Ember Rouge

Name: Casandra Kendal Lenasin
Preferred Name: Ember Rouge
Alias: Inferno
Faction: None
Rank: Crime Lord
Species: Morellian/Epicanthrix Hybrid
Gender: Female
Age: Biologically 80; Physically 25
Hair: Black
Eyes: Orange
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 129 Lbs.
Complexion: Lightly Tanned
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Single
Force Sensitivity: Indeed
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Fire Witch- Ember has been studying Sith Magic. To add to that effect, she also has a natural affinity to fire.
+Unreadable- Because she is part Epicanthrix, Ember is immune to mind tricks and other force abilities involving her brain.
+Lifespan- Coming from two long-lasting species gives Ember a VERY lengthy amount of time to enjoy herself.
-/+Aggressive Negotiator- If Ember wants something from you, she won't just ask and give up. She will torture you with words and even with literal violence until she gets what she wants. Most of the time, this is very effective. However, it could also just as easily make everything worse.
-No-Fist Fighter- When thrust into combat, Ember sticks to the outfield, barraging the enemy with ranged attacks. Anything involving close-quarters and Ember is rendered helpless.
-Tyrannical- Ember is the kind of person that likes control. And when that control is threatened, she won't hesitate to send people to their deaths. She looks at "the larger scale of things", which usually means determining what will benefit her best.

A very seductive appearance, but just as equally deadly.
Ember is unpredictable. She may appear content in one moment, and extremely angry in the next. You never no what she is thinking, or planning. You can only hope that you are not the target of her fury. She does like parties, like her half-brother. This is the only thing that would signify them to be related, however.
The Lenasin name may not be visibly tarnished, but make no mistake. They have their secrets. One such secret is that of Baelfire's father having a love-child with a Morellian diplomat. Of the various affairs that both his mother and father engaged in, the only known offspring thusfar is Ember.
The situation was kept silent via a bribe, and Baelfire grew up never knowing he had a half-sister.
Ember's life was pampered just as much as her brother's. But she wasn't a goody-two-shoes like he was. She liked to cause trouble. And A LOT of it at that. There was never a moment in which she wasn't stealing things or tormenting those around her just because she was bored.
This little habit of hers increased as she grew older. She began to involve herself in illegal transactions, smuggling drugs and weapons as well as "befriending" various gangs and small-time criminal organizations.
Eventually, Ember set up a criminal empire of her very own. She left Morellia and her mother behind, setting up her base of operations on Taris. Her actions gained her such infamy that the underground began referring to her simply as "Inferno". She is both feared and respected by those who work for her and those who decide to work with her.