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Character Elias



×× Name ×× Elias
×× Aliases ×× Blackhole, Shadowspawn
×× Homeworld ×× Bastion

×× Faction ×× Imperial Military Protectorate (IMP)
×× Branch ××
Imperial Knights - Esoteric Chapter Prophets of the Maw
×× Occupation ×× Cleric
×× Rank ×× Knight Commander


×× Species ×× Clawdite Sithspawn
×× Age ×× 4000 Years
×× Force Sensitivity ×× Yes

×× Height ×× 6'0"
×× Weight ×× 180
×× Build ×× Thin Scholar

×× Eyes ×× Aquamarine
×× Hair ×× Royal Purple
×× Skin Tone ×× Pale
×× Notable Features ×× No Shadow, Aura of Darkness


×× Sexuality ×× Asexual
×× Relationship Status ×× None
×× Personality ×× INTJ
×× Alignment ×× Neutral


  • Elias was the creation of Cronal's secret personal projects he developed under the reign of Emperor Palpatine. Hidden even from the Emperor, Cronal obsessed over finding the perfect servant that would be powerful enough to establish himself as the true hegemon of the Galactic Empire. Infused with the peak of his madness, Elias started out as one of Cronal's artificial children, produced mechanically and lifelessly by infusing Cronal's genetic templates into female Sithspawn.

    Obsessed with the ends of Sith Alchemy and the art of creating Sithspawn, Cronal collected creatures and people across the galaxy to fuel his corrupt machinations, transforming them into monsters to follow his will. While he was able to imbue them with Force sensitivity and transform them into loyal Dark Jedi, they were considered failures for their numerous defects, most notably a weak connection to the Force.

    Desperate to reach his goal, Cronal began horrific experiments and outright torture on his artificial children to test any and all ways to increase their connection to the Dark Side of the Force and empower them with great strength, intelligence, or twisted abilities based on their original mothers.

    Elias in particular, born of a monstrous mix of Changeling genetics, was weak and only held a modicum of Force ability. Instantly discarded and set for incineration, he used his innate and miraculously given talent of Force Metamorphosis and Force Stealth to escape undetected. As he witnessed the horrific experiments of Cronal continue to his eventual death, Elias learned his deepest secrets and arts.

    After the death of Cronal, Elias assumed his aliases and went into hiding, taking Cronal's forbidden knowledge of sorcery, Sith alchemy, and the Dark Side of the Force for his own ambitions...

  • Blackhole.png

    Elias's most common appearance is as a tall Human with purple hair and blue eyes, sporting a striking resemblance to a younger Cronal. With exception to a small circle of close confidants and bound servants, Elias almost exclusively appears virtually through holoprojectors, taking Blackhole's appearance as a 3-meter shadow of stars.

  • pol-c75-hos2.jpg
    • x1 Sith Lightsaber Shoto
    • x1 Sith Alchemized Armorweave Robe
    • x1 Black Datapad
    • x1 'Black Card' Slicer Card

  • Trinket_shambler_eyes_of_the_void.png
    Elias's escape from Cronal did not come unpunished. Due to the various Sith alchemized runes and spells engraved within his very bodily constitution, Elias will never escape the master controls built into him. He is able to suppress them at the great cost of his physical body, which leaves him emancipated and feeble most of the time. Cronal's Sith Alchemy has even metaphysically stripped him of his own shadow, which has been infused into the dark restraints that constrain his body.

    Fortuitously, Cronal has unintentionally bound a deep connection with Darkness which enables Elias unparalleled mastery over controlling the shadows. As a last resort that remains untouched, Elias is able to embrace Cronal's restraint at the cost of his sanity and mental acuity for unparalleled bouts of Force ability. This last stand option would permanently alter Elias's ego to be closer to Cronal's own...

    After the death of Cronal by Luke Skywalker, Elias transplanted and forcibly fused Cronal's heart into his body, greatly enhancing his limited Force abilities to match Sith Lords in power. It has also granted him pseudo-immortality, unable to age or die of old age.

    Nonetheless, the Heart of Cronal also serves as his only absolute source of mortality and weaknesses. Any damage to his True Heart will most likely result in death like any other Human without immediate medical intervention.

    Due to his very disputed heritage of multiple shapeshifter genetic templates fused with his mother's original Clawdite DNA, Elias is able to endlessly replicate and transform his body like a Gen'dai. He is also able to transform into a monstrous form for combat, although he disdains and outright rejects Cronus's designs for him. Despite the great advantages Cronus imbued in him to be the galaxy's greatest assassin and infiltrator, Elias disregards this destiny and fate to create his own.

  • Elias is a member of the New Imperial Order, serving as one of its Imperial Knights and occasionally as an Officer of its Imperial Intelligence.

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