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Eternal Empire

“We are the Eternal Empire! The end of the evolutionary line! The past is our faith. The present is our struggle. The future is ours to claim. And ours alone.” Vast, immersive lore. Gritty warzones. Political intrigue. Adventure rife with peril...

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Eternal Empire Mission Board

Eternal Fleet Command

Eternal Empire Mission Board
While the Empire mobilizes for war abroad, time does not stand still for the home front. For a nation as large and diverse as the Empire, constant vigilance is required to maintain the status quo, namely - peace, stability, and unquestioning loyalty to the Empress.


The Empire’s borders are ever expanding, requiring the diligence of the ever-stalwart men and women of the Eternal Fleet to maintain order; even on the fringes of Imperial Space.​

  • The Batvadan Frontier: The fringe border-world was once thought to be lifeless and barren has revealed itself to be anything but due to the recent efforts of Imperial research teams. Now, the Empire has seen fit to establish an orbital outpost over the planet to serve the multifaceted purpose of a waystation for further Imperial expansion, planetary research, resource harvesting, and a naval outpost to protect the growing interstellar traffic moving to and from the region. As the Imperial war machine commits progressively more and more resources to its campaign within the Outer Rim, domestic naval resources are stretched to their limit to maintain order. Are you up to the task?
  • Ssi-Ruuk Warbands: Despite the Empire’s brutal and decisive conquest of Lwhekk some years ago, shattered elements of the Ssi-Ruuvi still remain on the fringes of Imperial space; becoming an increasingly irritating thorn in the side of those who have chosen to live in the region and surrounding sectors in the form of raiding warbands and marauders. While the main strength of the Ssi-Ruuvi host was shattered during the aforementioned confrontation, reports have trickled in from the surrounding sectors of Pa’desh, Zakuul, and Kammia. It falls upon the shoulders of the Eternal Fleet to once again defend Imperial Sovereignty. While these warbands lack the imposing threat and presence of the unified Ssu-Ruuk incursion force, experts believe that the passage of time could very well see that threat return in earnest if left unopposed.


One thing the Eternal Empire and its citizens prize most above almost all other things is the maintenance of peace and stability within their borders. Even still, this does not prevent radical elements from agitating the passions of those in isolated regions of Imperial territory. When this occurs, the task of restoring order falls to the Blackwatch - the mysterious and fear-inspiring secret police force of the Eternal Empire; as well as the Ultranaut Corps - the iron-forged hammer held within the right hand of the Imperial Military.​
  • Rumors on Tygeria: Tygeria has long been a member of the Eternal Empire - benefitting from the stability provided to it by the careful rule of Empress L’lerim. Despite this, rumors have grown loud enough to reach the notice of the upper echelons of Blackwatch; rumors centering around the ‘good old days’ of when the planet was ruled by the Dragon Lords, free of Imperial ‘Oppression’. It is high time that these rumors be investigated, and silenced.
  • Shadows of D’rinba IV: Imperial garrison forces have been deployed to establish order upon the chaos that is the current situation on D’rinba IV. In the aftermath of the Eternal Empire’s liberation of the ill-fated world, the criminal enterprises that had formerly run rampant have been all but crushed, and forced to ground. The Prime Minister has been killed, with his cabinet taken into custody to stand trial for their gross negligence in their stewardship of the planet’s population, and the final vestiges of CIS influence mercilessly expunged. In the wake of such seeming success, a pall looms over the planet that only the truly perceptive can discern. The cancerous roots of the Shadow Empire have found purchase amidst the chaos, evidenced by reports of unprovoked atrocities against the local population, and mysterious disappearances of loyal officers and magistrates. A Blackwatch/Ultranaut task force is being assembled to investigate and root out any trace of the illusive extremist organization at any cost.

The Wardens of the Shroud have long operated under a veil of secrecy as to their true goals, and the Empire has experienced a surprising influx in Dathomiri immigrants who wish to practice their esoteric ways away from the prying eyes of the galaxy at large (and in truth, under the nose of the Empire itself for their more nefarious practices). Despite such mystery surrounding these and other force-centric groups, their role is no less impactful in Imperial Affairs.​

  • Mysteries of Lwhekk (Claimed by Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor ) For all of the unspeakable evils of the Ssi-Ruuk civilization, one aspect of their martial tradition that stands of interest to the Wardens of the Shroud is their ability to harvest and utilize the living force contained within each sentient creature to power their technology. Some within the Shroud believe this crucial to understand in their quest to end the force forever. Although the majority of the civilization was either destroyed or cast into exile upon the conquest of their homeworld, a conclave of Wardens has been dispatched to the planet in the hopes of learning whatever they can from the remains left behind of their brutal civilization - including pockets of surviving Ssi-Ruuk suspected to remain within the far reaches of the planet.
  • Dathomiri Enclave: With the influx of Dathomiri immigrants, talks have begun within the community to establish an Enclave upon one of the Empire’s thus-uninhabited planets. The barren world of Hirsi has drawn some attention as a potentially ideal location, but it would appear the planet holds some secrets yet to be discovered...
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