Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Enndolyn, to outsiders simply goes by her title of Paladin
FACTION: The Adamite Order
RANK: Paladin
SPECIES: Human (Weik)
AGE: 22
SEX: Female
WEIGHT: 130 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Fair


Swords-woman - If Adamite Paladins have a single defining feature, it is their usage of Sunfire Swords. Before ever being allowed to touch one of the few belonging to the order, initiates drill for years with first practice weapons, and then metal blades. This does eventually cause a noted switch in style and directly after earning their blade a Paladins skill may suffer due to the sudden near weightlessness, but it means that they have an extremely in depth and varied understanding of duelling. Endolynn is no different. She loves her blade, and is while not the best in the galaxy by any means, more than proficient.

Endurance - This one again goes back to years of training. Any who could not keep up or preform were clearly not worthy of bearing the title of Paladin. Deprivation and forced marches were a favourite, as was having the initiates strapped with weights that were slowly built up to be even heavier than their armour would eventually be. One the rank of Paladin is earned a Paladin is always to be within their armour when acting in any official capacity. This makes lugging it's considerable weight second nature, and has left Endolynn with more endurance than most.

Paladin - While not all within the order are force sensitive, that not even being an understood concept upon Weik, all full fledged Paladins are. Once an initiate has proven themselves to be likely to succeed the physical training, the mastering of their 'magic' begins. Endolynn is quite strong in the force, but because she was trained in it and believes it works differently than most, it doesn't respond in a typical fashion. She is fairly adept at Force Body techniques, like strength and speed, but could not use them wilfully for fun or her own gain, only in battle to preserve Paladin justice. Likewise to heal she must first spill her own blood. She can conjure Force Light much easier than most, and on command.

Optimism - The galaxy is an overwhelming and often incredibly dark place. Despite all evidence of this, Endolynn firmly believes Paladin ideals will win out in the end, that everyone has a spark of good in them, though some might have acted in such a way that their deaths are called for rather than rehabilitation, and most miraculous and unbelievable of all, she firmly believes that she is good with technology, and will take every piece she comes across apart to figure out how it works to prove this. Sometimes she even manages to put things back together.


Curiosity - What happens if you don't let the Wookiee win? How does this engine work, and what happens if I take out this piece? What do you think is happening down that alley? Do you think maybe we should get that time share from the Devaronian? What even is a time share? Did you see that droid? How does that work, lets follow it. I'm sure it will be fine! Curiousity paired with optimism is a very dangerous combination.

Backwards - Weik is medieval. The force is seen as magic. Droids, ships and other higher tech are not seen or understood. Endolynn has no idea how to use the galaxies tech, though she doesn't let that stop her from trying. She is also almost entirely ignorant of the goings on in the galaxy. She doesn't know the factions or the big names. There is a high chance of her slipping up and giving offence without meaning to.

Vertically Challenged - This is more her own pet peeve, particularly as she meets individuals topping 6, 7 and even 8 feet in height. Endolynn hates the tops of cupboards. On a more practical note, she is having to rethink her duelling techniques since she is almost always being struck down at, rather than from equal footing. She tragically almost never has the high ground.

Unyielding - The Paladins of the Adamite Tower have an extremely strict moral code. There are some situations from which Endolynn will never back down, even if it will absolutely and without doubt lead to her death.



Endolynn is small on the galactic scale, but of average height for her planet, where food is not always quite as plentiful and easy to come by, keeping height down in general. Still, for her size she has decent muscle mass, caused by a Paladins rigorous training regimen, as well as simply from lugging her armour about.

Her brown hair is usually messy from being inside her helmet, and is almost always cut short. She does this herself for reasons of practicality, so there is no real intentional style and it is rarely a uniform length. Still, in her mind this is much better than hair getting in your eyes at a crucial moment of having to take the time to constantly braid it. She's seen too many Paladin hopefuls have to shave their skulls after letting their hair get matted within their helmets to want to bother with that, thank you all the same.

In the rare instances she is seen out of her helmet, her quick movements and pixie-ish appearance, not to mention her near constant aura of mischievousness can come as something as a shock. When she is wearing her armour she represents her Order, and tries to keep this in mind.


boopboopboop get Eu to decide for sure how they met and went on mad adventures, fill it in here, boopboopboop



Sunfire Sword (lightsaber)




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