Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor



NAME: Elkin "Big Cheese" Magor




AGE: 55 years old

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 230 lbs

EYES: Yellow can glow dark when his emotions are heightened.

HAIR: Not a strand of hair on his slimy body

SKIN: Gray

FORCE SENSITIVE: "The Force?! Those Monks in bathrobes can do all that fancy twirling with their glowstick like it's some rave but no amount of force ability can stop an Empire full of mercenaries and a sea of credits! To answer your question though, I'm not force sensitive but I definitely don't want to be one. Credits influence this galaxy not some garbely goop!"

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

To say that Elkin is a ruthless businessman would be an understatement, If necessary he would kill all of his employees and turn them into tasty treats if it means preventing stocks and sales from plummeting. A rising star amongst his people, Elkin has a hunger for wealth and profit, never satisfied until he squeezes the last bits of credit that he can. Elkin holds multiple businesses from PMC, Brewery, produce, sweets and even a toothpick company and looks after them like they're his own children. Cruel yet pragmatic, Elkin's lust for credits fuel him to corrupt and take over anything he wants. Everyone has a price and Elkin's has a sea of credits that would embarrass even the Sumpreme Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance. While Elkin can be calm, he is easily angered and has a vengeful streak never forgetting a slight especially if his stock falls. Elkin will hunt a person down and torture them himself if need be if they cross him.

Standing at 6'5 feet and 230 lbs, Elkin resembles a typical Drekx: A bulb like head though in Elkin's case, he has dark red scars that reaches to forehead. The scars were caused by an industrial accident 20 years ago something that Elkin refuses to talk and will kill anyone who leaks out what happened. Elkin also as has yellow eyes which like his species will glow whenever he feels extreme emotions such as rage or joy. He also has gray, leathery skin and small tubular ears. A defining trait for Drekx is their small, shriveled legs and their very long arms. The Drekx's legs are so small, that they have to rely on their hands for movement, Elkin is no exception but rumor has it that he is looking for a way to grow his legs mostly is so he can sell it for a profit and gain a lot of power over his people. Elkin likes to wear dark, expensive, tailor made suits to show of his extraordinary wealth and is never seen without his Sweet Cigars.


Coming soon.....


"A ship?! I have multiple Starships! Some with the firepower of a Superstardestroyer. To say that I don't have a fleet ready to assist any CIS planet willing to pay up is like saying that unions are healthy for business!"


"If it makes my company rich, then I'm willing to start a war. I already have a CIS senator in my pocket."

"Bah! Why do the dirty work when you can have employees willing to lose a limb for payment that I make in half an hour."

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