Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Environmental Conservation Operations

Greetings and Welcome to ECO Holopage

The city world of Coruscant produces an estimated 127,000 kilotons of waste every year.
This is enough garbage to cover an entire planet within a few weeks.
Current industrial predictions suggest this number will only rise over the coming
decades as the population and demands for manufactured goods increase.

While an extreme example, Coruscant is not unique in its waste output.
Many worlds are troubled by waste production and have thus fallen on any of several practices in order to combat this.
Of the many strategies to deal with waste, the two categories that most can be condensed to are dumping and recycling.

The issue with almost any enacted plan is the drain on a government's various, and often limited, resources.
The cost of maintaining a recycling program can be extraordinary both in terms of monetary funding and sentient resources. Dumping often only functions efficiently in the short term.
This is where ECO helps.
Environmental Conservation Operations is a recycling company that helps create plans and contracts personalized to the needs of the government. We will take any waste or byproduct that you cannot use and will convert them into usable materials. ECO's specially designed plants are capable of transforming any form of waste, industrial, biological, you name it. These materials may then be returned to you as raw resources for your industrial complexes or may be converted into finished goods through our manufacturing branch. Governments that fit within certain parameters may be able to take advantage of ECO's assistance program.​
Environmental Conservation Operations is currently operating out Terminus, conveniently located at the convergence of the Hydian Way and the Corellian Trade Spine. All shipments will travel to Terminus, or the closest facility available and specific fees will be considered based on such factors as travel distance/time, potential threats to shipments and pilots, and reliability of payments. Please note, the amount of waste accepted will vary depending on the demand and available facilities.​
ECO also seeks to expand operational facilities into other regions of the galaxy. To this end, for a small fee and pre-approved contract ECO will build, man, and maintain a recycling facility anywhere in the galaxy (conditions apply). Planetary governments, corporations, and galactic powers interested in increasing their trade revenue, political standing, or priority on ECO's recycling lists can opt to have a facility set up within their jurisdiction. By opening an ECO facility, the company will ensure stable trade routes are established with the region, recycling for the specific planet or area will be given the highest priority for that facility, and may elect to participate in corporate decision making (all final decisions are reserved for in-house personnel).​
For any other questions, please leave a message and an ECO representative will contact you as soon as possible. Don't allow waste to build up in landfills or precious government funding and sentient hours to be wasted in maintaining ineffectual recycling programs. ECO is ready to take up the burden and help make the galaxy a cleaner place.​

About us:​
Environmental Conservation Operations or ECO is an organization founded on the principle of helping all citizens of the galaxy to live a better more fulfilling life. We believe that all sentients are deserving of a chance to live on a planet clean of the waste and byproducts of our modern lifestyle.​
ECO is further dedicated to ensuring all sentients have access to as many of the basic necessities as possible and thus government fulfilling certain criteria make take advantage of an assistance program where we will return finished products and distribute them to populations in most need of them.​
Here at ECO, we understand that employment is important as both an individual's sustenance and as economic growth for governments. We promise to hire locally, based on individual merit and abilities. If a given region is incapable of supply individuals with the necessary skills or experience to meet the needs of an ECO facility, we will ship in temporary staff to ensure efficient operation and training up replacements.​
We are dedicated to giving back to the galactic community and to this end ECO has partnered with the non-profit organization Raxus Prime Renewal Initiative for their #MakeRaxusPrimeBeautiful charity program.​
About Raxus Prime Renewal Initiative (RPRI):​
The RPRI is a grassroots movement supported by investors across the galaxy dedicated to the removal of millennia worth of scrap and garbage that has been dumped onto Raxus Prime and returning the planet to its former state. The initiative plans to utilize local scavenging resources to clear areas, they will ship flora and fauna from available sources across the galaxy to recreate an ecologically stable environment.​
"This project was projected to take over one thousand years, due to difficulties with local crews, lack of support, and uncertain refuse displacement. The expected time has decreased as organizations have begun to add their expertise and services to assist the project. Every donation is expected to shave off anywhere from a month to decades." Excerpt from RPRI holosite.​
Looking for Work?
ECO is currently looking for individuals to fulfil a variety of roles:

Pilots: We are in need of spacers and hauliers willing to work long hours transporting valuable, if not very appealing, cargo from worlds potentially anywhere in the galaxy. Pay will be negotiable based on shipment size and regularity, as well as the dangers of the shipping route, as defined by regional authorities.

Security: Although the cargo and shipments of most material in facilities are less than desirable to most, it is important the ECO's facilities be protected against potential espionage and theft. We are looking for highly motivated individuals capable of maintaining a professional demeanour and acting amicably with natives on many worlds.

Salvagers: ECO understands our line of work may put salvagers and similar individuals out of a job. We will compensate such individuals and are willing to employ those displaced by our development as members of a special workgroup with greater opportunities for advancement.

Other: Have ideas about how you can improve our company? Send us a message and an ECO representative will communicate directly with you to configure a plan for employment!

Now the less enjoyable part. ECO wishes to warn all prospective customers and employees of the following.

1. Any attempt(s) to overtly or covertly manipulate the company policy or decision-making procedures will result in the suspension of all benefits pending a board review.
2. ECO facilities are exceptional territory, they will conform to both local and corporate standards, specifically whichever is higher, and are responsible to local as well as corporate authorities. These facilities are shared jurisdictions, as based on contracts, and no activity will be taken against a facility without mutual agreement.
3. ECO remains an apolitical entity, unconnected to any specific galactic power, thus we may have business contracts with opposing sides. ECO is focused on helping every being, regardless of the government authority they answer to.
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Mya Jesel Mya Jesel
We at ECO are glad to hear of your interest. A representative will contact your organization shortly.

We also offer our sincerest thanks for the Outer Rim Development Corps' decision, a representative will begin writing up the necessary filing work shortly.
I have several GOUD information droids for sale as well as M4-T3 astromechs. I'm sure they could come in handy. If interested, how many would you want, and for how much? Keep in mind I have a limited supply.
As a company with intentions of growing, all of the above-stated droids would be happily purchased. What sort of payment is preferable? ECO can pay in galactic credits, manufactured goods, or services from our facilities.

R1-3G R1-3G

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