wild Goose, he really didn't like to chase people down.

[member="Avicus DuSang"] [member="Erin Darkstar"]
Reading about the Datapad late into the night, I found information that while she may have been a good dealer and had trades with many kinds of people around the Galaxy, her day job was that of a dancer. Well more so stripper that called themselves dancers. Saying information about known places she was seen to be entering on where she may have lived. There was a total of four places in which she was seen entering, then leaving the next day. There was a fifth but the place was just too big of a palace to be where she lived. it was most likely a client of hers that she could "ride" on. Details on how she had Gamorean guards when out on a deal was in there as well. Carrying things such as a heavy repeater, or vibroaxes or the larger end of vibroswords. I read and read through the night. when looking to see it was 2 in the morning, I shook my head put the datapad up and went to sleep.

In the morning, I woke up to a banging on my door, "Jarrax Get up you Mangy cur!" I stood up grabbing my S-5 blaster pistol and opened the door. The pistol was aimed at him dead in the face as he was about to slam on the door again. I looked up to him. Tall, about six foot, with a lean build. Looked like a smuggler type. I reached up grabbing his collar and yanked him into the room. With a wave of my hand the door closed behind him and he was on the floor trying to get up. I fired a blaster shot at his hands, missing it for the purpose of scaring him. "And who would this Jarrax be?" Having a blaster to his head he smiled, "Like I would tell you boy." I shook my head and slammed the but of the pistol on his hand. He yelled out but too late as I used the force to keep it shut.

"Why are you here?" The tone of my voice was not so nice. And I could not kill the man, should I do so, the deal I had would go all bad for me. "Look I am just getting my partner, I thought he was in this room." I shook my head again. "You would have checked the front desk for his name not come barging up here and waking me. Tell me why you are here." I grabbed credits from my pocket. I had not put them up last night as I needed to keep everything close to me should I have to run. Showing him a hundred credits. "Speak and I will let you go with these credits." He gulped and nodded his head, thinking about what he was doing. "I was supposed to find someone, Some kid name Erin. Thought it was you."

I realized fast that people were looking for me. And that more eyes were now on the streets. I walked over to him as though I was going to hand him the credits, only to take the bottom of my pistol and smack his head hard. Knocking him out. Looking around, I grabbed the cords of a lamp and tied up his hands and feet together. I took a shirt, ran it underwater and stuffed it in his mouth. Taking strips of said shirt before hand, I tied a gag around his mouth and shoved him into the closet. Someone would find him later. But with the idea that people were looking for me now, I would have to move somewhere else.

Grabbing everything that I had, putting it into the bag, and switching clothes to look like a young man with cloths that were a little to big for him, I hid the blaster under my large shirt. No bulges would show, and my bag would cover any that would happen to show. Leaving the room, I walked out and decided to start working. It took me only five minutes to reach the first place. it was s separate home, But to be sure, I only passed the door. Knocking on a few doors down, a old man came out of the apartment. "Wha is it dat ya want kid?" I opened my hand and tried to put on a face that looked like a hurt pup, "Please sir, I would like some food or clothes." The old man laughed at me then shut the door. I smiled as I walked to the next door, doing the same thing. Still the same response. When I did this over three more times, I came to the Twi'liks door, it may be early enough in the morning to find here here.

Opening the door was a Gamorean. Holding a weapon behind him he answered me with a grunt. and I smiled.

[member="Harland Gates"], [member="Avicus DuSang"],
Beep. Beep. Beep.

The data-pad blinked to the life on the console of the Wild Goose. The screen lit up giving it's pale blue glow to illuminate the cabin. Only a few moments after the sound of a wheezed snore filled the cockpit as Hal continued to count Corellian sheep. The stakeout had last through the night, and he'd gotten nothing on his visual, forcing the spacer into a passed out state in his vessel. Booted feet kicked up on the dash, his seat tilted back and his form lounging as the first rays of Nal Hutta's son struck the surface bouncing off the Vertical City and lightning up the sky scrapers, glinting off the metal. Silence reigned again in the cabin until the data pad cycled through and rang again.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

This time a bit louder, and it also incorporated a vibrating feature which rattled the device, making an awful clanking sound on the plasteel surface. A snort and then a intake of breath later and Harland started to break from his contract with the sandman, and rouse himself to reality. The datapad however continued to vibrate and beep until it's vibrations sent it off the console and onto the floor. The now muted speaker rang against the tiling below, but the vibration only intensified as it hit durasteel. A shift in position drew one of his booted feet off the dash and it slumped like a stone right to the floor, in the process it hit one of the switches, which triggered the cockpit dome to release with a hiss, letting that wonderful Nar Shaddaa atmosphere race inside to greet him. The entire motion caused him to topple over and onto the floor between the seats.

"Mother of Kwath!" Hal managed as he hit the deck, shocking him awake from his amalgam of dreams and snapped him back to reality. His hands fumbled for the datapad to stop it's ungodly clanking, turning it over as he climbed to his feet. Fingers began to scroll back and forth before he had to wipe his eyes and get a good (less fuzzy) visual on the screen. "Argh...Nek take it. Couldn't even wait to sunrise, you people never heard of sleep before?" He asked, his tone incredulous as he got the reports that indicated movement on his target. There were enough spotters to notice the missing informant and a young man dashing out of the hostel that had provided him room and board. The second alert was from the folks that were mulling around the complex where the bait was hold up in. There was a fellow matching the same description doing some pan-handling in the neighborhood, and he was heading that way. "Least we have some good news, maybe he'll be a sitting mynock."

Gates was up and out of the cockpit, aiming to secure his long range rifle that he'd packed for just such an occasion. He preferred the pistol to anything else, but his aim was good with just about any projectile firing device. Besides, this one was supposed to be a Force adept. From years of previous training that he tried hard to forget and ignore, he knew at the least, that precognition was not beyond the likes of them. He had to surprise them, get out of their awareness bubble and blindside the little buggers. His location was still pretty well secluded, and he aimed to keep it that way. The rooftop overlooking the flat across the way was about 150 meters, but just a bit more from roof to street level. The rifle stand was put together complete with a dark blanket to match the building facade so that only the barrel shown through, making it nearly impossible to see at that distance.

Bringing up the holo-feed, Gates tapped into the micro-cam that rested above the doorway of the Twi-let's flat, and narrowed his view to outside the front door. He'd need a clear visual if he was going to do this right, and he wanted to make sure he wasn't just going to let loose on an actual hobo. Granted he wouldn't feel awful about it, but it wasn't going to get him paid if he got the wrong target. Close counted in a few things, but not in mercenary work.

[member="Avicus DuSang"] [member="Erin Darkstar"]
If the Twi'lik was here on her own like she usually is, then she would have answered the door to me. A little kid with black disheveled hair, some dirt on his face, and ripped up clothes with a bag on his back. While one hand was in the ripped jacket holding the S-5 blaster, looking as though I was cold, while the other was out asking for food or clothing. So with the Guard there, I knew something else was up. Likely she was here, but hiding in the back, or she was somewhere else entirely. Before coming to this door, I had looked past the other owners of places down here as well. Having just about the same layout in floor plan, a window would be behind all of them. A window that could be used by me, or maybe someone else. Even then, four guards against a little guy like myself, I could be overpowered to be thrown out the window. I was wary and made sure that my body was between the window and the green pig of a guard.

"Do you have any clothes or food?" The pig did some snort sounds and other such when I felt like getting to the bottom of this. "Please, I am cold, I just want in!" The guard shook his head and while he was focused on shaking his head and trying to not show his weapon, he got a knee to the groin. Bending over, I revealed my blaster and smacked him on the head. Enough to stun him, but not cause much other. I turned him around and pushed him forward in front of me. During that time, the worst noise to come from him, was a small squeak which was ended with the smack to the head. Two more were sitting down watching the holo when the "doorman" tripped over himself to land face first in front of them. Using the force to grip the Gamorean, I picked him up to cover me and be between me and everything on the other side. The guards tried to move around from where they were sitting, but that was a bad move. With a small push, two of the three pigs fell out the window to fall down a two story drop.

Enough to break bones and get bruises and scrapes, but not kill them. After all, I was only supposed to kill one person. Once more, another came out. Fourth one that I was warned about by the Mr. [member="Avicus DuSang"]. With a quick pick up of the ax that was left on the ground, I threw it to slam into the wall next to his head. he duck, trying to avoid it, but would be met with my knee to his face. him bending down to avoid another attack, while I myself flitted across the room in a blur to slam my knee home in his face. One has to break. and well, it happened to be the cheek, and jaw bones of this guards face. The last one was standing there between me and the window. During that, he had looked down to see if his friends were okay, by allowing him, he blocked the window, and let just enough room for me to see outside.

Pistol aimed at him, I smiled devilishly, "Move and you lose a knee cap." To make my word clear, I fired a shot at his feet missing him on purpose. "Tell me where Krilt is."

[member="Harland Gates"],
Gamorreans. The green pigs of the Galaxy, bi-pedal, thick snouted and also thick headed. They were the perfect guards, but horrible with people skills. That one reason was exactly while they were always given guard duty. They didn't have compassion, they didn't have enough room in their head for that emotion. They were all snout and tusks and smelled just as bad. Four of them to guard once place was probably as suspicious as it came, but that was the point. The Twi-lek was bait, and whether she lived or died, she was meant to draw the real target out into the open. Granted he wanted to pocket the second payday by keeping the dancer breathing and limber, but he'd forego that if it meant getting at least one job settled. He'd rather owe a Dug money than the financial backer who had ordered the hit out on Erin.

The image of a kid begging for scraps, food or shelter reflected in the datapad as Gate's watched the scene unfold. Just as expected, the Gamorrean refused entry, huffing and snorting out defiance, refusing to even utter out the syllables of it's dialect to thwart the kid off. He wasn't convinced at this point, unsure if this was just some random Shaddaa citizen who was down on his luck and was looking for handouts. It didn't take long however for the idea to marinate and come to fruition that he was most likely his target. The hit to the groin was a bold move in Gate's opinion. Given the Gamorrean anatomy, he was actually surprised when the pig succumbed to the hit. Blue eyes held fast to the screen, watching the ruckus as Darkstar began to dispatch the guards one by one. Clear signs of Force usage evident on his monitor while the pigs came from all directions to take out the pint sized threat.

"Well I can see the worth of the hit, kid has some moves. Young too." Gates was about Erin's age when he was introduced to the Council for the possibility of knighthood. It had fallen through, but even he wasn't as accomplished then as young Erin was. The kid seemed to be a natural, able to take a bad situation and work with it in a way he needed to. The non-lethality of his attacks though spoke to Harland that he might not be as dangerous as he was led to believe. Either that or someone had him on a very short leash. The pistol whip and crack of the jaw made Hal's face visibly cringe with the blow. "Man, I hope they had dental for this gig. That's gotta smart." Turning his attention to the rifle, and lining up his eye to the sight, he narrowed it's range and kept a perfect bead on Erin through his higher angled vantage point. The holocam helped quite a bit as well. "Alright kid, you just earned yourself a nap."

Just as Darkstar questioned the last guard, the trigger was squeezed and the barrel let out a muffled chirp, rocketing a solid projectile through the air at breakneck speeds. The shot was aimed to compensate for wind resistance and drag. It was a lost art sometimes, as so many relied on blaster bolts of plasma that were immune to the variables of a solid object. The paralysis dart laced with a sleeping agent ripped across the expanse and right through an opening in the doorway to embed itself into the target. Gates knew the Jedi reflex, he'd used it hundreds of times, even when he wasn't trying. However, he also knew the reflex came in part by the precognitive powers that when active could predict trouble and keep him safe. The problem with it though lied in focus. If you were distracted, or in the midst of already trying to watch our back from a source you could see, an outside influence rarely threw up red flags of danger. That is what he banked on, and that was why he called this one, the money shot. If contact was made, the transfer of chemicals was near instant and moved right into the bloodstream. It would only be seconds before they'd react and put the mark out cold.

"Bang." The word slipped barely audible from his lips while he waited and watched fractions of a second after firing.

[member="Avicus DuSang"] [member="Erin Darkstar"]

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