Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Elaine Magnan

Ensign Elaine Magnan
Age: 20
Height: 5'7" (170cm)
Weight: ~135lbs (~61kg)
No Force sensitivity

Born into a Coruscanti slum, Elaine grew up always wanting for more. More food, more attention from her busy family, more safety from the chaos of the street. She grew strong in this environment, constantly betrayed by friends, while her family did all they could to keep her and themselves afloat. Both her older brothers did what they could to protect her, teaching her to fight and fend for herself. But one died young in a mugging gone wrong, and the other left to join the GADF, leaving Elaine and her parents alone. She got what education she could, gobbling up any schooling she got her hands on.

Eventually, her soldier brother came home, in a box with full military honors. The somber news of his death came with a new opportunity: the chance to gain admission to Pol Anaxes War College. Elaine was hesitant at first, needing to stay and help her parents work. A second tragedy struck within a month of the first, however, and her parents were killed in a speeder crash. Alone, with no other options, she left for Anaxes.

Elaine Magnan excelled in academics, despite difficulty adjusting to the new environment. She made few friends at the academy, preferring instead to throw herself into learning and self-improvement. She graduated a year early, having made it to the top of her class. Immediately after her graduation she joined the Galactic Alliance Navy, commissioned as an Ensign aboard the ANV Artesian.

Notable skills and traits:
Elaine has always had an eye for detail, noticing things other did not. This, in combination with her tactically focused mindset earned her praise among instructors
Similarly, Elaine's eagerness to learn drove her to the War College's Honor Rolls
Her tough early life and time at the Naval College (and in boot camp) have taught Elaine to defend herself by any means necessary.

She is also fiercely competitive, known to do whatever was needed to achieve what she believed needed to be done. Likewise, she is a hard worker, driven to accomplish any task set before her, regardless of her own mental and physical state.

However, Elaine has had to claw her way to everything she has ever had, seeing betrayals, theft, and murder throughout her life. She's learned not to trust anyone but herself, and is slightly paranoid of other's intentions.

Despite her great skills in the classroom and war games, and despite the trauma of her youth, Elaine Magnan is untested in battle, and full of self-doubt, even if she refuses to show it.
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