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Durn Krow

Durn Krow


NAME: Durn Krow
FACTION: Sith Empire
RANK: Apprentice
AGE: 20 (Galactic Standard Years)
HEIGHT: 5’ 9”
HAIR: None
SKIN: Blue


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
-Very honorable to the ways of the Sith as well as loyal to his superiors.
-Can use the force but is more potent to using lightsaber in combat over anything else.
-Has some marksmen skills.
-Vulnerable as any other species in the galaxy.
-Is very sensitive to seeing abandoned children as well as any mentioning or talking of his past.
-Often dislikes working with others, preferring to be a lone wolf unless accompanied by master.
Durn was born and raised by his mother (human) and father (Duros), both smugglers and traders, on one of the planets on the outskirts of Mandalorin space. Growing up his father had taught him how to use a blaster while his mother would often tell tales of the Sith, Jedi, and the war going on around them, telling her son that they both escaped from it because they wanted a better life for him. By the age of 14 his home was attacked by a Republic Troop lead by a Jedi. Durn was forced to hide while his mother and father were slain fighting off the forces.
When all settled he’d found both parents dead, among the bodies of Republic troops, and felt a great anger in him. Without fully realizing it Durn managed to levitate nearby objects, revealing his ability to wield the force. With his mind filled with confusion Durn only went back to the remains of his home, waiting for a sign or some explanation to what was happening. Both came in the next day.
A robed figure came to Durn, at first he thinking it another Jedi and using his father’s own blaster on him. When the figure managed to use a lightsaber to deflect it he realized this was not a Jedi but a Sith, indicated by the red lightsaber they carried. The Sith revealed that Durn’s mother was among the Empire’s forces along with his father, both leaving after falling in love and having Durn as their child. To fully prove this, the Sith revealed his mother’s lightsaber she’d hidden away.
Seeing his hatred for the Jedi and his ability with the force the Sith offered Durn the chance to claim his true heritage and become a Sith, to which Durn agreed. For the past few years of his life Durn has trained under his master, the same Sith who found him, and fights to prove his worth in becoming one of the greatest Sith Lords the galaxy will ever see.



ROLE-PLAYS: The First Mission...

Durn Krow

Sorry I'm having trouble getting the picture to go through ^^;. Just know it's the same as my profile picture if you need refference.
Evasion Studios
To place an image in the biography, look at the bottom row of features for this symbol
Click it and it will open up a field where you can paste a URL that ends with either .JPG .PNG .GIF or .BMP and press okay. That picture will then be displayed. If you have any other issues or need help, feel free to ask. Welcome to the board.

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