Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

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Name: Dw-Fa
Designation: Sentient
  • Asobi System
  • Farlax Sector
Language: Bala
Average height of adults:
Skin color: Orange
Hair color: Red
Breathes: Type I
Natural Camouflage: In the plains of Cazador their skin blends into the tall grass. On other worlds it makes them stand out.
Heightened Senses: Their senses are slightly higher being able to smell blood and food from a mile away or track prey.

Natural Weapons: Their fangs, claws and tail can act as weapons to defend them. The tail being able to wrap around their bodies and strong enough to hold a utility belt.

Pheromones: Over time their bodies have evolved strong pheromones to ward away other Dw-Fa attract mates and at times be more provocative. They go through training to learn to control this part of their body and be able to produce as much or little as they need.
Lighter Bones: The Farlax Sector is largely uninhabited and their world was... lighter. Their bodies grew used to the lighter gravity and their bones were weaker. It might allow them to right themselves in the air but the impact can shatter their bones easily. Their pards in the Asobi system suffer worse fates with near fatal brittle bones.

Strengths: What makes them strong on their own planet and makes them into a predator able to get the drop on prey also makes them targets. On worlds outside of the ones they come from they are easy to see, able to be pained from ultrasonic whistles and overwhelmed with scents.

Low Birth Rates: Their bodies have changed since coming to the Farlax System, their bones evolving to be in low gravity situations which makes them far weaker. Mating off of their home planet can kill them.

Allergy to Metals: Their bodies are allergic to trace metal heavy food and drinks. The lack of metals on their world has developed and made their bodies sick when they build up to much. Shown as rings around the eyes. It can lead to dangerous
  • Great balance
  • Strong tails
  • Strong Senses
  • Weak bones
  • Large amounts of metal is dangerous
Average Lifespan: 100 Years
Races: There are slight difference in coloring between the families that came into the Asobi System and ones that are in the Farlax sector.
Estimated Population: 5 Million Galaxy wide
Diet: Meats and Dairy are favored, herbs and veggies are fine and chocolate or sweets are poisonous
Communication: Verbal
Seeding: They have come from a world in the deep core and seeded themselves across the galaxy, usually to the detriment as the species is more communal and having planets between them has created more clans then normally would meet.

Nimir-Ra/Nimir-Raj: Cat King/Cat Queen, an alpha who has taken over leadership of the pard through majority admiration and combat prowess. They are able to protect their people and in some cases think outside of fighting.
Technology level: Galactic Standard
General behavior:
In groups they are very friendly. The pard is designed as a social structure to protect each other and the children are kept at the center. Their leaders are given different terms depending on how they are within the group. Alpha's who are active in protecting the group are regarded highly, alphas who don't protect but have the skills to do other things outside of combat are different but still respected.

In common days their ideals of touch are different, they rub against each other and touch everything or different people. It is more for reassurances and increases the more nervous they are in a situation. In groups they are often in large piles sharing energy and comfort with each other but respecting the difference between good and bad touches.

The concepts of modesty to them are strange, they are curious of humans in this when they will gladly be hyper violent but seeing a naked being is considered wrong. It is a small thing but in public with humans within the Asobi system they are clothed wearing the minimal amount while preferring in their cities and villages to not wear thing. In Pard society reacting to this is considered rude and leering something punishable which is why there are strict guidelines and rules for having other species visit.
The Dw are originally from the deep core, one of the older worlds that originally resided. Despite their proximity to the largest worlds within the Republic they at the time never encountered them. Finding and facing the Zhell and Taung in the past after the exile from Coruscant. The Sisterhood of the Warriors of Shadow encountered them while going into the Unknown regions. Bringing some with them as the low gravity world made fighting easier for them.

With some taken into the Unknown regions the species was divided not fully understanding the dangers of it all. Then the incident happened that shattered the codex. The dangerous parts of the galaxy became even more dangerous with the three factions sending their warriors and slaves to fight. The sisterhood disappeared taking some along with the Atrisian's and other slaves they had beaten. The rest were able to remain within the deep core.

Slowly as time moved forward they were discovered again but by random explorers usually, ones who wanted to map the area but the Farlax system is a large place filled with thousands of worlds and planets, even more moons that would dot it. That gave them less chance of being discovered and with as they learned the dangers of being off world the quick agile hunters worked as scouts who avoided combat by any means possible.

On the world they learned how to cope, staying in place and working to populate slowly. The threat of predators was small as they could plan and work together to take down threats. In larger groups they slowly developed pards and families that worked together to handle predators. The Farlax sector not getting much explorers after a time as more and more wars came to the core and deep core.

That changed as the world remained largely unexplored, Dw ventured out, they joined galactic society but never in a large capacity, as scouts selling their services, as dancers and smugglers. They were ones to leave things to chance taking the quicker roads away from the system.. Some finding their way into the outer rim and Asobi system meeting up with the pards of the ones who had been taken by the sisterhood.

With the Gulag plague coming to the galaxy they faced a problem, it killed them more then their own frailty could and nothing was immune to it... a curious thing but not a main concern as they didn't know the medical sciences to even think about cures. They knew how to work together and hunt, how to survive which is what they did becoming more and more isolated while trying to repopulate.

The regent of Widek, the Queen of Madness and apprentice of the One Sith rediscovered them when she began her spree across the Farlax sector. Mostly to see what worlds were there and their movements were more to get help. The One Sith were a dangerous entity that could provide some of what they needed. Either a way to be safe or a way that would endanger them. They started to move around the galaxy more carefully.
Notable Player-Characters: None
Intent: To continue to expand the Asobi system with visitors and creatures that provide a different style of play compared to others.

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