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Ephylus Mon [WIP]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Note: Posting to save my progress. I'll complete this a bit later tonight.
Ephylus Mon
"Sempra will not be pleased."
..:: Biographical Information ::..

Name: Ephylus Mon

Species: Chevin
Age: 74 Standard Years Old
Gender: Male

Height: 1.9 Meters (6.2 Feet)
Weight: 136 Kilograms (300 lbs)

Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Dark Golden
Skin Color: Gray

Force Sensitive: No

..:: Political Affiliation ::..

  • Hutt Cartel

  • Independent Arms Trafficker

..:: Appearance ::..

..:: Strengths ::..

  • One would not expect a creature of its girth, slow lumbering movement and waddled like stance to have much in the way of physical strength. Yet that is an aid when it comes to this being. He prefers to hide his strength, unleashing it upon unsuspecting enemies or those whom have been falsely lulled into a false sense of security.

  • While he doesn't look it, he has had his fair share of battles in his younger years. Even with the slow and careful movement, he appears more at home with a leisurely stroll than on a battlefield. In his youth though he spent a few tours as both Mercenary and Pirate, learning the finer points of hand to hand combat, melee finesse and he seems just at home wielding a blaster rifle as he does a fork.

  • During his younger years he spent time with a Mercenary band, and later a group of pirates, both of which seemed to have the right idea in hiring on a Toydarian. Going so far as to strike up a friendship, he was able to pick up a thing or two with how Toydarians struck a deal. He made it his goal to learn the finer points of fast talking and deal making. Even going so far as to pick up a few additional languages.

..:: Weaknesses ::..

  • Age, an old war wound, and an over fondness for food has brought the once nimble and quick male to a more slowed pace. While his strength remains as it had, his speed and agility seem to have suffered over the years. Partially as a means to compensate from the old wound, he has taken to utilizing a walking stick, while also purposely seeming to take shorter more thought out strides.

..:: Biographical Information ::..

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