Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Elim
FACTION: Jedi Order
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'10"
WEIGHT: 290 pounds
EYES: brown
HAIR: brown
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, untrained, instinctual use only


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: Elim is strong in the force though he does not know it. Any time he calls on it, it is only on instinct. Brutishly strong and quick. No technical skill and nearly animalistic in nature. Years of captivity and being forced to fight in gladiatorial events on Rattatak have left him as little more than a barely sentient hulk of a man.

APPEARANCE: Large and muscular Elim has scars over most of his body, ranging from cuts and burns to bite marks. At a glance he is an intimidating moon sized man, but upon closer inspection his chocolate brown eyes show a hint of softness and kindness when he's not in the arena.

BIOGRAPHY: The gladiatorial events held on Rattatak coupled with their failed infastructure lead the sparsly populated world to base their economy off the procurement production and sale of slaves. Particularly slaves that fought. Elim is a product of that barbaric practice. Specificially bred and raised only to fight in these brutal matches he was taken from his mother as soon as he was weaned. Upon entering the arena at the age of five he was an immediate crowd favorite. Though the brutal upbringing has lead the man to be little more than an animal. Over the decades since his birth he survived thousands of these brutal fights to the death.


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