Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Elisea Korrado

Elisea Apollodor


FACTION: Order of the Sacred Lotus

RANK: Member

SPECIES: Human (Avalonian)

AGE: 28 Years Old

SEX: Cis-Female

HEIGHT: 5'9" | 1.79m

WEIGHT: 162lbs | 73.4kg

EYES: Hazel/Brown

HAIR: Jet Black

SKIN: Medium Umber/Deep Sepia


[+] Visual: Elisea has always been a reader and prefers reading as her method of learning, however; as a visual learner Elisea needs only for someone to show her how to do something for her to pick it up.

[-] Family Ties: Having lost both her parents, [SIZE=10.5pt]Elisea and her sister [/SIZE]Briala are the last of their family. Being the last of their family has left Elisea particularly concerned when it comes to her sister’s wellbeing. Should Briala have a request of her no matter what it is. Elisea will certainly oblige, dropping whatever task is working on to come to her sister’s aid.

[-] Non-Combatant: Elisea was never built for a soldier’s work. Briala perhaps, but Elisea was always the softer one of the two unable to bring herself to into battle or fight. In combat situations, Elisea is more prone to panic even with her FIMS training her natural instinct is to self doubt and flee battle.

Dark hair that in its natural state is curly, slender build. [SIZE=10.5pt]Elisea[/SIZE] dresses fairly moderately her preferred choice of store is the Grand Wardrobe. She’s quite the admirer of the Grand Moff and always has an outfit or two that she is sure the Grand Moff would approve of. When she’s working, the Avalonian has a pair of comfortable scrubs or something akin to scrubs.

Elisea was born to Djari Korrado and his wife Celestia the second of three children, the third child was a stillborn - a son Djari the Second. Korrado was a member of the military while his wife took pride in education. A teacher to secondary school students, Celestia was a kind woman, passionate about her work and cared greatly for her family. Sadly she took ill sometime after the stillborn birth of Djari the Second. An illness that she would never recover from and passed when Elisea was a girl no more than six years of age. Leaving her and her sister Briala to be raised by their father alone, Korrado did his best with both of his daughters while balancing a career in the military.

Briala took after their father, and was even considering joining the military but decided against it when she noticed her father’s health had begun to degrade. Instead she cared for him so that he might maintain his appearances. It was in vain however as he would die in Castameer leaving her to care for her sister alone and while her sister was all but grown she knew that Elisea had greater dreams.

Elisea did indeed have bigger dreams, she wanted to complete her studies at the University of Avalonia and be part of the First Imperial Medical Services. Korrado’s military wages paid for some of the costs but not all and so Briala worked at a local pub, the Greenback. Eventually, Briala found working at a pub perhaps more fulfilling than life in the military not that it’s stopped her from having conversations with recruiters. Elisea graduated from the University and went on to study in Victoria with FIMS. She opted for reserve instead of active duty as she was not quite ready to settle into working life at home.

It was while she was in Victoria that she saw something on holo regarding the Order of the Sacred Lotus, she read a few descriptions of the place and decided that that was where she wanted to be.




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