Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duyuri's Training Room

"Nothing better than a little spar! Well of course doing it for money would be better." He'd grab the Kendo stick and charge towards Duyuri. Swinging a powerful, but clumsy over hand cut at him.
Thraxis would drag the stick along the ground with great force, splashing sand into his adversary's face, hoping to blind him, then running towards him, tossing the stick to the side, readying himself to tackle [member="Duyuri"] to the ground and show him how to street fight.


Active Member
Duyuri would let out a disgruntled sigh as the only one who came at him was Cadan, from the over hand swing being sent towards him, he would bring up his own stick to parry it to the side and sending a boot towards Cadan's stomach in an attempt to send him back, Duyuri would then begin to make his way towards Flannigan and Thraxis.

"Then I'll come to you."

Once he is close enough he would immediately force his hand towards Thraxis, manipulating the force to force him back as he made his way towards Flannigan, Duyuri would then go to send a heavy swing towards his right side.
Cadan would stumbled and fall down to a kneel, dropping his kendo stick. He'd stay in his kneel position. Watching Thraxis get pushed away, and the possible threat to his Captain, he'd heave himself from the ground, pick up his kendo stick, and charge towards Duyuri. "Arrrhhhhhh!" He'd swing his kendo stick towards the back of Duyuri's legs, attempting to swoop them out from underneath him.
[member="Duyuri"] [member="Thraxis"]

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