Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Energy empire faction

Is anyone interested in starting an energy vampire group? I really have no idea how I would run the faction with another character, but if others are interested, please tell me what you would want out of the faction, and how you would like it run. Im thinking of doing a feudal system where their are houses to choose from, with a king chosen by the houses to rule. Anyone else want to pitch in?


My best advice speaking from experience is to just hold off on it and wait a month or two after making your first character, so you have a feel for the site and everything already on it first.


No avatar. Three posts. Doesn't capitalize his name. The first impression is immediately "new."

Anyways, good luck with this. Energy vampires have become a hot topic, but I noticed everyone has their own agenda and paths in mind.

Zane Hara

Well your right, his writer isn't out there much but he has characters...

As for the three posts, no avatar, and no capitalization, I don't know why?

I don't really see a point for this unless there's an influx of Energy Vampires. And even if there is, I don't see the majority of them playing primarily as their vamp characters for much longer after October ends.

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