Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Duel - Friendly visit to Tython anyone?

If you enjoy long walks under volcanic ash, and the occasional force axe-throwing contest this is your thread.

GA members are especially welcome. Probably private either 2 on 1 or 1 on 1 depending on who comes. Master and padawan or battle buddies welcome.

If you know of anything the GA did to heal the wounds on Tython since the mega thread, that would be very helpful to properly set the scene.

And here is the thread. I've not assumed anything much about the area yet, the temple could still be a ruin for all I (or he) knows. So if you have knowledge please pass that on, if not i'll assume the temple structure was repaired.

I've left it open for Up to two masters, or 1 master, 2 non-masters. As its tython, the heart of its birth/power I'll try to balance him to however many join to keep it interesting.
Solan Halcyon Solan Halcyon
Sounds good to me, feel free to jump in anytime you like.
Padawans to rescue. A sith ritual to stop before it starts. Hope the setup is engaging enough.

If you want a couple of npcs to distract the phantoms, stun weapons are probably best in that case. Or we can have them pair off, leaving them in the background.

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