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Eliron Raoul Arwood

Eliron Raoul Arwood, Intoxicating Malice
"Try to force another seven years of bad luck on me, and see what kind of Monster you create"

  • Name: Eliron Raoul Arwood
  • Alias: Eli, Raoul (Primarily), El (By his Mother exclusively)
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil, though he can come across as Lawful Neutral at times
  • Force Rank: Apprentice (Acolyte)
  • Species: Human
  • Race: Naboo
  • Planet of Birth: Naboo
  • Age: Twenty Four
  • Height: 6'0
  • Weight: 170lbs
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Skin Color: Caucasian
  • Force Sensitive: Yes, Bogan
  • Master: Not Applicable
  • Naboo Hierarchy: Noble Aristocrat
  • The Arwood Household: Member of the House Guard, First Born Son, Second in Line to the Estate

Eliron is the embodiment of Arwood perfection; his long black locks frame a ruggedly handsome face which is lit up by glistening blue eyes. Yet with this said, has the appearance of a man broken under the weight of the world. While he retains the air of a nobleman, his eyes can become somewhat sunken when he is weary due to the darkness which has set beneath them. His left cheek is branded with a slave's mark, which has done naught save force him to loathe those who placed it there and bring with it a small level of self-depreciation.

His body is well toned, and somewhat muscular, from days spent labouring the land and wielding a broad vibrosword, yet at the same time he walks with an elegance that speaks for the swiftness of his feet. With this said, his body is lined with thick scars caused by the lick of lashes and years of physical torment; this has caused him to turn away the touch of women, even those whose presence he sought in the privacy of his own room.

As one of his Father's House Guard he is commonly found to be wearing light armor, dyed black with small splashes of red and green, and sometimes furs over the top if he is accompanying a member of his family on their travels across the colder regions of the mountains they inhabit. He is always found with at least one weapon on his person, typically his broadsword, yet it is not uncommon to find him with a lightsaber on his belt, vibrosword in his hand and a slugthrower on his back. Eliron is, if nothing else, always one to be prepared and quick to be alerted to danger. Most commonly referred to by his second name, Raoul, he is the first born son of Frejr and Kaylein's marriage yet his birthright is shadowed by his sister who is several years older.

In his Father's sickness, Eliron has become the man of the House and a positive role-model for his younger siblings. He also amiably assists his sister in her running of the family and the land, holding no ill feelings towards her for her position above him - at least none that make a visible appearance. On the surface he is noble, loyal and caring of heart, even praying to the false Gods of his household to please his mother. While he is deemed of an age to be married, his duty on the House Guard has shadowed any attempts made to find him a suitable wife, as does the memories of his enslavement.

Since his return, Eliron has been short tempered and nothing at all like the carefree boy he had once been. While able to keep up appearances around his family, Eliron has a considerably cruel streak which reveals itself around those he deems lesser than himself, reminiscent of the way he himself had been treated while a prisoner. He also has a habit of referring to himself by his second name to those who do not yet know him, an attempt to shed himself of his twisted past. He seeks to be the dominant figure in any situation, as a way to regain control of the life which had for a while been entirely out of his hands. Yet the only way he knows how to manifest this is by replicating his torment at the hands of the Dathomirian onto others.

  • N/A; Eliron, as of yet, does not leave Naboo. He has far too many duties to attend to at home, and prefers to ride living mounts in order to once again feel in control rather than leaving it up to machines.

Eliron Raoul Arwood was sired almost nine months after his older sibling, Elinor. When he was born he was deemed a blessing unto House Arwood and aided in the true unification of Frejr and Kaylein's marriage - it was during the years following his birth that the couple learned to love one another. When his Father went away to fight, Elif was not of an age to notice his absence as his sister did, and thus it had little impact on his interactions with others - unlike Elinor who clung to the furs of Jariver, the Head of their House Guard. While he was not their heir, he was still given the same treatment as his eldest sibling and learned to be both worldly and aware of his own heritage.

In his youth he was trained in all manner of arms, more so than his sister, and he took to sword and blaster as well as any trained within their household. His true passions shone, however, following the introduction of the lightsaber. With his hilt Eliron excelled like no other in his Household, a natural gift put down to his natural affinity to the Force. While his sister too was Sensitive she displayed no natural tendencies, and ultimately chose to reject it. Yet his time was also spent working the humble tasks of the citizens his family oversaw and protected. He tilled the land, fished in the ocean and learned to bend steel to his will. As might be expected, it was the latter he proved to grasp the most - and it is a skill he has practised ever since.

When he reached his teenage years, Eliron knew that his true passions lay on the land, as opposed to the sea his family adored. His Father gifted him a beautiful mount shipped all the way from Rintonne, which he named Sigurd - often referred to as Sigurd the Swift, at least in his younger years - and sent him to learn under Jariver. During this time, Eliron was bade to accompany Jariver on a task of importance, which sent him down into the South of their land and to a Keep owned by their extended family. With little to do, Eliron was permitted to hunt with his Uncle in the surrounding forest, while Jariver saw to his task. There the pair came upon a group of bandits, hiding out near the Southern coast. In the ensuing battle Eliron was ordered back to the Keep, to gather help, but he had yet to ride a few yards before being thrown from his mount and left in the dirt, the fearful creature fleeing after having been spooked.

When Eliron awoke from a state of unconsciousness he found himself bound and flung over the back of a speeder, his head pounding. Over the next few days he faced a blank wall where his questions were concerned, the men who had taken him not ones for conversation. By third day they silenced him all together with a few sharp lashes. They would not be the last nor the worst he would face in the coming months.

Taken off world, branded and beat, Eliron's spirit was broken as he was forced into submission, and over the next few years he lived a life of servitude and hardship to the Dathomir. The cruelty he was subjected to seeped into his very soul and left him bitter and twisted. Biding his time the young man waited, taking each beating which came without cause, each insult slurred in their foreign tongue, and kept to the right side of his Masters. He prayed to the False Gods of his Household for strength and redemption and when the day finally came he showed no mercy.

His escape from Dathomir followed the brutal slaughter of those who had held him, who had twisted and corrupted him into being more demon than man. Amongst the dead were a few fellow-slaves, too crippled and seeped in corruption that they could not be saved. He barely made it out alive, and was picked up by travelers when he reached a major city. They took him back to Naboo, though they were way of where he had come from being that he looked such a mess.

His reunion with the family who had thought him dead was bittersweet, and while he did all he could to please his mother in the coming months, to ease her tender heart, nothing Eliron did could shake the impurities from his soul. Being just eighteen years of age upon his return, he found himself patronised by his mother who saw him as the thirteen year old who had been lost to her so many years before. Yet his Father would have none of it, and pushed him to return to his training and treated life very much the same as it had been before his visit down South. While he meant no ill by it, he did not want his Eldest Son to go to ruin and lose the potential he had shown in his youth.

Several years after, when Eliron was finally viewed by his people as a Man, Jariver spoke a quiet word with his Lord and stepped down from his post into retirement - he was nearing the end of his life, and was given leave to spend what time he had left with his family. In his place, Eliron - who had resumed his lessons under Jariver, and had proven himself numerous times with blade and pistol since his return - was elevated to the status of House Guard, with another of the troupe claiming the position as Head Guard.

While Jariver would later return, to provide council to Elinor in Frejr's sickened state, his loss struck a blow within much of the family, who viewed Jariver as one of their own. While the youngest of the House Guard in his family's employment, Eliron has since done much to prove his worth and position as one of their Land's most proficient warriors, and in his Father's absence - due to the aforementioned sickness - he has assumed the novel role of man of the house, watching over his younger siblings and providing them with an amiable role-model.

Yet within his core there still lay the corruption of the Dathomirians, and a feeling of self-depreciation. His darker moods would leave the boy cruel to non-noble women whom he lured into his possession, a certain perverseness to his nature. Even with this, on the front he was shown to be the most amiable Lordling and none would have been able to tell his inner demons from his exterior.


1. Desert Is Not An Option
2. And You Are?

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