Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Epic Quests?!

So, I want to go on an awesome adventure. But not just any adventure! A hunt for a lost Mandalorian relic! I'm thinking about going to the Empress Teta Systems, Kuar in particular. I still am thinking out the basics, but would anyone be interested?
Sophia Denko said:
Verz! :)

[member="Verz Horak"]
Yes? :)

Xander Carrick said:
Too bad the Jedi and mandos don't have very good relations.
Dude, Verz has nothing against Jedi! He has fought side by side with them several times and had nothing to do with the new Cold War.

[member="Aeon Caedus"]

Well, there might be scraps here and there, but you would need a Mandalorian smith to make it into something.

D-Man said:

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