Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ebaba Muchomacho

Ebaba Muchomacho

Squib Shinny Shinny Boom Boom

Ebaba Muchomacho

GenderIt is hard to tell with Squibs. Who knows.
Height1 Meter
Weight22 Kilograms
Force SensitiveUnknown


Short, fuzzy, with blue fur with some fur dyed red.


All the shiny things one can find.


Cheerful, gregarious, and overconfident to the point of egotism. Inherently curious. Typically handles anything that interests them, usually by rubbing it against their fur with little forethought as to whether doing so might be harmful. Squib curiosity and propensity for haggling made them unabashed pack rats. Typical Squib response to a threat was not to fight or flee, but to bluff and bluster.


  • The fur coat offered some protection from cold weather, but, more importantly, it served as an olfactory organ, able to pick up scents at a distance and ascertain intrinsic details—such as penetrating through a disguise or identifying a forgery—when rubbed against.
  • Lots of forbidding, sharp, white teeth, and flexible cheeks could store items.
  • Known for resourcefulness and improvisation, and this manifested itself in Squib technology and art.
  • Great at haggling, and making refurbished scavenged items for resale ( although failure was still pretty cool too)
  • Once a deal is made, he honors it until the bitter end to complete the bargain


  • Tiny and small, and if needed, likely puntable and throwable much like a small child
  • Superstitious to a fault. Needs to throw salt to purify bad juju's around before doing anything else.
  • Once a deal is made, he honors it until the bitter end to complete the bargain
  • if fur is covered in sticky fluid, or their ability to use their fur to smell is smothered, it can prevent them from smelling anything and hindering their ability to process their surroundings. This can also overwhelm their senses if covered in powerful scents.


Just appeared out of no where. He's a stowaway looking for all the shinnies.
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