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Approved Tech Elder grade M63 AKA "The Coruscant Typewriter"

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Intent: Create a weapon that is fully-auto but also easily consealable.

Development thread: None.

Manufacterer: Blastech.

Model: Elder class.

Affiliation: This weapon was banned instantly as soon as it's first sale. It is now only used by criminals who are mainly located in Coruscant.

Modularity: Adjustable grip, extended magazine.

Production: Semi-rare.

Material: Ion metal.

Description: This weapon is illegal in most planets and holds fifty slugs. It has a built-in adjustable stock, and is very inaccurate. The recoil is horrendous and if you are in front of the shooter, you are probably going to be hit even if the shooter is aiming at a completly diffrent target. The weapon is commonly used in Coruscant's underworld and is quite powerful. It can puncture above basic armor and is easily consealable due to the foldable stock. If the shooter purchases and extended clip, this weapon can hold up to seventy slugs with the assistance of the extended clip. Keep in mind, the gun chews up most of it's ammo in seconds.

Classification: Slugthrower.

Size: Handheld.

Length: 1.2192 meters

Weight: 2.17724 kilograms

Ammuniton type: Bullets.

Effective rang: Fourty yards.

Rate of fire: Thirty rounds per twelve seconds.

Special features: None.
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