Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duking It Out


Location: Sorenno, the Outer Rim

The Zabrak looked at his new hands, the glistening metal taunting him and his wretched form. He cursed himself for his arrogance and his fool hardiness. His hands hissed and clicked mutedly as he closed them into fists and lowered them to his sides. He looked up to the endless mountain ranges that lay strewn before himself. A soft mist had overtaken them, so that only the peaks shown above the white fog. Even then, the light of the sun behind him shone into the mist, making it seem as if it glowed from within. A lesser being would've called it beauty. Salacious called it weakness. He knew true beauty lay on the battlefield. In the wounds that a warrior suffered. Even those which made him into a wretched creature. He knew this because it was only through pain that one learned. And learned he had.

Turning, the cloak which concealed his broken form moved in the light breeze, glimpses of his taloned, mechanical legs disappeared almost instantly. He had come to the world of Counts to learn even the finer points of combat. Not just his brutish strength. Precision, calculation. He now knew that even the strongest of warriors would fall if they could not employ his mind and his speed as well.

[member="Lynn Corerunner"]
As the Zabrak looked up at the mountains he would see most, but beyond that lay a temple. Within the temple were the warrior monks of Sorenno. Renown for their skills in martial arts, they were also known for a secret form that very few knew the name of and even less knew how to use it. Lynn had come to the temple, seeking to learn said form.

She sat, knelt in meditation before a shrine that had thousand candles lit. Each candle was linked to each other and when someone knelt before it and performed a true meditation, the candles would die or stay lit based on someone's burdens. Very rarely tmdid all one thousand stay lit, but usually the number was greater than 100. Lynn had been in meditation for a few days and had reached 42 candles lit. Until the candles were all out she could not proceed to the next test. She had to unburdan herself which was much more difficult than it sounded. While many could find themselves with very little burdeningredients them to the point they felt clear, there was still what laid buried below the surface. To truly unburdan yourself was to truly know own yourself and to free yourself from your chains completely.

[member="Salacious Vexx"]
The Sith found himself on a transport, a droid pilot next to him, guiding the slim craft through the mountain ranges towards a little known temple, hidden in the valleys and crevices of the noble world. Only rumors had ever told Salacious of their existence. And even still he doubted their existence. When the Sith had first boarded the transport and told the witless droid to take him to a temple in the mountain, it had simply stared at him and said "I do not recognize such a destination." Worthless tin can...However, when told to venture through the mountains and look for structures, the droid had complied. Now, but a speck in the distance, the stone structure could be seen. Salacious would acquire here the skills he lacked...or so he hoped.

[member="Lynn Corerunner"]
Lynn sat is silent reflection as she sought to unburdan herself. Her mind found that the biggest thing the burdened her was the Galaxy itself. She wanted to protect it, but the realist in her knew that no amount of fighting would bring about peace. There had to be someway to bring about peace, but she could not figure it out and thus this left her burdened.

[member="Salacious Vexx"]
Salacious strode towards the temple, the clicking of his metallic legs against stone echoing through the silent valley. Two monks knelt by the entrance, a silent vigil. As he approached the two monks both looked up, their faces hidden by the shadows cast by their cowls. "I seek the knowledge that resides within this temple."
"Few know of us. But all that seek us out search for the same as you. Few attain it."
"Few have the will to overcome the obstacles before them." the Zabrak growled. Silence followed his words. The three stood as if stone.
"A student already resides within." one of the monks said, finally breaking the silence.
"And? Are you as incompetent as to have the need for an entire temple to train a single being?" Silence followed once more. The quiet stretched on and on, until Salacious decided no answer would come from the two. Scoffing he strode forward, and entered the temple.

[member="Lynn Corerunner"]
Behind Lynn all the candles ignited at once and the little began to spin in unison. Lynn's eyes slowly opened as she began to become aware of the anger approaching. She saw a zabrak approach and her senses became on high alert. Of all places to run into a dark sider, why here? Slowly she stood walking towards the newcomer with a sense of caution, but not trying to pick a fight. Unlike usual, she only had one lightsaber on her hidden in her sleeves. Once she was face to face with the newcomer she spoke simple and politely, a simple phrase, but if her senses were right, she knew it would mean more, "Peace be with you, friend."

[member="Salacious Vexx"]
"Peace be with you friend."
'Bah...Peace...Peace is a lie.' the Zabrak thought to himself as he stopped in the threshold of the room. Light streamed in from behind him, casting his shadow long and far into the room, traveling up the wall a little. His face, disguised in shadow made no expression as he gazed at the woman.

"Who are you?" he asked, ignoring her greeting. A warrior didn't seek peace. And he was most certainly not her friend....

[member="Lynn Corerunner"]

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