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Approved Tech Echo of the Past, Old Lightsaber

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Intent: To give Abyss lightsaber a little more “personality” by giving it a proper backstory
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Unnamed Sith
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Independent
Modularity: N/A
Production: Unique
Material: Duralumin, Natural Red Lightsaber crystal, lightsaber components.
Classification: Lightsaber
Size: One-handed
Length: Hilt: 45cm Blade: 130cm
Weight: 2kg
Special Features:
  • Tied to the Dark side: As the former weapon of an ancient Sith, the weapon is connected to the dark side of the force. To an individual attuned to the dark side it would feel almost natural to use it, while an user of the light side would experience it as something alien and would struggle to use it to its full extend.
  • Echos of the Past: Even centuries after the death of its original owner, the violente echos of death and hate can be heard by these strong in the force. An individual with ties to the dark side can use these echos to guide his hand in combat. While this does not make someone a master duelist, it does amplify the skills already possessed.
  • Malfunctions and instability: Centuries of being forgotten, resting in the ruins of an ancient grave took a toll on the weapon, making it prone to malfunction when put under high stress, like an impact directly on the hilt or high voltage. If submitted to force lighting or other destructive force abilities the saber can be broken or heavly damaged.
Description: Once wielded by a lesser Sith, his name long lost and forgotten to the galaxy, the lightsaber rested in an ancient grave on an unnamed moon. In his prime the former owner of this weapon used it to bring death and despair to anyone in his way, extinguishing the life and lights of several lesser sith and jedi alike. With every life taken, the sword connect itself more and more to the dark side, a connection that reached its peak when his owner died a violent death by the hand of another sith. The echos of the past can still be heard by anyone attuned to relics of the past, calling them to wield it, to once again bring death.
Primary Source: N/A
Factory Judge
[member="Abyss"], Since you are making this to be a very minor Dark sided artifact, can you list in the weaknesses, that the lightsabe can be destroyed, or altered Via force light, and other like minded abilities.
Abyss said:
Manufacturer: Unknown
If a random sith made this weapon, please list something to the effect of "Sith" in the manufacturing field. Nothing in the factory may be left as an unknown. You are free to say, IC, that the weapon manufacturer was unknown to your character, but the Factory is the OOC and we need to be aware of everything in the submission.
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