Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Estsha Delabeen

NAME: Estsha Delabeen
RANK: Pilot, Mechanic, Slicer
AGE: 21
SEX: Cisgender Female
HEIGHT: 5' 6" (1.68 m)
WEIGHT: 155 lbs (70 kg)
EYES: Blue
HAIR: White
SKIN: White



Brilliant: Estsha had been a "kid genius" since she was able to form sentences. Her specialty is mechanics and computers. Always reading books, she seems to have a sprinkling of random knowledge from every subject.
Generous: It is likely that she would give her left arm if someone was in trouble.

Restless: Estsha finds it difficult to stay in one place or do one thing for too long.
Emotional: Estsha feels and feels deeply. She can empathize with others which makes her an easy target to manipulate, but she's working on controlling her emotions.

Lonely: No matter how many people she surrounds herself with, she's always feeling separated and alone.
Kid Genius: Stress of expectations cause Estsha to mentally shut down from time to time. She is easily overstimulated by people, sights, sounds, smells and events.
Quiet: Estsha finds it difficult to express her thoughts out loud and usually won't speak unless she feels it necessary. She can get frustrated from her stumbling speech.


Estsha has pure white hair down to her jaw, which seems to be her only distinguishing physical trait from other humans. She typically dresses simply and comfortably in baggy shirts or tunics with basic cloth pants. At work she wears a shirt made of a thick-material and a patch with Estsha embroidered into it, as well as a utility belt and clunky thick-soled boots.

Estsha Delabeen was never quite a typical kid while growing up. It became apparent early on in her development that she had a high mental capacity, but not so much a social niche. She quickly became a loner and preferred to be left alone by everyone, even her loving parents who would hover over her too much. She disliked being watched all the time and this often resulted in an anxiety attack and more hovering by her well-meaning parents. It took her a few years to learn how to communicate this feeling properly.

In school, Estsha easily passed all her tests but would never do her daily work, causing her grades to be lower than they "should" be because she was so brilliant. This disappointed Estsha more than those around her as she even held herself up to high standards due to her childhood of being referred to as gifted. The vicious cycle continued until she was old enough to live on her own. She moved away from her home planet and settling on an apartment on Coruscant.

She now makes her living as a mechanic for droids, speeders, ships and small personal tools alike. During her training on repairing and building ship engines, she learned how to pilot a ship with oddly precise maneuvers for a amateur.

A custom Aka'jor-class-inspired ship made by Estsha Delabeen.





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