Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Encounter at Dyad Peak (open to everyone, no fleets/capital ships plz)

As Ayden took care of the actual speeder Ay didn't hesitate to finish off the drive, once more her scabbard resonating a loud bang but instead of a slut coming out the rail gun fired the blade. The razor sharp blade exciting the sheath almost as super sonic speed as she grasped it, moving it towards the Mando driver, instantly decapitating the target in one fell swoop.

The lifeless body falling of the damaged speeder as her gaze turned back towards the Mech, hearing some distressing sounds over the comlink, looking back in time to notice the enemy hijacker falling from the window. Ay moving over to the enemy and planting her sword through their chest for good measure, eyeing the damaged vehicle.

The sides were scorched in several places along with damaged weaponry, the cockpit seeming to have taken a literal beating from their most recent attacker. "Statement, that will cost a small sum to repair properly, I hope there will be some type of compensation for our assistance".

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr Ayden Galmar Ayden Galmar E-ka
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Ayden Galmar Ayden Galmar E-ka Ay Ge Ay Ge

The twisted canopy screeched open. Jerec shut down the mech and looked over the battlefield. A few of the Mando raiders were hightailing it in various directions. Any Mando within a hundred yards was dead or close to it. Ay and the Jedi and that friggin mouthy chipper droideka were alive, and plenty of the prospectors too.

Hand over hand, Jerec made his way down the side of the mech. His boots crunched on burnt ground. The Mando he'd shot through the canopy was taking his last breaths until Jerec put one more bolt through his T-visor as a matter of safety. Then he began stripping off the very nice armor, one of several such sets.

"I doubt there's pay, Ay, but there's a payday anyway."
Objective: Protect the Prospectors, Defend the Mech
Location: Breaching the Mandalorian's position
Allies: Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr , Ay Ge Ay Ge , E-ka
Equipment: 2x Lightsabers, 3x Smoke Grenades [-1], Multiple Cigarras

"I doubt there's pay, Ay, but there's a payday anyway."

"After all this.." Ayden glanced at the carnage around him. "Hopefully I see what I'm owed as well. Appreciate the help, by the way. We were goners."

Around the corner rolled a damage wheel of metal, the droideka from earlier. It's white frame was battle-scared and torn and it wobbled awkwardly as it moved forward.

Ayden sheathed his blades and kneeled down, resting his elbow against his knee. "Great job, E." He lightly patted the top of the droid.

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr | Ay Ge Ay Ge | E-ka

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