Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Eirc Galloway

Name: Eirc Galloway
Alias(es): -
Class(es): (Rogue) Knight, Commander, Pirate
Birthplace: Galidraan III
Force Sensitive: yes
Force Alignment: Light Side

Species: Human
Age: Late 20s
Gender: Male
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 197lbs
Eyes: Blue-green
Hair: Dark brown
Skin: Light

Rank(s): Pirate captain
Allegiance(s): Imperial Military Protectorate (loose affiliation), Highland Brotherhood (former member)
Language(s): Galactic Basic, Goidelic

Personality Traits: Brave, Impatient, Arrogant, Gregarious
Education Traits: Highland Brotherhood Education
Lifestyle Traits: Freedom fighter
Character Alignment: True Neutral

Eirc Galloway is a Woad Goidelic from Galidraan III. He was raised amongst the clans in a time of struggle and it shaped how he perceived and approached things. Admitted to the Highland Brotherhood quite early on, he serves for years, and the continuous struggle of his people built the disdain he had for the clan elders, who he perceived as too ritualistic and ineffective in their actions. ​

It eventually resulted in a huge fallout, Eirc leaving the Brotherhood and turning into piracy. Restarting his life from the bottom, he quickly climbed the hierarchy of his ship, and soon enough his brilliance granted him with his own ship, and later, fleet. Being away from his people doesn’t erase his fervour for Goidelic independence, however. Eirc is slowly building his wealth to fund a rebellion that will once more grant the Goidelic their full sovereignty.
Skills and Abilities: Military command, Commercial bargaining, Intimidation, Public speaking, Soresu lightsaber stance, Force telekinesis, Force barrier, Force shield
Strengths: Charismatic, Duelist, Leader of Men
Weaknesses: Bellicose, Impulsive, Short-fused

Cannaugh Galloway Cannaugh Galloway - Little Brother
Sorry that our struggle robbed you of a good brother figure
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