Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Erevan (Erevani)
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Arbra
Language: Galactic Basic, Pa'an
Average height of adults: 2-2.5 Meters
Skin color: Pale pink (Only seen if shorn)
Hair color: Fur tends to be in black/white mottles with a rare red/white mottle
Breathes: Type 1
+Large Size: Due to their size, Erevani are prodigiously strong.
+Eternal Patience: Due to their long life span, Erevani tend to be extremely patient
+Arboreal: Due to their natural habitat, Erevani are excellent climbers.
-High Metabolism: Must eat a great deal to remain viable.
-Low tech: Due to cultural stigmas, many Erevani disdain higher technology
Distinctions: Mottled fur, large size, no sclera
Average Lifespan: 700-800 years (0-30 Childhood, 30-100 Adolescence, 100-500 Adulthood, 500-650 Old Age, 650+ Elderly)
Races: The only notable differentiation in Erevani would be the rare Red/White mottled fur, which is a recessive trait carried by the majority of Erevani.
Estimated Population: Roughly 7-8 billion, mostly on Arbra.
Diet: Omnivorous diet, containing lots of grains, fruits and various meat proteins. Most types of deep sea food from most planets will cause an allergic reaction.
Communication: Verbal, Written, Art, Dance
Culture: Erevani culture is a far more collectivist culture than many in the known galaxy. In such a culture, the emphasis for behavior is placed on community well being rather than individual achievements. The smallest community size is a town, though the arboreal towns of the Erevani can often sprawl for many square miles of connecting bridges and platforms, and the largest is the entire state of Erevani culture. The majority of cultural emphasis stays with the smaller community, often Erevani will stay within their community for the majority of their lives. There is one event in the Erevani life-cycle that is purely individualistic, and it is a form of walkabout/pilgrimage. During this walkabout the individual Erevan decides his own direction independent of the community with the goal of learning skills, techniques or even news about the wider world/galaxy. Most Erevani return after only a few years, bringing with them news of galactic events or new skills in medicine/science. The one area in which Erevani culture could truly be considered backwards is in technology. While their cities tend to be marvels of engineering, they do not subscribe to the need of advanced technology to invade their lives. Many Erevani will disdain the use of technology for what they would consider superfluous uses, of which warfare is one of said uses.
Technology level: Below Galactic Standard
General behavior: Erevani are often reserved, being soft spoken and largely pacifistic.
History: For the majority of galactic history, the Erevan were isolated from the wider galaxy. There were some crossing of paths, but for the most part it was individuals on pilgrimages. In more recent years the Erevan have had a population boom, which has increased the number of Erevan on pilgrimage. During the gulag plague the Erevan were largely saved by the circumstances of remote population and collectivist culture. Those infected while on pilgrimage simply didn't return. The more recent trouble with the netherworld caused a great disturbance. Roughly a third of their towns were left in ruin and entire swaths of their forests were sickened by a necrosis. The Erevan avoid these areas now, the more militant of them patrolling the border in case of horrifically mutated creatures.
Notable Player-Characters: Zhao Lotushadow
Intent: To create a unique-ish race that has a distinct flavor I have not yet found within the Chaos community.

This. This is a fun sub and I really like it. A lot. It's simple and clean and easy to read.

If this were a non-sentient, I'd probably approve it and be done. However, sentients/PC races are a different story. It needs more.

Here are the things I need you to expand upon:

Religion - you've made no mention of it. Do they have a religion? Do they have higher deities? Do they believe in an afterlife?

Culture Clash - obviously Arbra has been fairly cut off from the broader galaxy for much of its history. However, there is canon history stating that the Rebel Alliance took up residence on Arbra for quite some time. Knowing this and acknowledging the likely possibility that Arbra has seen more people since that time, how does your race interact with outsiders? We already know they disdain technology, but how do they feel about other races/cultures/peoples? Are they friendly? Are they aloof? Let's see some thought put into this.

Hoojibs - are the Erevans friendly with these little guys?

Canonical Sites of Arbra - Namely those relating to the RB. Do the Erevans visit these places or do they keep away? Why?

Home Life - You didn't detail how the Erevans live. We know they live in communities, but where? Describe their home life. How do they make their homes? What's family life like? Your picture shows them wearing clothing, can you describe their typical wardrobe?

[member="Zhao Lotushadow"]
[member="Zhao Lotushadow"]

It has been a week since your last update on this submission. I'm going to archive this due to inactivity, but please feel free to PM me when you are ready to have it brought back out from archives.
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