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First Reply Endor Crash


Tag: Zak Dymo Zak Dymo Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr

The transport shook violently in the midst of hyperspace. Swearing at his error the pilot sat up and attempted to pull down the lever but it wouldn't budge.

"Come on pull it down!" Exclaimed the Gran co-pilot in panic only for his human partner to retort in fear and frustration.

"It won't! The thing's jammed!"

He pulled again and again for the next several moments when finally it came down. As soon as that happened they were wretched out of lightspeed and immediately confronted by another problem. Revealed the viewpoint was a mostly green and white clouded surface and they were coming too fast. Both pilots attempted to slow and lift their craft up but it was already dragged down by the world's gravitational pull.

Breaking into the atmosphere the transport's shaking worsened due to sudden turbulence. Within the ship interior, troopers and marines were able to held onto the safety harnesses for dear life. Some prayed to their deities loudly or silently, some whispered of loved ones, a few screamed from pain, fear or both and others simply just stayed quiet and closed their eyes. The turbulence couldn't seem to stop, in spite of their collective desire.

Firmly holding on to her harness with both arms Minerva remained as quiet as possible. Yet like the others she wanted to end but then opposite of her a man in a lieutenant's uniform shrieked like a madman. Wincing she bit her lips inside the helmet trying to endure it.

Subsequently the air outside the transport rose dramatically while the pilots tried to fight to regain control. However, they sped down through the clouds. Just as they were about to succeed when one of the engines blew due to the massive strain…

Minerva's vision blurred repeatedly with the sudden and massive vibration. They were going down!

OOC DISCLAIMER: This is an adventure thread that been planned a little bit. Due to the style of this story it will be only small group involved in all honesty. Even so if interested feel free to give me a DM and explain your idea on how your character could be involved in this Endor story. I can’t make promises but I will hear you out.
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He's been totes excited when he'd been chosen for the Exegol mission.

He thought he'd be on the front lines. Shoulder-to-shoulder with Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el . Bringing the hurt. Delivering the pain. Showing the Maw that the Jedi can deliver a foot in the ass of Sith anywhere.

...instead, he was on healer duty. Surrounded by med techs, medical droids, and the lowest form of life known to Nautolans.

Jedi Consulars.

Seriously, it was the most boring invasion ever. He hadn't seen any action. A couple of dead bodies, yes. Patched up some blaster wounds. Some shrapnel from a nasty thermal detonator explosion that had required he use some techniques he'd learned from Iris Arani Iris Arani and Ilias Nytrau Ilias Nytrau , but that had been the only thing he'd needed the Force for.

Where were the epic duels? The nemesis? How could Zak call himself a real Jedi if he didn't have a single nemesis to be a monologing villain for him? You think people get street cred for passing out bacta band-aids and tylenol?

Spoiler alert: they do not.

Seriously, he'd seen more action in the last five minutes on this ship than he had the whole time during the Exegol mission. Then a Mawite ship had gone sideways and they'd jumped to hyperspace to escape, and now it felt like they were on the Whirling Bantha ride at Six Flags over Coruscant.

Should he be frightened?

He should probably be frightened.

But if they were all going to die, he'd rather be excited. So the Nautolan had his arms raised as if this really was the Whirling Bantha ride. Because if you had to ride a ship down into a crash landing, you might as well try to enjoy the ride.

Wasn't like you had much of a choice in it.

I am in the Force. Or the Force is in me. Or whatever.


Caradon Sun

Zak Dymo Zak Dymo Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr


Taking a bit of a deep breath, he ran and jumped off a branch, holding onto a vine as he swung across one of the many large trees of Endor. Landing rather well on the side of very overgrown branch, he stopped and let go of the vine. Breathing out, he looked around for a brief moment as he realized now how very high off the ground he was now.

He had been stuck on Endor now for well over...well, was it six months? Maybe a year? He honestly lost track and considerably so, having to live off the land and learn how to adapt to a rather...unusual environment. There was such a strangeness involved when one was considered a hostage so long ago in space, only to be thrown into an escape pod, ejected out and forgotten. That is what he felt like, waiting for rescue and hoping for something short of a miracle to let himself be saved.

It never happened.

Instead, he had to learn to survive in the wilderness, far away from his home planet of almost exclusively oceanonic environment. He learned to climb the trees, he learned how to stop fearing what he considered to be death from far above. Knowing where to move, where to turn, where to sleep, how to fight...somewhat. How to communicate with others...even if they were small. All the while, being confounded by what he found...

Something bright caught his left eye as he looked up from the tree branches. Was that...a comet in the middle of the day? It was plummeting so fast that it was catching him off guard. Moving a bit forward, he felt something in the pit of his stomach, a bad feeling he had come to think of it. With it coming into view faster and faster, he realized it was not a comet...but a starship of some kind. Eyes widening, he would start to move quickly, going tree branch to tree branch, vine to vine as he tried to get over towards where it may land as soon as possible...unaware it was on a collusion course towards the ground.
Zak Dymo Zak Dymo Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr Caradon Sun

We're going to crash!

It was a realization that struck Minerva as if a punch to the gut. She gripped the metal harness in frustrated helplessness while the descent became more extreme. As someone raised to be a warrior Minerva hated the very notion of not being able to do anything. Another jolt shook her back to reality. Fear worsened for several passengers as made clear by the officer next to her screamed and screamed beside her.

All of the vibrations and shrieks were giving the Mandalorian a newfound headache. While her vision was blurred she soon noted a small green figure raising both hands in the air. Was her mind playing tricks? There was no time to dwell on it when the intercom blared from the cockpit.

"We're going down! Hold on tight everyone!"

"Thanks for stating the obvious." Minerva muttered sarcastically before another jolt caused the Mandalorian to bang her helmet to the side.

Good thing she was wearing one. As for the pilots themselves they were now only fighting the inevitable. Using every bit of their strength the duo tried to keep the ship from spinning out of control. To their increasing dread they saw the forest below being more visible with every passing moment. Sharing a collective grim expression they nodded before they went back to wrestling with their controls.

Miraculously they spotted a sizable clearing amongst trees to the left side. At the sight the pilots managed to swing the ship into that direction but tore few tree tops in the process. At the last possible they tried to lift the ship as much as possible when it struck land!

With a thunderous roar the transport kicked up piles of grass and dirt as it accidentally shredded the soil in its sudden wake. Inside the interior sparks ignited above and hardnesses broke, tossing people out of their seats. Moments later the ship came to a violent halt and everything went dark for Minerva…
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She could feel the rough bark under her bare feet as she walked along the large tree branch. A familiar feeling that reminded her of Kashyyyk, yet very different at the same time. Endor lived and breathed at a different tune then the ones on Kashyyyk and definitely felt different then the jungles of her home planet of Okarthel. But after a little over a week on this planet, she was beginning to understand the flows of life she felt through the force and the natural abilities of her species.

Sharp blue eyes turned their attention from the ground hundreds of feet below, to the large mountain in the distance. A little over a week prior, a pirate ship had taken her captive. Kiir were a rare and interesting species, almost never found off their home world. In fact Milla was probably one of only a handful to actually leave the planet, ever. Which is why she seemed like a profitable catch to them. Unfortunately for them, she was a little more hostile and dangerous then the other animals that had captured. Unfortunately for Milla, her escape had damaged the vessel and brought it down on Endor somewhere in the mountains. Some of the pirates had survived, but she wasn't exactly sure where. Which is while she put a large distance between herself and them. Which lead to another problem. She was still stranded on Endor.

Wait....what was that? Milla's ears twitched as a new sound reached her ears. A faint sharp whistling that was rapidly growing louder into a roar. She turned in time to see a shuttle barely holding it together as it plummeted from the sky. The wounded metal beast barely cleared the nearby tree tops as it met the ground with a chorus of screeching metal and snapping tree branches. Thin trails of smoke rose above the tree line, like a beacon to the vessels resting place.

Milla only stood mesmerized for a moment before she was on the move. It was moments like this that made her glad her species was arboreal, allowing her to move through the trees with ease till she reached the crash site. Luckily for those in the shuttle, they managed to find a nice open spot rather then the side of a tree. The small Kiir dropped into the clearing close to where the vessel hit the dirt. She slowly approached the shuttle, her guard and senses up. The warmth of the shuttle scrapping across the ground still be felt in the freshly tilled earth beneath her bare feet as she took cautious steps. She took in every detailed of the downed vessel, from the scars on the hull to the wisps of steam and smoke that rose from it. In a way it reminded her of a large wounded animal. Placing a hand on the vessel, she ran it across the ruined hull. There were beings still alive in there, was she to get them out? She came to a stop at the loading ramp door and eyed it up before deciding it would have to do. Reaching out with the force, she grabbed the door and began to pull.

Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Zak Dymo Zak Dymo Caradon Sun
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The Nautolan was dazed and confused.

Coming to, the aquatic youngling found himself still strapped down into the seat. There was some smoke, but it seemed that the ship had weathered the crash in, more or less, one piece. Or, at least, enough of a piece that they were still alive.

The boy's hands came up to the latch that secured the straps holding him in the seat. The locking mechanism seemed jammed. Wrestling with that, the Nautolan's large eyes blinked as he tried to peer through the dimly lit, smoky interior.

"Everyone okay?"

There was a sound, as though someone were pulling on one of the hatches, but Zak couldn't get the buckle unlocked to even get out of his seat.

Once he was up, he could start actually checking people for concussions or the like. Unfortunately, Zak's seatbelt was apparently quite secure. And he wasn't going anywhere for the moment.


Caradon Sun

Every swing off of a vine, every landing felt like a race. The starship was going faster, his hopes were high that he could finally be saved. Those hopes were dashed when he noticed the fire starting to trail behind it. At that moment, he knew the awful truth...he won't be getting off this planet and those on board, will soon possibly die. Moving faster, he hoped to ensure to get some form of supplies as he felt passed by someone below. Some kind of...blur passed him on by, something he could not figure out as of yet. Whatever the person was, they were more agile in this dense jungle than he ever could be.

Passing by vine to vine, he felt the ground rumble as he jumped off, the starship finally landed with a spectacular array of thrown up dirt, foliage and destruction throughout. It zipped by from afar and Caradon had to stop for a few moments and climb up the highest tree to even get a better view of where it landed. Was not to hard to find the area where lots of trees had fallen in a straight line, though it would be difficult to track as he soon found out when using his grappling hook to go through more dense sections rather than rely on the vines.

On his final swing out, he went towards the back end of the downed starship as he fell about thirty feet before tumbling and rolling onto the metal above it. There was a distinct groan noise as he felt a bit of pain but he landed right on it near perfect. Standing up slowly, he felt a bit of pain shoot through but it always came to pass, looking at the starship as he examined its structure, unaware someone from the otherside was already doing so. Leaning down, he looked for any signs of transparisteel glass on the backside, looking through as he tried to see if anyone was there. Not seeing anyone, he took out what he considered...a "glow stick" and activated it, slashing it right at the transparisteel as it broke through rather violently and shattered it.

Being glad he still wore some form of shoes, even if they were more like sandals, he slipped right on inside through the back, not knowing he was more or less in the cargo hold/bathroom section of the starship.

"Anyone here? Hello?!"

Tags: Zak Dymo Zak Dymo Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad
Tag: Zak Dymo Zak Dymo Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr Caradon Sun

Eyes flickering, Minerva began to groan like she was waking up from a long night. Similarity there others also coming to as well…some worse than others. Turning to the side the Mandalorian blinked, seeing the lieutenant's seat empty and the straps broken off. Quickly enough she found the officer lying sideways and motionless with eyes and mouth wide open. The hardness failed him and as a result his neck was snapped by the force of the crash.

I didn't exactly have warm feelings about the fellow but those final moments must've been horrid.

Hearing a kid's voice, who asked Minerva to glance around for its source through the now smoke filled interior. Sure enough her T-visor looked upon the little Natolouan that she noticed earlier before the crash. Several survivors acknowledged with moans and grunts and some swearing in Huttese by one Nikto. Above them sparks erupted before falling. Aching slightly Minerva got out of her own seat's straps when she and a few others froze as they heard the ramp door creaking as it was being opened from the outside!

Drawing her dual pistols swifty she was about to investigate when a new disturbance occurred behind their section.

"Huh?!" She exclaimed in question before a voice of a young man followed. Giving a hand signal to the Nikto and another human who both were in marine uniforms. Scattergun wielded by the former and a pistol by the latter they warily approached the ramp.

As for Minerva she positioned on the right side of the cargo bay door, keeping it shut and demanded.

"Identity yourself!"
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Milla stopped when she heard the muffled voice through the hull of the vessel. Releasing her connection with the force, she stepped up to the loading ramp door. "My name is Milla. I saw your ship go down and came to seen if you were alright." She focused a little bit, reaching out with the force to see exactly how many were standing right behind the door. Three by the feel of it and....another strong in the force. That definitely peaked her curiosity. Thier force signature wasn't one she recognized, so that raised the level of unknowns, especially with the wide number of force wielding groups out there these days.

Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Zak Dymo Zak Dymo Caradon Sun

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