Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Elaboration on an Existing Metal

Would elaborating on an existing metal that has no information be allowed? This is a question I didn't post in Quick Questions, or FAQ because there are a lot of them in the Star Wars Metals section of "Wookiepedia" and I want to be sure. Case in point, the metal I'm going to be using in a sub.

Well-Known Member
[member="Cameron Sinclair"] There is precedent on Chaos, where people have made submissions of Canon items or planets to on any new events that occurred to them outside of canon.

I say go for it, post it with reasonable abilities/limits, and just mention at the bottom that it is an elaboration of that particular metal.

I highly recommend you keep it simple, as if you claim that it can block lightsabers, cut through beskar, and blow up the death star, I guarantee you people are going to look at you funny and insta-deny any proposal you set forth which includes the above. If it could do all that, don't you think it would've been more important in canon?

What ideas you got for it anyway?
Well-Known Member
You should look at this:

I'm fairly certain what you are asking for would de-classify it as a metal, considering the only thing listed on here that would be difficult for a detector to detect, is an alloy composed of various non-metal materials.

In order to no longer be detectable, it would have to have minimal/zero inclination to interact with magnetic fields, and be a very poor electrical conductor in general, which is precisely the opposite of what a metal is characteristic of doing.

But this is star wars, so feel free to submit it anyway and hope to get it approved.

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