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Emissary Palace


Disney's Princess
Emissary Palace

It was a perfect evening on Naoo. The sky was at sunset and the Palace lanterns were being lit one by one. Tonight's theme was The Last Sun of the Red Dragon. It would be a glorious red event. A fundraiser and a gambling hall. Golden banners and red table decorations. With wine and elaborate costumes. Dresses, as Karen liked to call them. Her real clothes were made of steel and iron. Silk and gloss were not a warrior's style.

The Emissaries Palace situated on a forested hill overlooked the courtyards of the main vista below. It was a grand old building that nested in the shadow of the Queen's Citadel far and above. But the white lightbugs and glowing red lanterns made it a glorious appearance to all. Especially as night was falling quickly. Roberts pulled up on her Vesper motorcycle outside the front gates and parked near the curb. She was dressed in a black bodyglove with a golden Tetan shawl that fell to her waist. Gold silk and a glittery shine. With a singular bronze bangle on her left wrist and no heels.

She approached the front gates on foot and waited for her Apprentice to arrive. Watching the last breath of the evening star fall behind the horizon. She smiled at the night to come. Well. Yes. Hopefully Jyfo had picked something nice to wear. After all? It was time to see if he new how to mingle.

[member="Jyfo Draav"]


A lost past, an unknown future
A burst of nervousness swam through Jyfo's stomach. He never had been much of a party-goer; despite his family's riches, he would always find some kind of excuse to bug out and miss the event. But he knew he couldn't get out of this, especially since he didn't want to disappoint his Master. Hopefully he could just stick to the outside of the event and it would pass by quickly. Or he could go to the restroom and meditate quietly the entire night. He would have to see.

Dressed in a simple black suit that must have been in fashion or something (Jyfo had to do a bit of clueless shopping that day - this was recommended to him by the merchant), Jyfo sighed and disembarked the taxi that brought him to the emissary palace. It truly was a spectacular sight; they didn't really build quite like this on Jakku. Shaking his head, Jyfo spotted his Master nearby and headed in her direction. This could be a long night.

[member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
And there he was. Looking sharp.

"Welcome Apprentice Draav. Looking good. Mm. Here's your invitation. Tonight we are guests of the Emissary herself. So do remember to mind your manners, yes?"

She extended to him her arm,

"Now. Shall we?"

Roberts explained as they walked,

"Tonight's fundraiser is to raise money and awareness for Nabooian Shale Cancer. Guests are invited to drink, gamble, play cards, and enjoy the pool festivities. A portion of all the entertainment goes to the Royal Academy Donation Fund to further Cancer research. They usually hold these types of events once every three months planetside. Though, never in the winter. It's very typical. Nothing so fancy as a Citadel Coronation. More casual than most. ...So? No pressure."

She raised and finger as they walked up the stone steps towards the grand entrance,

"Ah. I almost forgot. Party 101. Hehe. The secret to mingling is to keep the other person talking and optimistic. Work, money, current events, or academics. It doesn't matter. And? If they believe you are actually interested in their line of work or the subject matter? Ha. All the better. Hehe."

They passed the valets and the newly arriving cars. Approaching two attendants in fine black suits at the top of the stairs. Their attire was not unlike Jyfo's. Except perhaps theirs were trimmed in purple around the collar and fashioned with a large bronze pin. The mark of the Academy.

"Welcome to the Emissaries Palace on the night of the Red Dragon. Your invitations please?"

[member="Jyfo Draav"]


A lost past, an unknown future
Jyfo tried to process everything his Master was telling him about etiquette and social behavior. The social world was indeed a great puzzling circle; it was not unlike a battlefield. You had your do's and dont's, your opening, the long, middle stretch, the conclusion, strategies. Perhaps if Jyfo viewed it as a tactical exercise, it would be bearable. "Thank you for the tips, Master. They will come in handy, I am sure." Jyfo had handled much worse situations than this.

Arm and arm with his Master, Jyfo flashed the invitation to the party. The attendant smiled and made a grand gesture to welcome him to the palace. The entrance to the palace was a white marble bridge stretching over a lazily drifting river, illuminated by the various lanterns across the grounds. The sights just kept getting better. Jyfo turned to his Master. "Well, then, shall we enter?" The large, ornate doors to the palace stood towering above them.

[member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
"We shall."

They entered together and were promptly on time. A line of guests awaited them in the forum. All eager to great their hostess, The Royal Emissary. The guests lined up and waited their turn. Bowing and exchanging greetings with the house staff, the Primark, and lastly Jean McCall herself. The Emissary of Naboo. A grand title that roughly translated to Adviser in Homeland Affairs. The woman who basically ran the country on the Queen's behalf. Or, Emissary of her Royal Will. Ya know. Something fancy.

She was a dark-skinned woman of mild height. Short bun of black hair with piercing blue eyes. Strong arms and a powerful back. Her clothing was regal but business-like. Sharp and trim. She was bladed and stoic too. Always in control. Chin up and deep of voice. Offering few words and more polite than warm. She might have even been military at one point? Hm. Karen squeezed Jyfo's arm with anticipation. It wasn't often that she got to actually meet a woman so powerful and full rank. Especially not during a party.

"Oh. I'm excited. She looks dashing, don't you think. And we're not even royalty. What do I say?"

Thankfully as they stood in line. Another familiar face showed himself. Master Azi of the Royal Naboo Academy. A jolly fat man in long white robes and a beard down to his belly. A professor.

"Ho ho. Roberts my dear! You made it. Simply wonderful. I'm glad you got the invitation. ...You remember Mora, my wife."

"Oh! Hello. Welcome to the Azi family. Yes dear. Hello."

The three exchanged greetings and giggles. Karen turned to Jyfo. Motioning for him to introduce himself and make polite company. They had a moment before the line would require their attention.

"Professor Azi. This is my newest Apprentice,.."

[member="Jyfo Draav"]


A lost past, an unknown future
Jyfo smiled as warmly as he could and held out a hand to the professor. "It is truly an honor to meet you, professor. Tales of the Royal Naboo Academy are heard far and wide. My name is Jyfo Draav." The handshake was firm yet polite. In Jyfo's culture, it was customary to greet people with somewhat... exaggerated compliments. In truth, he had never heard of the Royal Naboo Academy; but, in the spirit of politeness and for the simple sake of introductions, Jyfo pretended to have some knowledge of it.

"Yes, yes, it is nice to meet you!" The professor responded. "Hopefully Roberts here doesn't go too hard on you. I've seen how she operates before!" The overweight man let a great bellow of a laugh out at that comment.

The line continued to move forward until they were just a few people behind those greeting the hostess. Jyfo took mental notes for the right thing to say as he watched each guest greet on their respective turn. So far, so good... I think.

[member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
The Azi family gave their greeting and then departed to shake hands and see old friends. Roberts and Draav advanced in line to meet the Emissary. Surrounded by her staff and hostesses, it became their turn. A court secretary began the introductions,

"Lady Emissary. May I present, guests in your honor. Lady Roberts and Master Draav. Attending in support of the Royal Academy."

He gave a bow and Roberts did likewise. Jyfo no doubt followed suit. As they rose together the Emisaary gave only a few words,

"Welcome honored guests. It is my great hope that you enjoy the party tonight. By honoring the Royal Academy, you give this nation great joy. May the Goddess protect you and enjoy your evening."

Roberts bowed again and gave a brief thank you. Then the court secretary motioned for them to continue forward. They could now enter the party and explore at their leisure. Roberts pulled Jyfo into the Great Hall and they walked lightly for a time.

"Well then. All of the usual introductions are concluded now. So. What did you think? Mostly harmless really. Hehe. That wasn't too bad, was it? Not a single speech or stately dinner. I think you're getting the hang of this."

[member="Jyfo Draav"]


A lost past, an unknown future
"I suppose that wasn't so bad," Jyfo said with a smile, as they walked away from the Emissary. It really wasn't. No problems as of yet. He looked around at the vast hall, filled with all sorts of different species, all clustered into separate groups. At random intervals, a group would burst out laughing at some joke or the like. Jyfo made a quick scan of the room to find the center of activities. The large doors to the right seemed to lead to the pool. Tucked away in the corner was the bar, where the effects of rather strong alcoholic beverages had already come into play. Nearby was the card table, where Jyfo hoped to spend most of his time.

"Well, now what, Master?" He didn't know if his Master had anything else in mind before she made him go "mingle." Jyfo shuddered at the word as a joke. This couldn't be so bad.

[member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
"Now. For the interesting part." Karen winked. She didn't come to this party to mingle. She came for something else. "Follow me."

Together they ventured out onto a dark balcony. Calm shadows and soft red lanterns. With only the faint sounds of the party inside. Mm. It would have to do.

"Emissary Palace sits atop a sheer ridge line that overlooks another infamous residence. McMercer's Mansion. See. Just down there. Pool and everything. ...And, that is the building I will be infiltrating tonight. From this balcony."

Roberts unclipped her bronze bangle and reattached it to the lower railing. Apparently it was holding a threaded climbing cable inside. Sneaky. Then she undid her golden shawl and wrapped it around her head. Pinning it in place with a hair clip. Just as she did so, the shawl's photo-reactive fibers turned jet black. Obscuring her blue hair and partially hiding her face. Now her dark body glove was starting to make a little more sense too.

"Your job tonight is to find McMercer inside the party and watch him. If he gets the hint that something is amiss back at his home? I need you to meditate quickly and send me a telepathic message. Warning me that he is likely to return. That way I can escape in time if something goes wrong. It's easy. Just calm your mind and reach out to me in the Force. I'll be listening. Like always."

She scaled the railing and pulled out a silk-steel connector cable from her bangle. Attaching it to the front of her belt with a soft click.

"Now. McMercer is the retired Chiss Colonel in the pale red suit and white bow tie. You can't miss him. Blue skin, red eyes, and nasty temper. He's playing cards with his lady friends right now in the main hall. Easy target to keep track of. Trust me. You'll do great. Easy as pie."

Karen turned around and peered down the sharp cliffs. Ah. Just like her old Navy days. This was going to be fun.

"Oh. ...And if the Azi family asks too many questions? Just tell them I'm in the ladies room. Hehe. And... Jyfo? Do try to enjoy the party tonight, alright? Those invitations weren't cheap. Mm. Kay! Back soon. Hugs and kisses."

She gave a wave and stepped off the rocky edge. Disappearing right down the cliff face and into the dark bushes below. Returning their empty balcony to silence and wavering shadows. Leaving Jyfo to his reconnaissance duties. Ah well. So much for a simple party. Back to being a Jedi I suppose.

[member="Jyfo Draav"]


A lost past, an unknown future
Well that certainly was unexpected. How could Jyfo have missed that? He had actually thought it was just a party they were going to, but, thinking upon it more now, that didn't seem like a necessary "training" for a Jedi. He watched his Master disappear off the balcony and stood there, surprised. She was clever. Never underestimate my Master, Jyf made a mental note.

Shaking the interesting turn of events off, Jyfo turned and walked back into the building to join the party, and, as per Roberts's orders, to keep an eye on this McMercer character. What was he guilty of, anyway? Doesn't matter. Just focus on your task. Jyfo snapped out of his thoughts as he almost bumped into a fancy partygoer. "My apologies, good sir," he quickly said before slinking off to the corner where cards were being played.

McMercer stood out, even in the crowded ballroom. His blue skin, marking him as a chiss, was not spotted so frequently in the galaxy. Taking a deep breath in, Jyfo approached his table, sat down, and asked if he could get in the next game.

[member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
Karen unclipped at the bottom of the hill and approached the iron fence that surrounded the pool area. Hmm. Could just flip over it I guess? Nah. Best to check for cameras first. She crouched down and began a survey of the area. Looked pretty clear from here.

"Hm. And I thought Chiss were notoriously paranoid? Guess we'll see. Won't we."

She smirked and leaped over the fence with a blur. Roberts was enjoying herself too.


Back at the party McMercer was playing cards. Two human women at his side. For luck, I suppose. He didn't even look up when Jyfo joined the table. Just another nobody to him. The Colonel had an agenda tonight and Draav wasn't on it. Which was probably a good thing too. Nobody wants to get on the bad side of the Blue Devil.

There were four other players at the table tonight. Wealthy Naboo patrons of all species. Even a Gungan. Though, it was pretty obvious that the bombad didn't know how to play this game. He lost nearly every hand. Just stubborn enough to stay in the game.

The dealer looked to Jyfo and gave a nod. He could join the table if he could afford the stakes. The minimum was 600c and you could go up from there. Pocket change amongst the royalty and honored guests gathered here tonight. But still. It wasn't nothing.

[member="Jyfo Draav"]


A lost past, an unknown future
At this moment, Jyfo felt incredibly glad he had grown up wealthy. In his eagerness to get away from the crowds (and keep an eye on the chiss), Jyfo had forgotten the usual high-stakes games that the wealthy play. He really just wanted to play for fun, but he guessed rich people would rather throw money around than have fun. Or maybe that was fun to them? It was interesting. Wealthy as he was, Jyfo never really considered himself as one of the rich. Perhaps it was just how his family raised him.

Jyfo placed the 600c on the table to be dealt in. He had played this game enough before to grasp the strategy of it, so Jyfo wasn't worried about losing in the first few rounds. He glanced at his hand. Luck or the Force, Jyfo had a beautiful hand. He could get far on this. And all he had to do was to make sure the Blue Devil would stay right here at the table long enough.

[member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
McMercer folded his hand and gave a long sigh. How he disliked parties. Money however. Now that was a different story. Nobody liked money more than The Devil. Maybe that was why he pursued cards so much. It was so addictive to his craving. Though, he doubted that he would be winning very much tonight. This party was different. He was here to talk shop with some of his weapon boys. After all. Nothing made him more money than smuggling. Nobody thought to look for a crime lord in one of their most prestigious members. Nobles were supposed to spend their time riding horses and buying yachts. Not smuggling. Of course, it did help that he was a ruthless fellow. Count on a Chiss to run a tight ship. He'd keep the law guessing for years yet.

The Gungan at the table folded his hand in flurrious display of frustration. It made The Blue Devil smirk. What a stupid species. How did they ever become native to such a refined planet? He would just never know. The Colonel tapped the table again for another set of cards. The night was young and he hadn't seen his contact yet. Might as well keep playing.


Karen peered into the glass doors with a squint in her eye. So far, so good. She took out her stolen ID card and swiped it on the patio door. Click. Green light. She was in.

"So much for needing a data spike to get through the door. And here I thought this was going to be hard."

The dark woman stepped into the luxury home via the patio and slid the glass doors shut behind her. Now to find the office and grab the data files. He must keep his Century XR Safebox somewhere on the upper floors. Just a few more minutes and she was golden.

As she slipped across the carpet with a cat-like grace, Roberts failed to notice the IR sensor flash nearer the base of the glass doors. Already she had tripped the silent alarm. Oops.

[member="Jyfo Draav"]


A lost past, an unknown future
"... And my tusken beats your jawa, so that will give me the win of the hand," Jyfo said triumphantly as he revealed his hand and beat out the wrinkly old fellow next to him. He loved the strategy and tactics in this game. And, with the winnings he just earned, he could afford to keep playing with the Blue Devil, keeping him there. Glancing across the table at him, he saw the chiss nod with approval at Jyfo's move. Good. He was starting to earn some respect at the table. Now there were only four players left.

Then, out of seemingly nowhere, a worried looking aid rushed over to McMercer, urgently whispering something into his ear. Uh oh. Whatever this is might pull him away from the game. McMercer slammed the table in frustration after receiving the message, and stood up. Jyfo knew he had to act quick. How can I get him to stay? "Are you leaving already? Interesting. I never took the Blue Devil for a coward." Jyfo's heart was racing. He just insulted an extremely powerful man. This could be a mistake.

[member="Karen Roberts"]


Disney's Princess
The aid whispered lightly and McMercer seemed to scowl harder. He set his cards down and pondered for a moment just as Jyfo played his hand. Or, announced it really. The Chiss didn't move. Just gave Jyfo a hard long glance of his red velvet eyes. The two women on his arm seemed to flutter with awe and fear. Did this poor man know what he had just said? Did Jyfo know what he was getting himself in for?

McMercer held up one finger and spoke gently to his aid,

"Deal with it. ...I'll be right there."

His eyes returned to Draav and he tilted his head with a frown,

"And just who might you be?"

It was strange. The whole table seemed to come to a stand still. The dealer didn't deal and the players didn't play. They just sat there. In awe. In wondering fear. A perfectly good nobody had just insulted the most dangerous man at the party. Oh dear. Everyone at the table seemed to anticipate gunfire or hidden blades. The leaping of assassins and the cascading of terrible thugs. But nothing came. Just the iron gaze of McMercer. Burning a hole right into Jyfo's brave and foolish person.


Upstairs and away, Roberts was slowly opening the door to McMercer's office. A beautiful room of cold wood and bronze fastenings. Decorated with care and held in high esteem. She squinted hard at the paintings on the wall. One of them held her prize. His safe. Inside which was the colorful information she needed to bury The Blue Devil for good. The trouble was? Which painting held her secret? And which painting held the traps?

She frowned deeply and nodded to herself. This would take some time. However, lights appeared in the guest house just across the pool. The guards were stirring. And Karen Roberts didn't have a clue.

[member="Jyfo Draav"]

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