The Valley of Golg
Korriban, Horuset System
A few mountains surrounding him and the small fighter marked the Valley of Golg, another area on the equator of the planet that was home to forgotten Sith remains. However, it was away from the Valley of the Dark Lords and wasn't going to be the first place anyone would look for a missing royal.
Inhaling deeply and feeling a sense of pride amongst the planet he had been born on and spent so many years, he turned and slowly walked to the open landing ramp. He had discarded his torn black robe and just wore his black and silver armour that bore many scars from confrontations he had lived through.
Bending low into the cargo hold of the small ship, the young girl he had relieved from a trapped destiny on Ession was asleep, or dead. Hopefully the former. His heavily stubbled face studied the almost peaceful breathing pattern and Force aura the girl was emanating for a moment. This wasn't going to be easy, for either of them. But it was going to be so rewarding.
Asterion leant against the ship and banged his hand on the inside wall.
"No, it wasn't a dream. And no, you're not dead. Although I'll make sure it's as enjoyable for you."
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