Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ECHO Esprit

Corporation Name: ECHO Esprit Industries
Headquarters: Praesitlyn
Locations: Praesitlyn; Sanctuary; Ansion; Chandrila
Operations: ECHO Esprit produces medical technology and household medicinal products, as well as war tech of unique or uncommon design and application.

Esprit has created limited-production fighter craft for the Rebel Alliance and is hoped to begin producing chassis for Republic fighters, to be completed in conjunction with Republic-commissioned manufacturers.

Rationale: Finding herself thinly spread financially, Geneviève Lasedri had to look to aid from backers of her agendas in order to get ECHO off the ground. Anti-slavery activist donations funded the startup of this establishment behind the scenes.

The company became something more as time passed, however, and its owner saw potential to develop a persistent machine that would make a profit and fuel an agenda and a people. Its main function was to fund the Rebel Alliance for a time, but both Esprit and the Rebellion have been able to grow beyond that. She intends to progress ECHO Esprit past market play and into something more socially-oriented.

Donations are always accepted.

Tier: Tier 3

ECHO Esprit Industries was brought to existence by Geneviève Lasedri at the behest of Regor Laxvan. He saw opportunity to increase the GLC’s presence by providing a legitimate corporate face to their underground efforts in aiding those in bondage. They also could not continue relying solely on the money of generous contributors to fund their operations and weapons development.

Geneviève had a bigger vision in mind, though. While ECHO Esprit certainly does provide a haven and rehabilitation services for refugees of slavery, and indeed produces innovative medical gear for civilian and military purposes, the hidden levels of the company involve themselves in more privately motivated workings. Her weaponization intents and progressive political agenda called for it to be the original backbone of the Rebel Alliance, though the company has now developed into a more profit-focused entity and dispatched from its initial purposes. Esprit has moved into a truly competitive era.

While secrecy of its underground workings and owner continue to be maintained, the appointment of Anastasia Rade to the chief executive position has helped to redirect the company's values to a more marketable one. Experimental drugs became more of a production priority than they had been prior, and combat technology development was deemphasized--though not completely eradicated.

For now, ECHO Esprit Industries appears to have a brighter, more peaceful future.

More medical products to be announced.

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