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Embed HTML5 Video

Didn't see an announcement on this yet, but HTML5 video is now fully supported by the site. My signature is an example of an HTML5 video.

What is the BB code?

You can also find it under the Special BB Code list (next to the Eraser and Font options). Hopefully, an icon is added soon.

{content} is replaced by the URL of the video you wish to post. {option} is not required, yet you can link to a picture that will be displayed while the video loads. Or in the case that a browser doesn't support your video, then it will simply display that picture.

What is HTML5 video?

One of the things HTML5 introduced was the video element - which allows for playing videos without the site using plugins. You have most likely seen a collection of HTML5 videos before - especially on sites such as reddit and 4chan. Gfycat essentially converted the gif or video that users uploaded into an HTML5 compatible video.

You can read more details about HTML5 video on Wikipedia.

What formats are supported?

The site currently supports MP4, WebM, and Ogg. Each video format has its own pros and cons.
  • WebM has high quality for the file size, yet it does not have full support on all browsers: Internet Explorer and Safari require third party extensions. Chrome, Firefox, and Opera support WebM. It will most likely become the default HTML5 video format due to Google backing the format entirely. A third party converter is likely required to convert a video made from a lossless format to WebM.
  • MP4 usually has a very small file size for a video. However, it is also lowest in quality of the three without greatly increasing the bitrate - which increases file size. This is the format with Apple's support. MP4 can also be hosted on a lot of sites that also do image hosting, such as Photobucket.
  • Ogg was the original go-to video format for HTML5 video, yet it has fallen somewhat out of style. The quality is comparable to WebM.
Any of these three format should suit your needs. I recommend WebM for the longevity of the format.

Why HTML5 video over GIF?

The choice is yours, but here are the pros and cons.

Pros of HTML5 video
  • Smaller size compared to GIF of comparable length
  • True color, vs GIF having only 256 colors.
  • Easier animation with programs that support HTML5 video formats.
  • Control (right click video) vs. nonstop loop with GIFs
  • Audio support (right click video) whereas GIFs are just a picture
Cons of HTML5 video
  • Not as much support as far as hosting them compared to GIFs.
  • Larger sizes could still blow out bandwidth caps on SWRP
  • No transparency support (GIFs have transparency)
  • New programs and skills are needed compared to those that are used to making GIFs.
Ultimately, you pick whether or not you want HTML5 video based on your goals and needs. Most of the hurdles when it comes to HTML5 is the creation and uploading of such files. Beyond that, you're golden.

Why HTML5 video over Youtube or Vimeo?

Can Youtube do what my signature is doing? The biggest advantage is the autoplay and looping feature, which simulates a looping GIF while having the advantages listed above. That said, Youtube serves its purpose with its ease of uploading videos as well as not needing to right click the video to play audio.

How do I make an HTML5 video?

I personally use Adobe After Effects. Similar programs and those that allow you to save video are also potential options for creating HTML5 video. Really, you just need a program that will allow you to create keyframes - cause without it, you're just animating 100% by hand.

If you need to convert your video to WebM, you can use Miro Video Converter made by the PCF, an organization supported by Mozilla.

How do I host HTML5 videos?

While the options are limited compared to image hosting, they're still there.
  • Gfycat is perfect for videos below 15 seconds in length. With this little update, the site now supports gfycat videos that are between 1 and 3 MB. If you have your video already in WebM or MP4 format, then uploading should be simple. You can get the direct link to your video by right clicking it.
If you have a video over 15 seconds in length, then you have the options of:
  • Imgur - Though, you can only upload a GIF unlike with Gfycat, which allow you to upload a GIF or video. Imgur will automatically convert the GIF into a WebM under a .gifv tag. You can get the direct link to the video by right clicking it.
  • WebM Up - Along with Gfycat and Imgur, this is one of the top sites to use when hosting WebMs on Reddit. It's also very simple. Trust the masses.
  • Dropbox - Seriously. Upload your HTML5 video and copy the share link. Replace what was before .com with dl.dropboxusercontent and you now have a direct link. You're also given 20GB of bandwidth per day before they ban your file, so it should be safe for most people.
  • Google Drive - You can do the same thing with Google Drive as well. Simple copy and past the public URL to gdURL (do not just connect to Drive just because it's a bad habit to do so, period). Even if the link doesn't have an extension for the file, it is valid for this site. There is a limit to Google Drive's bandwidth per file, and it's likely below Dropbox's limit.
  • Photobucket - You can upload MP4s to Photobucket along with select other video formats (that get converted to MP4). I'm unsure of the bandwidth limitations of the video or if they are hot linkable, though.
Of course, any other site that allows you to upload HTML5 videos is perfectly valid.

Hope to see some cool signatures and videos on the site.

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