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Approved Tech ECHO Bactarma GEN-1

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Intent: To create an effective light armor that automatically attempts to heal the wearer upon severe impact via simple methods.
Development Thread: [Considering]
Manufacturer: ECHO Esprit
Model: ECHO Bactarma GEN-1
Affiliation: Galactic Liberation Collective; The Rebel Alliance
Modularity: [None]
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Durasteel shin guards, breastplate, groin guard, and back-mounted bacta reservoir; Duraplast knee pads, thigh guards, forearm guards, elbow pads, upper arm guards; Spun-plast foot guards; Tarelle Sei-weave/Flex-armor/Polyfibe woven leggings and undershirt; Thermal Gel; Plasticine
With the Rebel Alliance organizing and ECHO Esprit launching, the company needed to make a solid impression. Aiming for affordable but effective technology in both the medical and military fields, Bactarma was an ingenuitive melding of the two--armor that heals the wearer in case of injury without complex and costly electronics.

There are three layers to each armor plating segment.

The outermost layer is composed of either durasteel or duraplast as typical armor plating, due to their well-known resilience to blaster fire and light shrapnel. A wide but shallow 0.75-liter, rectangular bacta reservoir is encased in durasteel on the back of the breastplate piece.

The center layer is thin, composed of porous duraplast containing thermal gel. This provides an extra layer of kinetic protection and buffers the outer layer from the inner layer. If a substantial impact is not buffered by the outer layer, the contained thermal gel briefly solidifies to counter the pressure.

The inner layer is composed of tiny, tube-like wicks that are partitioned in plasticine. These ‘wicks’ are interconnected, leading to the back-mounted bacta reservoir of the breastplate. When enough energy collides with the armor that the thermal gel is not even enough to protect against, the plasticine ruptures and the ‘wicks’ soaked from bacta stream droplets onto the undersuit.

The form-fitting, absorbent, woven undersuit is worn underneath the armor, providing thermal protection. Its absorbent properties are intentional so that the bacta from any ruptured armor pieces bleed into the wearer’s skin but does not freely flow away from the area of impact, behaving like a gauze. Thus, the entire function of this armor is fulfilled without any electronics or mechanical hardware, making it low-cost to produce, low-maintenance to keep, and unaffected by EMP.

The bacta application is intended to heal the wearer to a satisfactory degree while in battle and eradicate pain yet allowing mobility without risk of further injury. Superficial wounds would be almost immediately healed. Severe wounds may be fully healed to functionality and pain completely dispelled, but supervised medical treatment would be required following action to make sure there are no complications. Critical wounds (such as severed arteries, joints, and fractured bones) would only receive a 'time extension' from the reactive dose to alleviate pain and prevent a swifter death or loss of consciousness. Such extensive injuries would warrant immediate medical attention as soon as they could safely remove themselves from combat. Severe and critical wounds drain all bacta from the reservoir due to the wide rupture area caused by impacts of that magnitude, leaving only scant traces of bacta remaining to service only the most minor of surface wounds.

Different designs are available for men, women, and humanoids of all shapes and sizes.

Bacta not included. Headgear not included.

Manufactured in gray. Custom color schemes must be personally applied.

Bactarma is a registered trademark of ECHO Esprit Industries.

Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 11 kg
Quality: 7
Other Feature(s): Non-mechanized reactive bacta application


Professor of Alchemy
Technology like this is far too powerful and expensive for mass production. I'm going to need the production dropped to unique and a dev thread done explaining the acquisition of Bacta/Kolto/both. If you want minor production you'll need to do a much more extensive dev thread(s). Adding one where the technology is developed wouldn't hurt if you want minor production as well.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

My apologies for being unclear, but yes. Bacta is only found on a couple worlds while Kolto is only found on one. As such mass producing an automatic dispersal system would be extremely expensive. Without the dispersal system the armor is easily mass produceable.


So what I'd like to do is try my hand at a dev thread to develop the armor and dispersal system. This way I could make it capable of doing everything I've written here and a mass-production item. The tradeoff would be that, while the armor is able to do everything I've put into my submission, the bacta/kolto would not be included in the product. Therefore I can release the unadulterated concept but the user would need to come up with their own healing fluids.

Is that acceptable? I really put a lot of thought into this submission and I'd hate to have to edit its entire function just because of one more-or-less optional component. :)


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

Personally, no. I could not, in good conscience, approve this as mass production, because whether or not you add the bacta/kolto in people will use it without purchasing the bacta in the first place. However, the thought of the technology being mass produceable as long as you don't fill her up is sound, so I will consult with other judges before I put down a final ruling. There is one thing however that I'll need clarified that I forgot to speak of last night(my apologies). I'll need to know exactly how much bacta/kolto the suit can carry, how extensive of injuries it can heal, and roughly how quickly it will heal them.

@me when you've made the edits and completed the dev threads.

Just checking in to say I've edited what you specified, but having trouble gaining a contract for the bacta. If you've conferred with the other judges on this and will allow it to pass 'bacta not included', I would like to submit it like so.

Otherwise, I'm still working on it. Please do not archive.


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

If I can get you to edit in that the Bactarma can only hold enough bacta for use on one Severe/Critical wound(however you wish to phrase it, as I know you state that Critical wounds aren't fully healed), then I can approve this at mass production without it being sold alongside the necessary Bacta/Kolto.

Since this is the GEN-1 model, it makes complete sense to not have perfection right out of the gate on a product. I've edited per your stipulation and would like to submit it now. Will hopefully have the bacta situation worked out by GEN-2.

Thank you!


Professor of Alchemy
Seems good enough for me. Abuse and you'll face all sorts of no-good reprimands from my bosses. Have fun Gen. Pending Approval.
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