Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duxil Rylver

[SIZE=10.5pt]Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Duxil Rylver[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Faction: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Galactic Alliance[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Rank:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Diplomat[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Species:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Pantoran[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]26[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Sex:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Cis-Female[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Height: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]1.82 metres[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Weight:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] 58 kg[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Eyes: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Hazel Yellow[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Hair:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Pink/Purple[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Skin:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Light blue[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]Force Sensitive: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]No[/SIZE]​

[SIZE=10.5pt]+ Educated- Duxil has spent a great deal of her life studying in the finest academies, learning everything there is to know from galactic affairs and politics, to proper etiquette and posture.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]+ Respectful-[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Unlike the brash mercenaries and fiendish smugglers which crowd the galaxy like rats, Duxil knows the value of treating others with respect, and courtesy. This isn’t to say she’s overly nice to everyone; but she will consider others with the dignity inherent in being sentient.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]+ Politically Dexterous: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]In short, Duxil knows how to manage herself with politics, diplomacy, and all sort of negotiations. This is a result of years of education, practice, inherent talent, and most importantly, constant study of galactic political affairs. This hasn’t been easy, considering the turmoil that possesses [/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]-Not a soldier:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Again, unlike the brash mercenaries and fiendish smugglers that crowd the galaxy, Duxil has no experience with weapons. In combat she’s as good as useless, and unless her target is an arm’s reach in front of her, she’ll probably miss with any firearm she’s handed.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]-Easily embarrassed:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Though this isn’t an orthodox ‘weakness’, being easily embarrassed is a great flaw when your profession deals with speaking and negotiating. What’s more, if she ever is embarrassed, she’ll break form, and deal with the person quite poorly.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]-Arrogant:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] In a way, despite her politeness and etiquette, Duxil thinks she’s better than other people. Maybe it’s her pristine formation as a child or resourcefulness, but she’s grown to think quite highly of herself, and lowly of those who aren’t royalty or senators. This isn’t to say she won’t treat them with respect, she’ll just be a bit more patronizing as if to get it into their ‘pretty little smuggler heads’.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]If you even closely resemble a humanoid, you would tell Duxil has pretty good looks. A suit of warm, blue skin covers a slender, but well-rounded pose, giving the impression of a woman not too used to combat, but not entirely physically weak either. But make no mistake, she doesn’t have the build of a soldier, and it definitely shows.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]She’s got a diamond shaped face, with a sharp jawline, above which rest a pair of full, purple lips, usually pursed or being chewed on due to nervousness. Further up is a small, refined little button nose, which would look pretty cute on any humanoid. And finally, the most striking feature of her face: Her eyes. They have that characteristic Pantoran yellow glow to them, and even with the rest of her body not seeming very intimidating, one glare from her is enough to unnerve most people on the negotiation table.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=10.5pt]The last feature to highlight about her physical appearance is her hair. She has cotton candy colored, very silky hair, which she’ll keep in various styles, from a simple ponytail, to a hair dress, to a pair of Leia buns. It all depends on the occasion, of course. She’s not about to attend a gala with her hair in a messy bun.[/SIZE]​

The Negotiator: Her own, personal corvette, fitted to be used as her mobile base of commands. Useful for a diplomat who spends her time roaming the galaxy.​
2. uhhh some rp where she bought her ship i honestly cant find it sorry

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